14,455 research outputs found

    Relationship between quality of control and quality of service in mobile robot navigation

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-28765-7_67This article presents the experimental work developed to test the viability and to measure the efficiency of an intelligent control distributed architecture. To do this, a simulated navigation scenario of Braitenberg vehicles has been developed. To test the efficiency, the architecture uses the performance as QoS parameter. The measuring of the quality of the navigation is done through the ITAE QoC parameter. Tested scenarios are: an environment without QoS and QoC man-aging, an environment with a relevant message filtering and an environment with a predictive filtering by the type of control. The results obtained show that some of the processing performed in the control nodes can be moved to the middleware to optimize the robot navigation.The work described in this article is a part of the coordinated project SIDIRELI: (Distributed Systems with Limited Resources) and COBAMI (Mission-Based Control) Education and Science Department, Spanish Government and European FEDER found. MICINN CICYT: SIDIRELI: DPI2008-06737-C02-01/02, COBAMI: DPI2011-28507-C02-02.Poza-Lujan, J.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.; Simó Ten, JE. (2012). Relationship between quality of control and quality of service in mobile robot navigation. En Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence: 9th International Conference. Springer. 557-564. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-28765-7_67S557564Vogel, A., Kerherve, B., von Bochmann, G., Gecsei, J.: Distributed Multimedia and QoS: A Survey. IEEE Multimedia 2(2), 10–19 (1995)Crawley, E., Nair, R., Rajagopalan, B.: RFC 2386: A Framework for QoS-based Routing in the Internet. IETF Internet Draft, 1–37 (1998)Bradner, S.: RFC 2026: The Internet Standards Process. IETF Internet Draft, sec.10 (1996)Object Management Group (OMG): Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems, v1.1. Document formal (April 12, 2005)Poza, J.L., Posadas, J.L., Simó, J.E.: QoS-based middleware architecture for distributed control systems. In: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. DCAI, Salamanca, Spain (2008)Poza, J.L., Posadas, J.L., Simó, J.E.: A Survey on Quality of Service Support on Middleware-Based Distributed Messaging Systems Used in Multi Agent Systems. In: 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. DCAI, Salamanca, Spain (2011)Dorf, R.C., Bishop, R.H.: Modern Control Systems, 11th edn. Prentice Hall (2008)Soucek, S., Sauter, T.: Quality of Service Concerns in IPBased Control Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 51(6) (December 2004)Poza, J.L., Posadas, J.L., Simó, J.E.: Multi-Agent Architecture with Support to Quality of Service and Quality of Control. In: 11th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, Paisley, UK (2010)Braitenberg, V.: Vehicles: Experiments on Synthetic Psychology. MIT Press, Cambridge (1984)Gabel, O., Litz, L.: QoS-adaptive Control in NCS with Variable Delays and Packet Losses – A Heuristic Approach. In: 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (2004)Poza, J.L., Posadas, J.L., Simó, J.E.: From the Queue to the Quality of Service Policy: A Middleware Implementation. In: Omatu, S., Rocha, M.P., Bravo, J., Fernández, F., Corchado, E., Bustillo, A., Corchado, J.M. (eds.) IWANN 2009, Part II. LNCS, vol. 5518, pp. 432–437. Springer, Heidelberg (2009

    Event Management Proposal for Distribution Data Service Standard

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00551-5_32This paper presents a proposal to extend the event management subsystem of the Distribution Data Service standard (DDS). The proposal allows user to optimize the use of DDS in networked control systems (NCS). DDS offers a simple event management system based on message filtering. The aim of the proposal is to improve the event management with three main elements: Events, Conditions and Actions. Actions are the new element proposed. Actions perform basic operations in the middleware, discharging the process load of control elements. The proposal is fully compatible with the standard and can be easily added to an existing system. Proposal has been tested in a distributed mobile robot navigation system with interesting results.The study described in this paper is a part of the coordinated project COBAMI: Mission-based Hierarchical Control. Education and Science Department, Spanish Government. CICYT: MICINN: DP1201 1-28507-C02-01/02.Poza-Lujan, J.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.; Simó Ten, JE. (2013). Event Management Proposal for Distribution Data Service Standard. En Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. Springer. 259-266. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00551-5_32S259266Sánchez, J., Guarnes, M.Á., Dormido, S.: On the Application of Different Event-Based Sampling Strategies to the Control of a Simple Industrial Process. Sensors 9, 6795–6818 (2009)Sandee, J.H., Heemels, W.P.M.H., van den Bosch, P.P.J.: Case Studies in Event-Driven Control. In: Bemporad, A., Bicchi, A., Buttazzo, G. (eds.) HSCC 2007. LNCS, vol. 4416, pp. 762–765. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)Hadim, S., Nader, M.: Middleware Challenges and Approaches for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 7(3) (2006)Pardo-Castellote, G.: OMG Data-Distribution Service: architectural overview. In: Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, Providence, USA, vol. 19-22, pp. 200–206 (2003)Object Management Group. Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems Version 1.2 (2007), http://www.omg.org/Dorf, R.C., Bishop, R.H.: Modern Control Systems, 11th edn. Prentice Hall (2008)Poza-Luján, J., Posadas-Yagüe, J., Simó-Ten, J.: Quality of Service and Quality of Control Based Protocol to Distribute Agents. In: DCAI, pp. 73–80 (2010)Waldbusser, S.: RFC 2819 - Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base. Network Working Group. Lucent Technologies (2000)Poza-Luján, J., Posadas-Yagüe, J., Simó-Ten, J.: Relationship between Quality of Control and Quality of Service in Mobile Robot Navigation. In: DCAI, pp. 557–564 (2012)K-Team Corporation. Khepera III robot, http://www.k-team.comBraitenberg, V.: Vehicles: Experiments on Synthetic Psychology. MIT Press, Cambridge (1984)Poza-Luján, J.: Propuesta de arquitectura distribuida de control inteligente basada en políticas de calidad de servicio. Universitat Politècnica de València Press (2012

