7 research outputs found

    Probabilistic scenario analysis of integrated road-power infrastructures with hybrid fleets of EVs and ICVs

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    Electric Vehicles (EVs) are key contributors to the reduction of CO2 emissions. However, reliance on EVs must come with the guarantee that the integrated road-power infrastructure is capable of providing adequate mobility serviceability, even in case of disruption due to accidents or disturbances due to traffic jams. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic scenario analysis framework to quantify service losses in terms of delays that vehicles (both EVs and Internal Combustion Vehicles (ICVs)) may incur due to different car accident scenarios. The framework is based on modelling the System of Systems (SoS) comprised by road network, electric power system and vehicles, with graph theory and Finite State Machines (FSMs), respectively, and then embedding the model within a probabilistic scenario analysis, wherein meaningful disruption scenarios are sampled, service losses are measured (specifically as the ratio between the increase in travel time spent along the origin-destination routes on the road network following a disruption, and the corresponding travel time in nominal traffic conditions), and the economic losses and transport reliability of the infrastructure are assessed. To exemplify the application of the framework, we consider a benchmark road-power infrastructure in New York state travelled by a mixed fleet of EVs and ICVs, with different EVs penetration levels and under car accidental scenarios of different magnitudes. By using the insightful graphical representation of the results in terms of traffic volume across different road sections, the framework allows comparing alternative road-power infrastructure designs (e.g., critical roads, optimal gas and charging station locations, power network structure and topology, ...) with respect to travel times, economic service losses and transport reliability considering different nominal and disruption scenarios under different EVs penetration levels service

    A user equilibrium-based fast-charging location model considering heterogeneous vehicles in urban networks

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    Inappropriate deployment of charging stations not only hinders the mass adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) but also increases the total system costs. This paper attempts to address the problem of identifying the optimal locations of fast-charging stations in the urban network of mixed gasoline and electric vehicles with respect to the traffic equilibrium flows and the EVs' penetration. A bi-level optimization framework is proposed in which the upper level aims to locate charging stations by minimizing the total travel time and the installation costs for charging infrastructures. On the other hand, the lower-level captures re-routing behaviours of travellers with their driving ranges. A cross-entropy approach is developed to deliver the solutions with different levels of EVs' penetration. Finally, numerical studies are performed to demonstrate the fast convergence of the proposed framework and provide insights into the impact of EVs' proportion in the network and the optimal location solution on the global system cost

    Location Design of Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities: A Path-Distance Constrained Stochastic User Equilibrium Approach

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    Location of public charging stations, range limit, and long battery-charging time inevitably affect drivers’ path choice behavior and equilibrium flows of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in a transportation network. This study investigates the effect of the location of BEVs public charging facilities on a network with mixed conventional gasoline vehicles (GVs) and BEVs. These two types of vehicles are distinguished from each other in terms of travel cost composition and distance limit. A bilevel model is developed to address this problem. In the upper level, the objective is to maximize coverage of BEV flows by locating a given number of charging stations on road segments considering budget constraints. A mixed-integer nonlinear program is proposed to formulate this model. A simple equilibrium-based heuristic algorithm is developed to obtain the solution. Finally, two numerical tests are presented to demonstrate applicability of the proposed model and feasibility and effectiveness of the solution algorithm. The results demonstrate that the equilibrium traffic flows are affected by charging speed, range limit, and charging facilities’ utility and that BEV drivers incline to choose the route with charging stations and less charging time

    Data-driven Methodologies and Applications in Urban Mobility

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    The world is urbanizing at an unprecedented rate where urbanization goes from 39% in 1980 to 58% in 2019 (World Bank, 2019). This poses more and more transportation demand and pressure on the already at or over-capacity old transport infrastructure, especially in urban areas. Along the same timeline, more data generated as a byproduct of daily activity are being collected via the advancement of the internet of things, and computers are getting more and more powerful. These are shown by the statistics such as 90% of the world’s data is generated within the last two years and IBM’s computer is now processing at the speed of 120,000 GPS points per second. Thus, this dissertation discusses the challenges and opportunities arising from the growing demand for urban mobility, particularly in cities with outdated infrastructure, and how to capitalize on the unprecedented growth in data in solving these problems by ways of data-driven transportation-specific methodologies. The dissertation identifies three primary challenges and/or opportunities, which are (1) optimally locating dynamic wireless charging to promote the adoption of electric vehicles, (2) predicting dynamic traffic state using an enormously large dataset of taxi trips, and (3) improving the ride-hailing system with carpooling, smart dispatching, and preemptive repositioning. The dissertation presents potential solutions/methodologies that have become available only recently thanks to the extraordinary growth of data and computers with explosive power, and these methodologies are (1) bi-level optimization planning frameworks for locating dynamic wireless charging facilities, (2) Traffic Graph Convolutional Network for dynamic urban traffic state estimation, and (3) Graph Matching and Reinforcement Learning for the operation and management of mixed autonomous electric taxi fleets. These methodologies are then carefully calibrated, methodically scrutinized under various performance metrics and procedures, and validated with previous research and ground truth data, which is gathered directly from the real world. In order to bridge the gap between scientific discoveries and practical applications, the three methodologies are applied to the case study of (1) Montgomery County, MD, (2) the City of New York, and (3) the City of Chicago and from which, real-world implementation are suggested. This dissertation’s contribution via the provided methodologies, along with the continual increase in data, have the potential to significantly benefit urban mobility and work toward a sustainable transportation system