408 research outputs found

    Independent component analysis of interictal fMRI in focal epilepsy: comparison with general linear model-based EEG-correlated fMRI

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    The general linear model (GLM) has been used to analyze simultaneous EEG–fMRI to reveal BOLD changes linked to interictal epileptic discharges (IED) identified on scalp EEG. This approach is ineffective when IED are not evident in the EEG. Data-driven fMRI analysis techniques that do not require an EEG derived model may offer a solution in these circumstances. We compared the findings of independent components analysis (ICA) and EEG-based GLM analyses of fMRI data from eight patients with focal epilepsy. Spatial ICA was used to extract independent components (IC) which were automatically classified as either BOLD-related, motion artefacts, EPI-susceptibility artefacts, large blood vessels, noise at high spatial or temporal frequency. The classifier reduced the number of candidate IC by 78%, with an average of 16 BOLD-related IC. Concordance between the ICA and GLM-derived results was assessed based on spatio-temporal criteria. In each patient, one of the IC satisfied the criteria to correspond to IED-based GLM result. The remaining IC were consistent with BOLD patterns of spontaneous brain activity and may include epileptic activity that was not evident on the scalp EEG. In conclusion, ICA of fMRI is capable of revealing areas of epileptic activity in patients with focal epilepsy and may be useful for the analysis of EEG–fMRI data in which abnormalities are not apparent on scalp EEG

    Predictability of epileptic seizures by fusion of scalp EEG and fMRI

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    The systems for prediction of epileptic seizure investigated in recent years mainly rely on the traditional nonlinear analysis of the brain signals from intracranial electroencephalograph (EEG) recordings. The overall objective of this work focuses on investigation of the predictability of seizure from the scalp signals by applying effective blind source separation (BSS) techniques to scalp EEGs, in which the epileptic seizures are considered as independent components of the scalp EEGs. The ultimate goal of the work is to pave the way for epileptic seizure prediction from the scalp EEG. The main contributions of this research are summarized as follows. Firstly, a novel constrained topographic independent component analysis (CTICA) algorithm is developed for the improved separation of the epileptic seizure signals. The related CTICA model is more suitable for brain signal separation due to the relaxation of the independence assumption, as the source signals geometrically close to each other are assumed to have some dependencies. By incorporating the spatial and frequency information of seizure signals as the constraint, CTICA achieves a better performance in separating the seizure signals in comparison with other conventional ICA methods. Secondly, the predictability of seizure is investigated. The traditional method for quantification of the nonlinear dynamics of time series is employed to quantify the level of chaos of the estimated sources. The simultaneously recorded intracranial and scalp EEGs are used for the comparison of the results. The experiment results demonstrate that the separated seizure sources have a similar transition trend as those achieved from the intracranial EEGs. Thirdly, simultaneously recorded EEG and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is studied in order to validate the activated area of the brain related to the seizure sources. An effective method to remove the fMRI scanner artifacts from the scalp EEG is established by applying the blind source extraction (BSE) algorithm. The results show that the effect of fMRI scanner artifacts has been reduced in scalp EEG recordings. Finally, a data driven model, spatial ICA (SICA) subject to EEG as the temporal constraint is proposed in order to detect the Blood Oxygen-Level Dependence (BOLD) from the seizure fMRI. In contrast to the popular model driven method General Linear Model (GLM), SICA does not rely on any predefined hemodynamic response function. It is based on the fact that brain areas executing different tasks are spatially independent. Therefore SICA works perfectly for non-event-related fMRI analysis such as seizure fMRI. By incorporating the temporal information existing within the EEG as the constraint, the superiority of the proposed constrained SICA is validated in terms of better algorithm convergence and a higher correlation between the time courses of the component and the seizure EEG signals as compared to SICA


