7 research outputs found

    The Shapley Value of Inconsistency Measures for Functional Dependencies

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    Quantifying the inconsistency of a database is motivated by various goals including reliability estimation for new datasets and progress indication in data cleaning. Another goal is to attribute to individual tuples a level of responsibility to the overall inconsistency, and thereby prioritize tuples in the explanation or inspection of dirt. Therefore, inconsistency quantification and attribution have been a subject of much research in Knowledge Representation and, more recently, in Databases. As in many other fields, a conventional responsibility sharing mechanism is the Shapley value from cooperative game theory. In this paper, we carry out a systematic investigation of the complexity of the Shapley value in common inconsistency measures for functional-dependency (FD) violations. For several measures we establish a full classification of the FD sets into tractable and intractable classes with respect to Shapley-value computation. We also study the complexity of approximation in intractable cases

    Semantic inconsistency measures using 3-valued logics

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    AI systems often need to deal with inconsistencies. One way of getting information about inconsistencies is by measuring the amount of information in the knowledgebase. In the past 20 years numerous inconsistency measures have been proposed. Many of these measures are syntactic measures, that is, they are based in some way on the minimal inconsistent subsets of the knowledgebase. Very little attention has been given to semantic inconsistency measures, that is, ones that are based on the models of the knowledgebase where the notion of a model is generalized to allow an atom to be assigned a truth value that denotes contradiction. In fact, only one nontrivial semantic inconsistency measure, the contension measure, has been in wide use. The purpose of this paper is to define a class of semantic inconsistency measures based on 3-valued logics. First, we show which 3-valued logics are useful for this purpose. Then we show that the class of semantic inconsistency measures can be developed using a graphical framework similar to the way that syntactic inconsistency measures have been studied. We give several examples of semantic inconsistency measures and show how they apply to three useful 3-valued logics. We also investigate the properties of these inconsistency measures and show their computation for several knowledgebases

    The Shapley Value of Inconsistency Measures for Functional Dependencies

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    Quantifying the inconsistency of a database is motivated by various goals including reliability estimation for new datasets and progress indication in data cleaning. Another goal is to attribute to individual tuples a level of responsibility to the overall inconsistency, and thereby prioritize tuples in the explanation or inspection of dirt. Therefore, inconsistency quantification and attribution have been a subject of much research in Knowledge Representation and, more recently, in Databases. As in many other fields, a conventional responsibility sharing mechanism is the Shapley value from cooperative game theory. In this paper, we carry out a systematic investigation of the complexity of the Shapley value in common inconsistency measures for functional-dependency (FD) violations. For several measures we establish a full classification of the FD sets into tractable and intractable classes with respect to Shapley-value computation. We also study the complexity of approximation in intractable cases

    Repair-Based Degrees of Database Inconsistency

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    We propose and investigate a concrete numerical measure of the inconsistency of a database with respect to a set of integrity constraints. It is based on a database repair semantics associated to cardinality-repairs. More specifically, it is shown that the computation of this measure can be intractable in data complexity, but answer-set programs are exhibited that can be used to compute it. Furthermore, its is established that there are polynomial-time deterministic and randomized approximations. The behavior of this measure under small updates is analyzed, obtaining fixed-parameter tractability results. We explore abstract extensions of this measure that appeal to generic classes of database repairs. Inconsistency measures and repairs at the attribute level are investigated as a particular, but relevant and natural case