65 research outputs found

    FewRel: A Large-Scale Supervised Few-Shot Relation Classification Dataset with State-of-the-Art Evaluation

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    We present a Few-Shot Relation Classification Dataset (FewRel), consisting of 70, 000 sentences on 100 relations derived from Wikipedia and annotated by crowdworkers. The relation of each sentence is first recognized by distant supervision methods, and then filtered by crowdworkers. We adapt the most recent state-of-the-art few-shot learning methods for relation classification and conduct a thorough evaluation of these methods. Empirical results show that even the most competitive few-shot learning models struggle on this task, especially as compared with humans. We also show that a range of different reasoning skills are needed to solve our task. These results indicate that few-shot relation classification remains an open problem and still requires further research. Our detailed analysis points multiple directions for future research. All details and resources about the dataset and baselines are released on http://zhuhao.me/fewrel.Comment: EMNLP 2018. The first four authors contribute equally. The order is determined by dice rolling. Visit our website http://zhuhao.me/fewre

    Incorporating GAN for Negative Sampling in Knowledge Representation Learning

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    Knowledge representation learning aims at modeling knowledge graph by encoding entities and relations into a low dimensional space. Most of the traditional works for knowledge embedding need negative sampling to minimize a margin-based ranking loss. However, those works construct negative samples through a random mode, by which the samples are often too trivial to fit the model efficiently. In this paper, we propose a novel knowledge representation learning framework based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). In this GAN-based framework, we take advantage of a generator to obtain high-quality negative samples. Meanwhile, the discriminator in GAN learns the embeddings of the entities and relations in knowledge graph. Thus, we can incorporate the proposed GAN-based framework into various traditional models to improve the ability of knowledge representation learning. Experimental results show that our proposed GAN-based framework outperforms baselines on triplets classification and link prediction tasks.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 201

    Leveraging multilingual descriptions for link prediction: Initial experiments

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    In most Knowledge Graphs (KGs), textual descriptions ofentities are provided in multiple natural languages. Additional informa-tion that is not explicitly represented in the structured part of the KGmight be available in these textual descriptions. Link prediction modelswhich make use of entity descriptions usually consider only one language.However, descriptions given in multiple languages may provide comple-mentary information which should be taken into consideration for thetasks such as link prediction. In this poster paper, the benefits of mul-tilingual embeddings for incorporating multilingual entity descriptionsinto the task of link prediction in KGs are investigate

    TransNFCM: Translation-Based Neural Fashion Compatibility Modeling

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    Identifying mix-and-match relationships between fashion items is an urgent task in a fashion e-commerce recommender system. It will significantly enhance user experience and satisfaction. However, due to the challenges of inferring the rich yet complicated set of compatibility patterns in a large e-commerce corpus of fashion items, this task is still underexplored. Inspired by the recent advances in multi-relational knowledge representation learning and deep neural networks, this paper proposes a novel Translation-based Neural Fashion Compatibility Modeling (TransNFCM) framework, which jointly optimizes fashion item embeddings and category-specific complementary relations in a unified space via an end-to-end learning manner. TransNFCM places items in a unified embedding space where a category-specific relation (category-comp-category) is modeled as a vector translation operating on the embeddings of compatible items from the corresponding categories. By this way, we not only capture the specific notion of compatibility conditioned on a specific pair of complementary categories, but also preserve the global notion of compatibility. We also design a deep fashion item encoder which exploits the complementary characteristic of visual and textual features to represent the fashion products. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that uses category-specific complementary relations to model the category-aware compatibility between items in a translation-based embedding space. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of TransNFCM over the state-of-the-arts on two real-world datasets.Comment: Accepted in AAAI 2019 conferenc