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    Electroencephalography (EEG) data inevitably contains a large amount of noise particularly from ocular potentials in tasks with eye-movements and eye-blink, known as electrooculography (EOG) artifact, which has been a crucial issue in the braincomputer- interface (BCI) study. The eye-movements and eye-blinks have different time-frequency properties mixing together in EEGs of interest. This time-frequency characteristic has been substantially dealt with past proposed denoising algorithms relying on the consistent assumption based on the single noise component model. However, the traditional model is not simply applicable for biomedical signals consist of multiple signal components, such as weak EEG signals easily recognized as a noise because of the signal amplitude with respect to the EOG signal. In consideration of the realistic signal contamination, we newly designed the EEG-EOG signal contamination model for quantitative validations of the artifact removal from EEGs, and then proposed the two-stage wavelet shrinkage method with the undecimated wavelet decomposition (UDWT), which is suitable for the signal structure. The features of EEG-EOG signal has been extracted with existing decomposition methods known as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA) based on a consistent assumption of the orthogonality of signal vectors or statistical independence of signal components. In the viewpoint of the signal morphology such as spiking, waves and signal pattern transitions, A systematic decomposition method is proposed to identify the type of signal components or morphology on the basis of sparsity in time-frequency domain. Morphological Component Analysis (MCA) is extended the traditional concept of signal decomposition including Fourier and wavelet transforms and provided a way of reconstruction that guarantees accuracy in reconstruction by using multiple bases being independent of each other and uniqueness representation, called the concept of “dictionary”. MCA is applied to decompose the real EEG signal and clarified the best combination of dictionaries for the purpose. In this proposed semi-realistic biological signal analysis, target EEG data was prepared as mixture signals of artificial eye movements and blinks and iEEG recorded from electrodes embedded into the brain intracranially and then those signals were successfully decomposed into original types by a linear expansion of waveforms such as redundant transforms: UDWT, DCT,LDCT, DST and DIRAC. The result demonstrated that the most suitable combination for EEG data analysis was UDWT, DST and DIRAC to represent the baseline envelop, multi frequency wave forms and spiking activities individually as representative types of EEG morphologies. MCA proposed method is used in negative-going Bereitschaftspotential (BP). It is associated with the preparation and execution of voluntary movement. Thus far, the BP for simple movements involving either the upper or lower body segment has been studied. However, the BP has not yet been recorded during sit-to-stand movements, which use the upper and lower body segments. Electroencephalograms were recorded during movement. To detect the movement of the upper body segment, a gyro sensor was placed on the back, and to detect the movement of the lower body segment, an electromyogram (EMG) electrode was placed on the surface of the hamstrings and quadriceps. Our study revealed that a negative-going BP was evoked around -3 to -2 seconds before the onset of the upper body movement in the sit-to-stand movement in response to the start cue. The BP had a negative peak before the onset of the movement. The potential was followed by premotor positivity, a motor-related potential, and a reafferent potential. The BP for the sit-to-stand movement had a steeper negative slope (-0.8 to -0.001 seconds) just before the onset of the upper body movement. The slope correlated with the gyro peak and the max amplitude of hamstrings EMG. A BP negative peak value was correlated with the max amplitude of the hamstring EMG. These results suggested that the observed BP is involved in the preparation/execution for a sit-to-stand movement using the upper and lower body. In summary, this thesis is help to pave the practical approach of real time analysis of desired EEG signal of interest toward the implementation of rehabilitation device which may be used for motor disabled people. We also pointed out the EEG-EOG contamination model that helps in removal of the artifacts and explicit dictionaries are representing the EEG morphologies.九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:生工博甲第290号 学位授与年月日:平成29年3月24日1 Introduction|2 Research Background and Preliminaries|3 Introduction of Morphological Component Analysis|4 Two-Stage Undecimated Wavelet Shrinkage Method|5 Morphologically Decomposition of EEG Signals|6 Bereitschaftspotential for Rise to Stand-Up Behavior九州工業大学平成28年

    Real-Time Non-Invasive Imaging and Detection of Spreading Depolarizations through EEG: An Ultra-Light Explainable Deep Learning Approach

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    A core aim of neurocritical care is to prevent secondary brain injury. Spreading depolarizations (SDs) have been identified as an important independent cause of secondary brain injury. SDs are usually detected using invasive electrocorticography recorded at high sampling frequency. Recent pilot studies suggest a possible utility of scalp electrodes generated electroencephalogram (EEG) for non-invasive SD detection. However, noise and attenuation of EEG signals makes this detection task extremely challenging. Previous methods focus on detecting temporal power change of EEG over a fixed high-density map of scalp electrodes, which is not always clinically feasible. Having a specialized spectrogram as an input to the automatic SD detection model, this study is the first to transform SD identification problem from a detection task on a 1-D time-series wave to a task on a sequential 2-D rendered imaging. This study presented a novel ultra-light-weight multi-modal deep-learning network to fuse EEG spectrogram imaging and temporal power vectors to enhance SD identification accuracy over each single electrode, allowing flexible EEG map and paving the way for SD detection on ultra-low-density EEG with variable electrode positioning. Our proposed model has an ultra-fast processing speed (<0.3 sec). Compared to the conventional methods (2 hours), this is a huge advancement towards early SD detection and to facilitate instant brain injury prognosis. Seeing SDs with a new dimension - frequency on spectrograms, we demonstrated that such additional dimension could improve SD detection accuracy, providing preliminary evidence to support the hypothesis that SDs may show implicit features over the frequency profile

