1,742 research outputs found

    Exploiting Deep Features for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval: A Systematic Investigation

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    Remote sensing (RS) image retrieval is of great significant for geological information mining. Over the past two decades, a large amount of research on this task has been carried out, which mainly focuses on the following three core issues: feature extraction, similarity metric and relevance feedback. Due to the complexity and multiformity of ground objects in high-resolution remote sensing (HRRS) images, there is still room for improvement in the current retrieval approaches. In this paper, we analyze the three core issues of RS image retrieval and provide a comprehensive review on existing methods. Furthermore, for the goal to advance the state-of-the-art in HRRS image retrieval, we focus on the feature extraction issue and delve how to use powerful deep representations to address this task. We conduct systematic investigation on evaluating correlative factors that may affect the performance of deep features. By optimizing each factor, we acquire remarkable retrieval results on publicly available HRRS datasets. Finally, we explain the experimental phenomenon in detail and draw conclusions according to our analysis. Our work can serve as a guiding role for the research of content-based RS image retrieval

    Impact of Feature Representation on Remote Sensing Image Retrieval

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    Remote sensing images are acquired using special platforms, sensors and are classified as aerial, multispectral and hyperspectral images. Multispectral and hyperspectral images are represented using large spectral vectors as compared to normal Red, Green, Blue (RGB) images. Hence, remote sensing image retrieval process from large archives is a challenging task.  Remote sensing image retrieval mainly consist of feature representation as first step and finding out similar images to a query image as second step. Feature representation plays important part in the performance of remote sensing image retrieval process. Research work focuses on impact of feature representation of remote sensing images on the performance of remote sensing image retrieval. This study shows that more discriminative features of remote sensing images are needed to improve performance of remote sensing image retrieval process

    Satellite image retrieval with pattern spectra descriptors

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    International audienceThe increasing volume of Earth Observation data calls for appropriate solutions in satellite image retrieval. We address this problem by considering morphological descrip-tors called pattern spectra. Such descriptors are histogram-like structures that contain the information on the distribution of predefined properties (attributes) of image components. They can be computed both at the local and global scale, and are computationally attractive. We demonstrate how they can be embedded in an image retrieval framework and report their promising performances when dealing with a standard satellite image dataset

    A Novel System for Content-Based Retrieval of Single and Multi-Label High-Dimensional Remote Sensing Images

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a novel content-based remote sensing (RS) image retrieval system that consists of the following. First, an image description method that characterizes both spatial and spectral information content of RS images. Second, a supervised retrieval method that efficiently models and exploits the sparsity of RS image descriptors. The proposed image description method characterizes the spectral content by three different novel spectral descriptors that are: raw pixel values, simple bag of spectral values and the extended bag of spectral values descriptors. To model the spatial content of RS images, we consider the well-known scale invariant feature transform-based bag of visual words approach. With the conjunction of the spatial and the spectral descriptors, RS image retrieval is achieved by a novel sparse reconstruction-based RS image retrieval method. The proposed method considers a novel measure of label likelihood in the framework of sparse reconstruction-based classifiers and generalizes the original sparse classifier to the case both single-label and multi-label RS image retrieval problems. Finally, to enhance retrieval performance, we introduce a strategy to exploit the sensitivity of the sparse reconstruction-based method to different dictionary words. Experimental results obtained on two benchmark archives show the effectiveness of the proposed system.EC/H2020/759764/EU/Accurate and Scalable Processing of Big Data in Earth Observation/BigEart

    Effective Method of Image Retrieval Using Markov Random Field with Hough Transform

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    The emergence of multimedia technology and the rapidly expanding image collections on the database have attracted significant research efforts in providing tools for effective retrieval and management of visual data. The need to find a desired image from a large collection. Image retrieval is the field of study concerned with searching and retrieving digital image from a collection of database .In real images, regions are often homogenous; neighboring pixels usually have similar properties (shape, color, texture) Markov Random Field (MRF) is a probabilistic model which captures such contextual constraints. Hough Transform method is used for detecting lines in binary images. Spatially extended patterns are transformed to produce compact features in a parameter space. The main advantages of using the HT is, it treats each edge point independently this means that the parallel processing of all points is possible which is suitable for real-time applications
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