705 research outputs found

    Universal Shape Replicators via Self-Assembly with Attractive and Repulsive Forces

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    We show how to design a universal shape replicator in a self- assembly system with both attractive and repulsive forces. More precisely, we show that there is a universal set of constant-size objects that, when added to any unknown holefree polyomino shape, produces an unbounded number of copies of that shape (plus constant-size garbage objects). The constant-size objects can be easily constructed from a constant number of individual tile types using a constant number of preprocessing self-assembly steps. Our construction uses the well-studied 2-Handed Assembly Model (2HAM) of tile self-assembly, in the simple model where glues interact only with identical glues, allowing glue strengths that are either positive (attractive) or negative (repulsive), and constant temperature (required glue strength for parts to hold together). We also require that the given shape has specified glue types on its surface, and that the feature size (smallest distance between nonincident edges) is bounded below by a constant. Shape replication necessarily requires a self-assembly model where parts can both attach and detach, and this construction is the first to do so using the natural model of negative/repulsive glues (also studied before for other problems such as fuel-efficient computation); previous replication constructions require more powerful global operations such as an “enzyme” that destroys a subset of the tile types.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant EFRI1240383)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1138967

    Self-Replication via Tile Self-Assembly (Extended Abstract)

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    In this paper we present a model containing modifications to the Signal-passing Tile Assembly Model (STAM), a tile-based self-assembly model whose tiles are capable of activating and deactivating glues based on the binding of other glues. These modifications consist of an extension to 3D, the ability of tiles to form "flexible" bonds that allow bound tiles to rotate relative to each other, and allowing tiles of multiple shapes within the same system. We call this new model the STAM*, and we present a series of constructions within it that are capable of self-replicating behavior. Namely, the input seed assemblies to our STAM* systems can encode either "genomes" specifying the instructions for building a target shape, or can be copies of the target shape with instructions built in. A universal tile set exists for any target shape (at scale factor 2), and from a genome assembly creates infinite copies of the genome as well as the target shape. An input target structure, on the other hand, can be "deconstructed" by the universal tile set to form a genome encoding it, which will then replicate and also initiate the growth of copies of assemblies of the target shape. Since the lengths of the genomes for these constructions are proportional to the number of points in the target shape, we also present a replicator which utilizes hierarchical self-assembly to greatly reduce the size of the genomes required. The main goals of this work are to examine minimal requirements of self-assembling systems capable of self-replicating behavior, with the aim of better understanding self-replication in nature as well as understanding the complexity of mimicking it

    Self-Assembly of Tiles: Theoretical Models, the Power of Signals, and Local Computing

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    DNA-based self-assembly is an autonomous process whereby a disordered system of DNA sequences forms an organized structure or pattern as a consequence of Watson-Crick complementarity of DNA sequences, without external direction. Here, we propose self-assembly (SA) hypergraph automata as an automata-theoretic model for patterned self-assembly. We investigate the computational power of SA-hypergraph automata and show that for every recognizable picture language, there exists an SA-hypergraph automaton that accepts this language. Conversely, we prove that for any restricted SA-hypergraph automaton, there exists a Wang Tile System, a model for recognizable picture languages, that accepts the same language. Moreover, we investigate the computational power of some variants of the Signal-passing Tile Assembly Model (STAM), as well as propose the concept of {\it Smart Tiles}, i.e., tiles with glues that can be activated or deactivated by signals, and which possess a limited amount of local computing capability. We demonstrate the potential of smart tiles to perform some robotic tasks such as replicating complex shapes

    Universal Shape Replicators via Self-Assembly with Attractive and Repulsive Forces

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    We show how to design a universal shape replicator in a self- assembly system with both attractive and repulsive forces. More precisely, we show that there is a universal set of constant-size objects that, when added to any unknown holefree polyomino shape, produces an unbounded number of copies of that shape (plus constant-size garbage objects). The constant-size objects can be easily constructed from a constant number of individual tile types using a constant number of preprocessing self-assembly steps. Our construction uses the well-studied 2-Handed Assembly Model (2HAM) of tile self-assembly, in the simple model where glues interact only with identical glues, allowing glue strengths that are either positive (attractive) or negative (repulsive), and constant temperature (required glue strength for parts to hold together). We also require that the given shape has specified glue types on its surface, and that the feature size (smallest distance between nonincident edges) is bounded below by a constant. Shape replication necessarily requires a self-assembly model where parts can both attach and detach, and this construction is the first to do so using the natural model of negative/repulsive glues (also studied before for other problems such as fuel-efficient computation); previous replication constructions require more powerful global operations such as an “enzyme” that destroys a subset of the tile types.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant EFRI1240383)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1138967

    Universal Shape Replicators via Self-Assembly with Attractive and Repulsive Forces

