2,337 research outputs found

    Suboptimality of the Karhunen-Loève transform for transform coding

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    We examine the performance of the Karhunen-Loeve transform (KLT) for transform coding applications. The KLT has long been viewed as the best available block transform for a system that orthogonally transforms a vector source, scalar quantizes the components of the transformed vector using optimal bit allocation, and then inverse transforms the vector. This paper treats fixed-rate and variable-rate transform codes of non-Gaussian sources. The fixed-rate approach uses an optimal fixed-rate scalar quantizer to describe the transform coefficients; the variable-rate approach uses a uniform scalar quantizer followed by an optimal entropy code, and each quantized component is encoded separately. Earlier work shows that for the variable-rate case there exist sources on which the KLT is not unique and the optimal quantization and coding stage matched to a "worst" KLT yields performance as much as 1.5 dB worse than the optimal quantization and coding stage matched to a "best" KLT. In this paper, we strengthen that result to show that in both the fixed-rate and the variable-rate coding frameworks there exist sources for which the performance penalty for using a "worst" KLT can be made arbitrarily large. Further, we demonstrate in both frameworks that there exist sources for which even a best KLT gives suboptimal performance. Finally, we show that even for vector sources where the KLT yields independent coefficients, the KLT can be suboptimal for fixed-rate coding

    Characteristic eddy decomposition of turbulence in a channel

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    The proper orthogonal decomposition technique (Lumley's decomposition) is applied to the turbulent flow in a channel to extract coherent structures by decomposing the velocity field into characteristic eddies with random coefficients. In the homogeneous spatial directions, a generaliztion of the shot-noise expansion is used to determine the characteristic eddies. In this expansion, the Fourier coefficients of the characteristic eddy cannot be obtained from the second-order statistics. Three different techniques are used to determine the phases of these coefficients. They are based on: (1) the bispectrum, (2) a spatial compactness requirement, and (3) a functional continuity argument. Results from these three techniques are found to be similar in most respects. The implications of these techniques and the shot-noise expansion are discussed. The dominant eddy is found to contribute as much as 76 percent to the turbulent kinetic energy. In both 2D and 3D, the characteristic eddies consist of an ejection region straddled by streamwise vortices that leave the wall in the very short streamwise distance of about 100 wall units

    Application of ensemble transform data assimilation methods for parameter estimation in reservoir modelling

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    Over the years data assimilation methods have been developed to obtain estimations of uncertain model parameters by taking into account a few observations of a model state. The most reliable methods of MCMC are computationally expensive. Sequential ensemble methods such as ensemble Kalman filers and particle filters provide a favourable alternative. However, Ensemble Kalman Filter has an assumption of Gaussianity. Ensemble Transform Particle Filter does not have this assumption and has proven to be highly beneficial for an initial condition estimation and a small number of parameter estimation in chaotic dynamical systems with non-Gaussian distributions. In this paper we employ Ensemble Transform Particle Filter (ETPF) and Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF) for parameter estimation in nonlinear problems with 1, 5, and 2500 uncertain parameters and compare them to importance sampling (IS). We prove that the updated parameters obtained by ETPF lie within the range of an initial ensemble, which is not the case for ETKF. We examine the performance of ETPF and ETKF in a twin experiment setup and observe that for a small number of uncertain parameters (1 and 5) ETPF performs comparably to ETKF in terms of the mean estimation. For a large number of uncertain parameters (2500) ETKF is robust with respect to the initial ensemble while ETPF is sensitive due to sampling error. Moreover, for the high-dimensional test problem ETPF gives an increase in the root mean square error after data assimilation is performed. This is resolved by applying distance-based localization, which however deteriorates a posterior estimation of the leading mode by largely increasing the variance. A possible remedy is instead of applying localization to use only leading modes that are well estimated by ETPF, which demands a knowledge at which mode to truncate

    Karhunen-Loeve representation of stochastic ocean waves

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    A new stochastic representation of a seastate is developed based on the Karhunen–Loeve spectral decomposition of stochastic signals and the use of Slepian prolate spheroidal wave functions with a tunable bandwidth parameter. The new representation allows the description of stochastic ocean waves in terms of a few independent sources of uncertainty when the traditional representation of a seastate in terms of Fourier series requires an order of magnitude more independent components. The new representation leads to parsimonious stochastic models of the ambient wave kinematics and of the nonlinear loads and responses of ships and offshore platforms. The use of the new representation is discussed for the derivation of critical wave episodes, the derivation of up-crossing rates of nonlinear loads and responses and the joint stochastic representation of correlated wave and wind profiles for use in the design of fixed or floating offshore wind turbines. The forecasting is also discussed of wave elevation records and vessel responses for use in energy yield enhancement of compliant floating wind turbines.ALSTOM (Firm)Ente nazionale per l'energia elettricab_TE

    Data compression in remote sensing applications

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    A survey of current data compression techniques which are being used to reduce the amount of data in remote sensing applications is provided. The survey aspect is far from complete, reflecting the substantial activity in this area. The purpose of the survey is more to exemplify the different approaches being taken rather than to provide an exhaustive list of the various proposed approaches

    Orthogonal transform feasibility study

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    The application of various orthogonal transformations to communication was investigated, with particular emphasis placed on speech and visual signal processing. The fundamentals of the one- and two-dimensional orthogonal transforms and their application to speech and visual signals are treated in detail

    The Large Deviation Principle and Steady-state Fluctuation Theorem for the Entropy Production Rate of a Stochastic Process in Magnetic Fields

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    Fluctuation theorem is one of the major achievements in the field of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics during the past two decades. Steady-state fluctuation theorem of sample entropy production rate in terms of large deviation principle for diffusion processes have not been rigorously proved yet due to technical difficulties. Here we give a proof for the steady-state fluctuation theorem of a diffusion process in magnetic fields, with explicit expressions of the free energy function and rate function. The proof is based on the Karhunen-Lo\'{e}ve expansion of complex-valued Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
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