8 research outputs found

    Estimating and examining the sensitivity of different vegetation indices to fractions of vegetation cover at different scaling Grids for Early Stage Acacia Plantation Forests Using a Fixed-Wing UAS

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    Understanding the information on land conditions and especially green vegetation cover is important for monitoring ecosystem dynamics. The fraction of vegetation cover (FVC) is a key variable that can be used to observe vegetation cover trends. Conventionally, satellite data are utilized to compute these variables, although computations in regions such as the tropics can limit the amount of available observation information due to frequent cloud coverage. Unmanned aerial systems (UASs) have become increasingly prominent in recent research and can remotely sense using the same methods as satellites but at a lower altitude. UASs are not limited by clouds and have a much higher resolution. This study utilizes a UAS to determine the emerging trends for FVC estimates at an industrial plantation site in Indonesia, which utilizes fast-growing Acacia trees that can rapidly change the land conditions. First, the UAS was utilized to collect high-resolution RGB imagery and multispectral images for the study area. The data were used to develop general land use/land cover (LULC) information for the site. Multispectral data were converted to various vegetation indices, and within the determined resolution grid (5, 10, 30 and 60 m), the fraction of each LULC type was analyzed for its correlation between the different vegetation indices (Vis). Finally, a simple empirical model was developed to estimate the FVC from the UAS data. The results show the correlation between the FVC (acacias) and different Vis ranging from R2 = 0.66–0.74, 0.76–0.8, 0.84–0.89 and 0.93–0.94 for 5, 10, 30 and 60 m grid resolutions, respectively. This study indicates that UAS-based FVC estimations can be used for observing fast-growing acacia trees at a fine scale resolution, which may assist current restoration programs in Indonesia

    Remote Estimation of Rice Yield With Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Data and Spectral Mixture Analysis

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    The accurate assessment of rice yield is crucially important for China’s food security and sustainable development. Remote sensing (RS), as an emerging technology, is expected to be useful for rice yield estimation especially at regional scales. With the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), a novel approach for RS has been provided, and it is possible to acquire high spatio-temporal resolution imagery on a regional scale. Previous reports have shown that the predictive ability of vegetation index (VI) decreased under the influence of panicle emergence during the later stages of rice growth. In this study, a new approach which integrated UAV-based VI and abundance information obtained from spectral mixture analysis (SMA) was established to improve the estimation accuracy of rice yield at heading stage. The six-band image of all studied rice plots was collected by a camera system mounted on an UAV at booting stage and heading stage respectively. And the corresponding ground measured data was also acquired at the same time. The relationship of several widely-used VIs and Rice Yield was tested at these two stages and a relatively weaker correlation between VI and yield was found at heading stage. In order to improve the estimation accuracy of rice yield at heading stage, the plot-level abundance of panicle, leaf and soil, indicating the fraction of different components within the plot, was derived from SMA on the six-band image and in situ endmember spectra collected for different components. The results showed that VI incorporated with abundance information exhibited a better predictive ability for yield than VI alone. And the product of VI and the difference of leaf abundance and panicle abundance was the most accurate index to reliably estimate yield for rice under different nitrogen treatments at heading stage with the coefficient of determination reaching 0.6 and estimation error below 10%

    Yielding to the image: how phenotyping reproductive growth can assist crop improvement and production

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    Reproductive organs are the main reason we grow and harvest most plant species as crops, yet they receive less attention from phenotyping due to their complexity and inaccessibility for analysis. This review highlights recent progress towards the quantitative high-throughput phenotyping of reproductive development, focusing on three impactful areas that are pivotal for plant breeding and crop production. First, we look at phenotyping phenology, summarizing the indirect and direct approaches that are available. This is essential for analysis of genotype by environment, and to enable effective management interpretation and agronomy and physiological interventions. Second, we look at pollen development and production, in addition to anther characteristics, these are critical points of vulnerability for yield loss when stress occurs before and during flowering, and are of particular interest for hybrid technology development. Third, we elaborate on phenotyping yield components, indirectly or directly during the season, with a numerical or growth related approach and post-harvest processing. Finally, we summarise the opportunities and challenges ahead for phenotyping reproductive growth and their feasibility and impact, with emphasis on plant breeding applications and targeted yield increases

    Remote Estimation of Vegetation Fraction and Flower Fraction in Oilseed Rape with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data

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    This study developed an approach for remote estimation of Vegetation Fraction (VF) and Flower Fraction (FF) in oilseed rape, which is a crop species with conspicuous flowers during reproduction. Canopy reflectance in green, red, red edge and NIR bands was obtained by a camera system mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) when oilseed rape was in the vegetative growth and flowering stage. The relationship of several widely-used Vegetation Indices (VI) vs. VF was tested and found to be different in different phenology stages. At the same VF when oilseed rape was flowering, canopy reflectance increased in all bands, and the tested VI decreased. Therefore, two algorithms to estimate VF were calibrated respectively, one for samples during vegetative growth and the other for samples during flowering stage. The results showed that the Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARIgreen) worked most accurately for estimating VF in flower-free samples with an Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 3.56%, while the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI2) was the best in flower-containing samples with an RMSE of 5.65%. Based on reflectance in green and NIR bands, a technique was developed to identify whether a sample contained flowers and then to choose automatically the appropriate algorithm for its VF estimation. During the flowering season, we also explored the potential of using canopy reflectance or VIs to estimate FF in oilseed rape. No significant correlation was observed between VI and FF when soil was visible in the sensor’s field of view. Reflectance at 550 nm worked well for FF estimation with coefficient of determination (R2) above 0.6. Our model was validated in oilseed rape planted under different nitrogen fertilization applications and in different phenology stages. The results showed that it was able to predict VF and FF accurately in oilseed rape with RMSE below 6%

    Remote Estimation of Vegetation Fraction and Flower Fraction in Oilseed Rape with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data

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    This study developed an approach for remote estimation of Vegetation Fraction (VF) and Flower Fraction (FF) in oilseed rape, which is a crop species with conspicuous flowers during reproduction. Canopy reflectance in green, red, red edge and NIR bands was obtained by a camera system mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) when oilseed rape was in the vegetative growth and flowering stage. The relationship of several widely-used Vegetation Indices (VI) vs. VF was tested and found to be different in different phenology stages. At the same VF when oilseed rape was flowering, canopy reflectance increased in all bands, and the tested VI decreased. Therefore, two algorithms to estimate VF were calibrated respectively, one for samples during vegetative growth and the other for samples during flowering stage. The results showed that the Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARIgreen) worked most accurately for estimating VF in flower-free samples with an Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 3.56%, while the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI2) was the best in flower-containing samples with an RMSE of 5.65%. Based on reflectance in green and NIR bands, a technique was developed to identify whether a sample contained flowers and then to choose automatically the appropriate algorithm for its VF estimation. During the flowering season, we also explored the potential of using canopy reflectance or VIs to estimate FF in oilseed rape. No significant correlation was observed between VI and FF when soil was visible in the sensor’s field of view. Reflectance at 550 nm worked well for FF estimation with coefficient of determination (R2) above 0.6. Our model was validated in oilseed rape planted under different nitrogen fertilization applications and in different phenology stages. The results showed that it was able to predict VF and FF accurately in oilseed rape with RMSE below 6%

    Examining spatiotemporal changes in the phenology of Australian mangroves using satellite imagery

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    Nicolás Younes investigated the phenology of Australian mangroves using satellite imagery, field data, and generalized additive models. He found that satellite-derived phenology changes with location, frequency of observation, and spatial resolution. Nicolás challenges the common methods for detecting phenology and proposes a data-driven approach