1,019 research outputs found

    New algorithms for Steiner tree reoptimization

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    Reoptimization is a setting in which we are given an (near) optimal solution of a problem instance and a local modification that slightly changes the instance. The main goal is that of finding an (near) optimal solution of the modified instance. We investigate one of the most studied scenarios in reoptimization known as Steiner tree reoptimization. Steiner tree reoptimization is a collection of strongly NP-hard optimization problems that are defined on top of the classical Steiner tree problem and for which several constant-factor approximation algorithms have been designed in the last decade. In this paper we improve upon all these results by developing a novel technique that allows us to design polynomial-time approximation schemes. Remarkably, prior to this paper, no approximation algorithm better than recomputing a solution from scratch was known for the elusive scenario in which the cost of a single edge decreases. Our results are best possible since none of the problems addressed in this paper admits a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme, unless P=NP

    Reoptimization of Some Maximum Weight Induced Hereditary Subgraph Problems

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    The reoptimization issue studied in this paper can be described as follows: given an instance I of some problem Π, an optimal solution OPT for Π in I and an instance Iâ€Č resulting from a local perturbation of I that consists of insertions or removals of a small number of data, we wish to use OPT in order to solve Π in I', either optimally or by guaranteeing an approximation ratio better than that guaranteed by an ex nihilo computation and with running time better than that needed for such a computation. We use this setting in order to study weighted versions of several representatives of a broad class of problems known in the literature as maximum induced hereditary subgraph problems. The main problems studied are max independent set, max k-colorable subgraph and max split subgraph under vertex insertions and deletion
