2 research outputs found

    Reordering Buffer Management with a Logarithmic Guarantee in General Metric Spaces

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    In the reordering buffer management problem a sequence of requests arrive online in a finite metric space, and have to be processed by a single server. This server is equipped with a request buffer of size k and can decide at each point in time, which request from its buffer to serve next. Servicing of a request is simply done by moving the server to the location of the request. The goal is to process all requests while minimizing the total distance that the server is traveling inside the metric space. In this paper we present a deterministic algorithm for the reordering buffer management problem that achieves a competitive ratio of O(log Delta + min {log n,log k}) in a finite metric space of n points and aspect ratio Delta. This is the first algorithm that works for general metric spaces and has just a logarithmic dependency on the relevant parameters. The guarantee is memory-robust, i.e., the competitive ratio decreases only slightly when the buffer-size of the optimum is increased to h=(1+epsilon)k. For memory robust guarantees our bounds are close to optimal

    Polylogarithmic guarantees for generalized reordering buffer management

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    In the Generalized Reordering Buffer Management Problem (GRBM) a sequence of items located in a metric space arrives online, and has to be processed by a set of k servers moving within the space. In a single step the first b still unprocessed items from the sequence are accessible, and a scheduling strategy has to select an item and a server. Then the chosen item is processed by moving the chosen server to its location. The goal is to process all items while minimizing the total distance travelled by the servers. This problem was introduced in [Chan, Megow, Sitters, van Stee TCS 12] and has been subsequently studied in an online setting by [Azar, Englert, Gamzu, Kidron STACS 14]. The problem is a natural generalization of two very well-studied problems: the k-server problem for b=1 and the Reordering Buffer Management Problem (RBM) for k=1. In this paper we consider the GRBM problem on a uniform metric in the online version. We show how to obtain a competitive ratio of O(log k(log k+loglog b)) for this problem. Our result is a drastic improvement in the dependency on b compared to the previous best bound of O(√b log k), and is asymptotically optimal for constant k, because Ω(log k + loglog b) is a lower bound for GRBM on uniform metrics