5 research outputs found


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    In the software development process, requirements negotiation is an essential part in which stakeholders jointly have to come to an agreement. Such a negotiation process is often conducted using information systems, which makes it an electronic requirements negotiation process. The aim of the current paper is to present the state-of-the-art in electronic requirements negotiations. We elicit the state-of-the-art by analysing relevant literature, extracting areas of current research, and describing the status quo of each area. The identified areas of research are foundations of electronic requirements negotiation, electronic requirements negotiation methodology, automation of electronic requirements negotiation, computer- mediated communication, and social communication

    Assessing the influnce of self-reported requirement importance on the perceived quality of proposed software products

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    Customer satisfaction is highly associated with product quality.The perceived quality of products serves as a driver for the loyalty of customers and also promotes high profitability, viability of products and return on investment. Therefore, understanding the importance of requirements as it is associated with the satisfaction of users or customers when their requirements are fulfilled is worth the stress considering.So many studies have been done on customer satisfaction in relation to the importance of requirements, but the correlation between customer satisfaction coefficients of the Kano model and users or customers reported requirements importance have not been sufficiently examined. In this study, an attempt is made to investigate the influence of customer reported requirements importance on the perceived quality of proposed software products. The result of the study indicates a significant relationship between the reported requirement importance and perceived quality of proposed software products. Since customer satisfaction (perceived quality) is directly related to the reported requirements importance, it is therefore essential to give adequate place to user or customer satisfying the requirements (features) all through the software development lifecycle as this enhances the products perceived quality

    Influencia de los patrones psicosociales de la organización en proyectos de software a medida

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    El primer hito al que apuntó este trabajo fue elaborar una investigación en aspectos teóricos (relevamiento) que vuelque los avances existentes más significativos en la temática: “Influencia de los patrones psicosociales de la organización en proyectos de software a medida”. El paso siguiente ha sido establecer una propuesta con un conjunto de guías y test individuales y grupales propios del ámbito de la psicología, para que los analistas e ingenieros en requerimientos puedan sopesar el grado de influencia que ejerce el Perfil Psicosocial de la Organización, antes de implementar proyectos de software. Finalmente y con el fin de contrastar y corroborar la propuesta, se presentaron un conjunto de entrevistas realizadas a psicólogos, desarrolladores de software y usuarios, para que expongan sus puntos de vista al respecto. Como corolario, se presentaron las conclusiones, discusiones finales y trabajos futuros en la temática.Facultad de Informátic

    Incorporación de la psicología social al proceso de elicitación de requerimientos de software

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    El objetivo general de la tesis fue desarrollar una herramienta de diagnóstico destinada al proceso de elicitación de requerimientos que identifique el riesgo proveniente del área sociológica y psicosocial de la Organización, y su impacto sobre el proyecto de software. Asimismo, se buscó evaluar aspectos de personalidad individual, estilos cognitivos y conducta grupal de los stakeholders que pudieren impactar sobre la implementación de proyectos de software. Adicionalmente se intentó incrementar conocimiento sobre factores psicosociales como el estrés disfuncional, los conflictos y medir su influencia en las primeras etapas de los proyectos de software. Por último, mediante encuestas y entrevistas, se corroboró la utilidad de incorporar instrumentos de la psicología social al proceso de elicitación de requerimientos, como una herramienta más de análisis.Facultad de Informátic

    Repeatable Quality Assurance Techniques for Requirements Negotiations

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    Many software projects fail because early life-cycle defects such as ill-defined requirements are not identified and removed. Therefore, quality assurance (QA) techniques for defect detection and prevention play an important role. The effectiveness and efficiency of QA approaches has been empirically evaluated. In this paper we discuss QA techniques optimized for requirements negotiations. In particular, we focus on negotiations using the EasyWinWin approach. We present (1) repeatable techniques for checking quality throughout negotiations as well as (2) role-oriented inspection techniques helping a project team to reduce unnecessary complexity and to mitigate risks stemming from defects in requirements negotiation results. We present the results of a thorough feasibility study we conducted to test our approach. Keywords. Pre-requirements, requirements negotiation, quality assurance techniques, GSS support, empirical evaluation