    Integration of Mobile Robot Navigation on a Control Kernel Middleware based system

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-07593-8_55This paper introduces how a mobile robot can perform navigation tasks by taking the advantages of implementing a control kernel middleware (CKM) based system. Smart resources are also included into the topology of the system for improving the distribution of computational load of the needed tasks. The CKM and the smart resources are both highly recon gurable, even on execution time, and they also implement.lt detection mechanisms and QoS policies. By combining of these capabilities, the system can be dinamically adapted to the requirements of its tasks. Furthermore, this solution is suitable for most type of robots, including those which are provided of a low computational power because of the distribution of load, the bene ts of exploiting the smart resources capabilities, and the dynamic performance of the system.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the CICYT project Mission Based Control (COBAMI): DPI2011-28507-002-02.Munera Sánchez, E.; Muñoz Alcobendas, M.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.; Poza-Lujan, J.; Blanes Noguera, F. (2014). Integration of Mobile Robot Navigation on a Control Kernel Middleware based system. En Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 11th International Conference. Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 290. 477-484. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-07593-8_55S477484Rock (Robot Constrution Toolkit), http://www.rock-robotics.org/Albertos, P., Crespo, A., Simó, J.: Control kernel: A key concept in embedded control systems. In: 4th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (2006)Bruyninckx, H., Soetens, P., Koninckx, B.: The Real-Time Motion Control Core of the Orocos Project. In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 2766–2771 (2003)De Souza, G.N., Kak, A.C.: Vision for mobile robot navigation: A survey. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 24(2), 237–267 (2002)Fitzpatrick, P., Metta, G., Natale, L.: Towards long-lived robot genes. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (2008)Mohamed, N., Al-Jaroodi, J., Jawhar, I.: Middleware for robotics: A survey. In: 2008 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, pp. 736–742. IEEE (2008)Montemerlo, M., Roy, N., Thrun, S.: Perspectives on standardization in mobile robot programming: The carnegie mellon navigation (carmen) toolkit. In: Proceedings of 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2003), vol. 3, pp. 2436–2441. IEEE (2003)Muñoz, M., Munera, E., Blanes, J.F., Simo, J.E., Benet, G.: Event driven middleware for distributed system control. XXXIV Jornadas de Automatica, 8 (2013)Muñoz, M., Munera, E., Blanes, J.F., Simó, J.E.: A hierarchical hybrid architecture for mission-oriented robot control. In: Armada, M.A., Sanfeliu, A., Ferre, M. (eds.) First Iberian Robotics Conference of ROBOT 2013. AISC, vol. 252, pp. 363–380. Springer, Heidelberg (2014)Sánchez, E.M., Alcobendas, M.M., Noguera, J.F.B., Gilabert, G.B., Ten, J.E.S.: A reliability-based particle filter for humanoid robot self-localization in RoboCup Standard Platform League. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 13(11), 14954–14983 (2013)Poza-Luján, J.-L., Posadas-Yagüe, J.-L., Simó-Ten, J.-E.: Relationship between Quality of Control and Quality of Service in Mobile Robot Navigation. In: Omatu, S., De Paz Santana, J.F., González, S.R., Molina, J.M., Bernardos, A.M., Rodríguez, J.M.C. (eds.) Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. AISC, vol. 151, pp. 557–564. Springer, Heidelberg (2012)Proetzsch, M., Luksch, T., Berns, K.: Development of complex robotic systems using the behavior-based control architecture iB2C. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 58(1), 46–67 (2010)Quigley, M., Conley, K., Gerkey, B., Faust, J., Foote, T., Leibs, J., Wheeler, R., Ng, A.Y.: Ros: An open-source robot operating system. In: ICRA Workshop on Open Source Software, vol. 3 (2009)Roy, N., Burgard, W., Fox, D., Thrun, S.: Coastal navigation-mobile robot navigation with uncertainty in dynamic environments. In: Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 1, pp. 35–40. IEEE (1999)Nicolau, V., Muñoz, M., Simó, J.: KertrolBot Platform: SiDiReLi: Distributed System with Limited Resources. Technical report, Institute of Control Systems and Industrial Computing - Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain (2011

    URBANO: A Tour-Guide Robot Learning to Make Better Speeches

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    —Thanks to the numerous attempts that are being made to develop autonomous robots, increasingly intelligent and cognitive skills are allowed. This paper proposes an automatic presentation generator for a robot guide, which is considered one more cognitive skill. The presentations are made up of groups of paragraphs. The selection of the best paragraphs is based on a semantic understanding of the characteristics of the paragraphs, on the restrictions defined for the presentation and by the quality criteria appropriate for a public presentation. This work is part of the ROBONAUTA project of the Intelligent Control Research Group at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid to create "awareness" in a robot guide. The software developed in the project has been verified on the tour-guide robot Urbano. The most important aspect of this proposal is that the design uses learning as the means to optimize the quality of the presentations. To achieve this goal, the system has to perform the optimized decision making, in different phases. The modeling of the quality index of the presentation is made using fuzzy logic and it represents the beliefs of the robot about what is good, bad, or indifferent about a presentation. This fuzzy system is used to select the most appropriate group of paragraphs for a presentation. The beliefs of the robot continue to evolving in order to coincide with the opinions of the public. It uses a genetic algorithm for the evolution of the rules. With this tool, the tour guide-robot shows the presentation, which satisfies the objectives and restrictions, and automatically it identifies the best paragraphs in order to find the most suitable set of contents for every public profil

    Workshop sensing a changing world : proceedings workshop November 19-21, 2008

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