    Explainable deep learning solutions for the artifacts correction of EEG signals

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    L'attività celebrale può essere acquisita tramite elettroencefalografia (EEG) con degli elettrodi posti sullo scalpo del soggetto. Quando un segnale EEG viene acquisito si formano degli artefatti dovuti a: movimenti dei muscoli, movimenti degli occhi, attività del cuore o dovuti all'apparecchio di acquisizione stesso. Questi artefatti possono notevolmente compromettere la qualità dei segnali EEG. La rimozione di questi artefatti è fondamentale per molte discipline per ottenere un segnale pulito e poterlo utilizzare nel migli0re dei modi. Il machine learning (ML) è un esempio di tecnica che può essere utilizzata per classificare e rimuovere gli artefatti dai segnali EEG. Il deep learning (DL) è una branca del ML che è sviluppata ispirandosi all'architettura della corteccia cerebrale umana. Il DL è alla base della creazione dell'intelligenza artificiale e della costruzione di reti neurali (NN). Nella tesi applicheremo ICLabel che è una rete neurale che classifica le componenti indipendenti (IC), ottenute con la scomposizione tramite independent component analysis (ICA), in sette classi differenti: brain, eye, muscle, heart, channel noise, line noise e other. ICLabel calcola la probabilità che le ICs appartengano a ciascuna di queste sette classi. Durante questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo sviluppato una semplice rete neurale, simile a quella di ICLabel, che classifica le ICs in due classi: una contenente le ICs che corrispondono a quelli che sono i segnali base dell'attività cerebrale, l'altra invece contenente le ICs che non appartengono a questi segnali base. Abbiamo creato questa rete neurale per poter applicare poi un algoritmo di explainability (basato sulle reti neurali), chiamato GradCAM. Abbiamo, poi, comparato le performances di ICLabel e della rete neurale da noi sviluppata per vedere le differenze dal punto di vista della accuratezza e della precisione nella classificazione, come descritto nel capitolo. Abbiamo infine applicato GradCAM alla rete neurale da noi sviluppata per capire quali parti del segnale la rete usa per compiere le classificazioni, evidenziando sugli spettrogrammi delle ICs le parti più importanti del segnale. Possiamo dire poi, che come ci aspettavamo la CNN è guidata da componenti come quelle del line noise (che corrisponde alla frequenza di 50 Hz e armoniche più alte) per identificare le componenti non brain, mentre si concentra sul range da 1-30 Hz per identificare quelle brain. Anche se promettenti questi risultati vannno investigati. Inoltre GradCAM potrebbe essere applicato anche su ICLabel per spiegare la sua struttura più complessa.The brain electrical activity can be acquired via electroencephalography (EEG) with electrodes placed on the scalp of the individual. When EEG signals are recorded, signal artifacts such as muscular activities, blinking of eyes, and power line electrical noise can significantly affect the quality of the EEG signals. Machine learning (ML) techniques are an example of method used to classify and remove EEG artifacts. Deep learning is a type of ML inspired by the architecture of the cerebral cortex, that is formed by a dense network of neurons, simple processing units in our brain. In this thesis work we use ICLabel that is an artificial neural network developed by EEGLAB to automatically classify, that classifies the inidpendent component(ICs), obtained by the application of the independent component analysis (ICA), in seven classes, i.e., brain, eye, muscle, heart, channel noise, line noise, other. ICLabel provides the probability that each IC features belongs to one out of 6 artefact classes, or it is a pure brain component. We create a simple CNN similar to the ICLabel's one that classifies the EEG artifacts ICs in two classes, brain and not brain. and we added an explainability tool, i.e., GradCAM, to investigate how the algorithm is able to successfully classify the ICs. We compared the performances f our simple CNN versus those of ICLabel, finding that CNN is able to reach satisfactory accuracies (over two classes, i.e., brain/non-brain). Then we applied GradCAM to the CNN to understand what are the most important parts of the spectrogram that the network used to classify the data and we could speculate that, as expected, the CNN is driven by components such as the power line noise (50 Hz and higher harmonics) to identify non-brain components, while it focuses on the range 1-30 Hz to identify brain components. Although promising, these results need further investigations. Moreover, GradCAM could be later applied to ICLabel, too, in order to explain the more sophisticated DL model with 7 classes

    Brain Cortical Mapping by Simultaneous Recording of Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Electroencephalograms from the Whole Brain During Right Median Nerve Stimulation

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    To investigate relationships between hemodynamic responses and neural activities in the somatosensory cortices, hemodynamic responses by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and electroencephalograms (EEGs) were recorded simultaneously while subjects received electrical stimulation in the right median nerve. The statistical significance of the hemodynamic responses was evaluated by a general linear model (GLM) with the boxcar design matrix convoluted with Gaussian function. The resulting NIRS and EEGs data were stereotaxically superimposed on the reconstructed brain of each subject. The NIRS data indicated that changes in oxy-hemoglobin concentration increased at the contralateral primary somatosensory (SI) area; responses then spread to the more posterior and ipsilateral somatosensory areas. The EEG data indicated that positive somatosensory evoked potentials peaking at 22 ms latency (P22) were recorded from the contralateral SI area. Comparison of these two sets of data indicated that the distance between the dipoles of P22 and NIRS channels with maximum hemodynamic responses was less than 10 mm, and that the two topographical maps of hemodynamic responses and current source density of P22 were significantly correlated. Furthermore, when onset of the boxcar function was delayed 5–15 s (onset delay), hemodynamic responses in the bilateral parietal association cortices posterior to the SI were more strongly correlated to electrical stimulation. This suggests that GLM analysis with onset delay could reveal the temporal ordering of neural activation in the hierarchical somatosensory pathway, consistent with the neurophysiological data. The present results suggest that simultaneous NIRS and EEG recording is useful for correlating hemodynamic responses to neural activity