14,785 research outputs found

    Generalizations of entanglement based on coherent states and convex sets

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    Unentangled pure states on a bipartite system are exactly the coherent states with respect to the group of local transformations. What aspects of the study of entanglement are applicable to generalized coherent states? Conversely, what can be learned about entanglement from the well-studied theory of coherent states? With these questions in mind, we characterize unentangled pure states as extremal states when considered as linear functionals on the local Lie algebra. As a result, a relativized notion of purity emerges, showing that there is a close relationship between purity, coherence and (non-)entanglement. To a large extent, these concepts can be defined and studied in the even more general setting of convex cones of states. Based on the idea that entanglement is relative, we suggest considering these notions in the context of partially ordered families of Lie algebras or convex cones, such as those that arise naturally for multipartite systems. The study of entanglement includes notions of local operations and, for information-theoretic purposes, entanglement measures and ways of scaling systems to enable asymptotic developments. We propose ways in which these may be generalized to the Lie-algebraic setting, and to a lesser extent to the convex-cones setting. One of our original motivations for this program is to understand the role of entanglement-like concepts in condensed matter. We discuss how our work provides tools for analyzing the correlations involved in quantum phase transitions and other aspects of condensed-matter systems.Comment: 37 page

    Relative commutant pictures of Roe algebras

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    Let X be a proper metric space, which has finite asymptotic dimension in the sense of Gromov (or more generally, straight finite decomposition complexity of Dranishnikov and Zarichnyi). New descriptions are provided of the Roe algebra of X: (i) it consists exactly of operators which essentially commute with diagonal operators coming from Higson functions (that is, functions on X whose oscillation tends to 0 at infinity) and (ii) it consists exactly of quasi-local operators, that is, ones which have finite epsilon propogation (in the sense of Roe) for every epsilon>0. These descriptions hold both for the usual Roe algebra and for the uniform Roe algebra.Comment: 35 pages. Minor changes. To appear in Comm. Math. Phy

    Separation of Variables and the Computation of Fourier Transforms on Finite Groups, II

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    We present a general diagrammatic approach to the construction of efficient algorithms for computing the Fourier transform of a function on a finite group. By extending work which connects Bratteli diagrams to the construction of Fast Fourier Transform algorithms %\cite{sovi}, we make explicit use of the path algebra connection to the construction of Gel'fand-Tsetlin bases and work in the setting of quivers. We relate this framework to the construction of a {\em configuration space} derived from a Bratteli diagram. In this setting the complexity of an algorithm for computing a Fourier transform reduces to the calculation of the dimension of the associated configuration space. Our methods give improved upper bounds for computing the Fourier transform for the general linear groups over finite fields, the classical Weyl groups, and homogeneous spaces of finite groups, while also recovering the best known algorithms for the symmetric group and compact Lie groups.Comment: 53 pages, 5 appendices, 34 figure

    A Multidimensional Szemer\'edi Theorem in the primes

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    Let AA be a subset of positive relative upper density of \PP^d, the dd-tuples of primes. We prove that AA contains an affine copy of any finite set F\subs\Z^d, which provides a natural multi-dimensional extension of the theorem of Green and Tao on the existence of long arithmetic progressions in the primes. The proof uses the hypergraph approach by assigning a pseudo-random weight system to the pattern FF on a d+1d+1-partite hypergraph; a novel feature being that the hypergraph is no longer uniform with weights attached to lower dimensional edges. Then, instead of using a transference principle, we proceed by extending the proof of the so-called hypergraph removal lemma to our settings, relying only on the linear forms condition of Green and Tao

    There is no finite-variable equational axiomatization of representable relation algebras over weakly representable relation algebras

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    We prove that any equational basis that defines RRA over wRRA must contain infinitely many variables. The proof uses a construction of arbitrarily large finite weakly representable but not representable relation algebras whose "small" subalgebras are representable.Comment: To appear in Review of Symbolic Logi

    Graph isomorphism and volumes of convex bodies

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    We show that a nontrivial graph isomorphism problem of two undirected graphs, and more generally, the permutation similarity of two given n×nn\times n matrices, is equivalent to equalities of volumes of the induced three convex bounded polytopes intersected with a given sequence of balls, centered at the origin with radii ti(0,n1)t_i\in (0,\sqrt{n-1}), where {ti}\{t_i\} is an increasing sequence converging to n1\sqrt{n-1}. These polytopes are characterized by n2n^2 inequalities in at most n2n^2 variables. The existence of fpras for computing volumes of convex bodies gives rise to a semi-frpas of order O(n14)O^*(n^{14}) at most to find if given two undirected graphs are isomorphic.Comment: 9 page