6 research outputs found

    Tools and annotations for variation

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    Since the finishing of the Human Genome Project, many next-generation (NGS) or high-throughput sequencing platforms have emerged. One of the applications of NGS technology, variant discovery, can serve as a basis for precision medicine. Large sequencing projects are generating huge amounts of genetic variation data, which are stored in databases, either large central databases such as dbSNP, or gene- or disease-centered locus-specific databases (LSDBs). There are many variation databases with many different formats and varying quality. Apart from storage and analysis pipeline capacity problems, the interpretation of the variation is also an issue. Computational methods for predicting the effects of variants have been and are being developed, since experimental assessment of variation effects is often not feasible. Benchmark datasets are needed for the development and for performance assessment of such prediction methods.We studied quality related aspects of variant databases and benchmark datasets. The online tool called VariOtator was developed to aid in the consistent use of the Variation Ontology, which was specifically developed to describe variation. Standardization is one aspect of database quality; the use of an ontology for variant annotation will contribute to the enhancement of it.BTKbase is a locus-specific database containing information on variants in BTK, the gene involved in X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA), a primary immunodeficiency. If available, phenotypic data, i.e. the variant effects, are also provided. Statistics on variants and variation types showed that there is a wide spectrum of variants and variation types, and that the distribution of protein variants in the different BTK domains is not even.The VariSNP database containing datasets with neutral (non-pathogenic) variants was generated by selecting variants from dbSNP and filtering for variants found in the ClinVar, PhenCode and SwissProt databases. Variants in these three databases are considered to be disease-related. The VariSNP database contains 13 datasets following the functional classification of dbSNP, and is updated on a regular basis.To study the sensitivity to variation in different protein and disease groups, we predicted the pathogenicity of all possible single amino acid substitutions (SAASs) in all proteins in these groups, using the well-performing prediction method PON P2. Large differences in the proportions of harmful, benign and unknown variants were found, and distinctive patterns of SAAS types were found, both in the original and variant amino acids.Representativeness is one quality aspect of variation benchmark datasets, and relates to the representation of the space of variants and their effects. We studied the coverage and distribution of protein features, including structure (CATH) and enzyme classification (EC), Pfam domains and Gene Ontology terms, in established benchmark datasets. None of the datasets is fully representative. Coverage of the features is in general better in the larger datasets, and better in the neutral datasets. At the higher levels of the CATH and EC classifications, all datasets were unbiased, but for the lower levels and other features, all datasets were biased

    Using deep mutational scanning to benchmark variant effect predictors and identify disease mutations

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    Abstract To deal with the huge number of novel protein‐coding variants identified by genome and exome sequencing studies, many computational variant effect predictors (VEPs) have been developed. Such predictors are often trained and evaluated using different variant data sets, making a direct comparison between VEPs difficult. In this study, we use 31 previously published deep mutational scanning (DMS) experiments, which provide quantitative, independent phenotypic measurements for large numbers of single amino acid substitutions, in order to benchmark and compare 46 different VEPs. We also evaluate the ability of DMS measurements and VEPs to discriminate between pathogenic and benign missense variants. We find that DMS experiments tend to be superior to the top‐ranking predictors, demonstrating the tremendous potential of DMS for identifying novel human disease mutations. Among the VEPs, DeepSequence clearly stood out, showing both the strongest correlations with DMS data and having the best ability to predict pathogenic mutations, which is especially remarkable given that it is an unsupervised method. We further recommend SNAP2, DEOGEN2, SNPs&GO, SuSPect and REVEL based upon their performance in these analyses

    Integrating Evolutionary Genetics to Medical Genomics: Evolutionary Approaches to Investigate Disease-Causing Variants

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    In recent years, next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms that facilitate generation of a vast amount of genomic variation data have become widely used for diagnostic purposes in medicine. However, identifying the potential effects of the variations and their association with a particular disease phenotype is the main challenge in this field. Several strategies are used to discover the causative mutations among hundreds of variants of uncertain significance. Incorporating information from healthy population databases, other organisms’ databases, and computational prediction tools are evolution-based strategies that give valuable insight to interpret the variant pathogenicity. In this chapter, we first provide an overview of NGS analysis workflow. Then, we review how evolutionary principles can be integrated into the prioritization schemes of analyzed variants. Finally, we present an example of a real-life case where the use of evolutionary genetics information facilitated the discovery of disease-causing variants in medical genomics

    RefPlantNLR is a comprehensive collection of experimentally validated plant disease resistance proteins from the NLR family

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    Reference datasets are critical in computational biology. They help define canonical biological features and are essential for benchmarking studies. Here, we describe a comprehensive reference dataset of experimentally validated plant nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) immune receptors. RefPlantNLR consists of 481 NLRs from 31 genera belonging to 11 orders of flowering plants. This reference dataset has several applications. We used RefPlantNLR to determine the canonical features of functionally validated plant NLRs and to benchmark 5 NLR annotation tools. This revealed that although NLR annotation tools tend to retrieve the majority of NLRs, they frequently produce domain architectures that are inconsistent with the RefPlantNLR annotation. Guided by this analysis, we developed a new pipeline, NLRtracker, which extracts and annotates NLRs from protein or transcript files based on the core features found in the RefPlantNLR dataset. The RefPlantNLR dataset should also prove useful for guiding comparative analyses of NLRs across the wide spectrum of plant diversity and identifying understudied taxa. We hope that the RefPlantNLR resource will contribute to moving the field beyond a uniform view of NLR structure and function

    Representativeness of variation benchmark datasets

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    BACKGROUND: Benchmark datasets are essential for both method development and performance assessment. These datasets have numerous requirements, representativeness being one. In the case of variant tolerance/pathogenicity prediction, representativeness means that the dataset covers the space of variations and their effects.RESULTS: We performed the first analysis of the representativeness of variation benchmark datasets. We used statistical approaches to investigate how proteins in the benchmark datasets were representative for the entire human protein universe. We investigated the distributions of variants in chromosomes, protein structures, CATH domains and classes, Pfam protein families, Enzyme Commission (EC) classifications and Gene Ontology annotations in 24 datasets that have been used for training and testing variant tolerance prediction methods. All the datasets were available in VariBench or VariSNP databases. We tested also whether the pathogenic variant datasets contained neutral variants defined as those that have high minor allele frequency in the ExAC database. The distributions of variants over the chromosomes and proteins varied greatly between the datasets.CONCLUSIONS: None of the datasets was found to be well representative. Many of the tested datasets had quite good coverage of the different protein characteristics. Dataset size correlates to representativeness but only weakly to the performance of methods trained on them. The results imply that dataset representativeness is an important factor and should be taken into account in predictor development and testing