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    We show how to design a universal shape replicator in a self- assembly system with both attractive and repulsive forces. More precisely, we show that there is a universal set of constant-size objects that, when added to any unknown holefree polyomino shape, produces an unbounded number of copies of that shape (plus constant-size garbage objects). The constant-size objects can be easily constructed from a constant number of individual tile types using a constant number of preprocessing self-assembly steps. Our construction uses the well-studied 2-Handed Assembly Model (2HAM) of tile self-assembly, in the simple model where glues interact only with identical glues, allowing glue strengths that are either positive (attractive) or negative (repulsive), and constant temperature (required glue strength for parts to hold together). We also require that the given shape has specified glue types on its surface, and that the feature size (smallest distance between nonincident edges) is bounded below by a constant. Shape replication necessarily requires a self-assembly model where parts can both attach and detach, and this construction is the first to do so using the natural model of negative/repulsive glues (also studied before for other problems such as fuel-efficient computation); previous replication constructions require more powerful global operations such as an “enzyme” that destroys a subset of the tile types

    Randomness, information encoding, and shape replication in various models of DNA-inspired self-assembly

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    Self-assembly is the process by which simple, unorganized components autonomously combine to form larger, more complex structures. Researchers are turning to self-assembly technology for the design of ever smaller, more complex, and precise nanoscale devices, and as an emerging fundamental tool for nanotechnology. We introduce the robust random number generation problem, the problem of encoding a target string of bits in the form of a bit string pad, and the problem of shape replication in various models of tile-based self-assembly. Also included are preliminary results in each of these directions with discussion of possible future work directions

    Fractals, Randomization, Optimal Constructions, and Replication in Algorithmic Self-Assembly

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    The problem of the strict self-assembly of infinite fractals within tile self-assembly is considered. In particular, tile assembly algorithms are provided for the assembly of the discrete Sierpinski triangle and the discrete Sierpinski carpet. The robust random number generation problem in the abstract tile assembly model is introduced. First, it is shown this is possible for a robust fair coin flip within the aTAM, and that such systems guarantee a worst case O(1) space usage. This primary construction is accompanied with variants that show trade-offs in space complexity, initial seed size, temperature, tile complexity, bias, and extensibility. This work analyzes the number of tile types t, bins b, and stages necessary and sufficient to assemble n × n squares and scaled shapes in the staged tile assembly model. Further, this work shows how to design a universal shape replicator in a 2-HAM self-assembly system with both attractive and repulsive forces

    Signal Transmission Across Tile Assemblies: 3D Static Tiles Simulate Active Self-Assembly by 2D Signal-Passing Tiles

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    The 2-Handed Assembly Model (2HAM) is a tile-based self-assembly model in which, typically beginning from single tiles, arbitrarily large aggregations of static tiles combine in pairs to form structures. The Signal-passing Tile Assembly Model (STAM) is an extension of the 2HAM in which the tiles are dynamically changing components which are able to alter their binding domains as they bind together. For our first result, we demonstrate useful techniques and transformations for converting an arbitrarily complex STAM+^+ tile set into an STAM+^+ tile set where every tile has a constant, low amount of complexity, in terms of the number and types of ``signals'' they can send, with a trade off in scale factor. Using these simplifications, we prove that for each temperature τ>1\tau>1 there exists a 3D tile set in the 2HAM which is intrinsically universal for the class of all 2D STAM+^+ systems at temperature τ\tau (where the STAM+^+ does not make use of the STAM's power of glue deactivation and assembly breaking, as the tile components of the 2HAM are static and unable to change or break bonds). This means that there is a single tile set UU in the 3D 2HAM which can, for an arbitrarily complex STAM+^+ system SS, be configured with a single input configuration which causes UU to exactly simulate SS at a scale factor dependent upon SS. Furthermore, this simulation uses only two planes of the third dimension. This implies that there exists a 3D tile set at temperature 22 in the 2HAM which is intrinsically universal for the class of all 2D STAM+^+ systems at temperature 11. Moreover, we show that for each temperature τ>1\tau>1 there exists an STAM+^+ tile set which is intrinsically universal for the class of all 2D STAM+^+ systems at temperature τ\tau, including the case where τ=1\tau = 1.Comment: A condensed version of this paper will appear in a special issue of Natural Computing for papers from DNA 19. This full version contains proofs not seen in the published versio

    Contrasting Geometric Variations of Mathematical Models of Self-assembling Systems

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    Self-assembly is the process by which complex systems are formed and behave due to the interactions of relatively simple units. In this thesis, we explore multiple augmentations of well known models of self-assembly to gain a better understanding of the roles that geometry and space play in their dynamics. We begin in the abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM) with some examples and a brief survey of previous results to provide a foundation. We then introduce the Geometric Thermodynamic Binding Network model, a model that focuses on the thermodynamic stability of its systems while utilizing geometrically rigid components (dissimilar to other thermodynamic models). We show that this model is computationally universal, an ability conjectured to be impossible in similar models with non-rigid components. We continue by introducing the Flexible Tile Assembly Model, a generalization of the 2D aTAM that allows bonds between tiles to flex and assemblies to therefore reconfigure. We show how systems in this model can deterministically assemble shapes that adhere to a number of certain restrictions. Finally, we introduce the Spatial abstract Tile Assembly Model, a variation of the 3D aTAM that restricts tiles from attaching without a diffusion path. We show that this model is intrinsically universal, a property of computational models to simulate themselves which has been shown for the 3D aTAM and other similar models. We conclude this thesis with a summary of the presented results, a brief impact analysis, and potential directions for future research within this area