12 research outputs found

    Strong knowledge extractors for public-key encryption schemes

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    Completely non-malleable encryption schemes resist attacks which allow an adversary to tamper with both ciphertexts and public keys. In this paper we introduce two extractor-based properties that allow us to gain insight into the design of such schemes and to go beyond known feasibility results in this area. We formalise strong plaintext awareness and secret key awareness and prove their suitability in realising these goals. Strong plaintext awareness imposes that it is infeasible to construct a ciphertext under any public key without knowing the underlying message. Secret key awareness requires it to be infeasible to produce a new public key without knowing a corresponding secret key.The authors were funded in part by eCrypt II (EU FP7 - ICT-2007-216646) and FCT project PTDC/EIA/71362/2006. The second author was also funded by FCT grant BPD-47924-2008

    Relations among notions of complete non-malleability: indistinguishability characterisation and efficient construction without random oracles

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    We study relations among various notions of complete non-malleability, where an adversary can tamper with both ciphertexts and public-keys, and ciphertext indistinguishability. We follow the pattern of relations previously established for standard non-malleability. To this end, we propose a more convenient and conceptually simpler indistinguishability-based security model to analyse completely non-malleable schemes. Our model is based on strong decryption oracles, which provide decryptions under arbitrarily chosen public keys. We give the first precise definition of a strong decryption oracle, pointing out the subtleties in different approaches that can be taken. We construct the first efficient scheme, which is fully secure against strong chosen-ciphertext attacks, and therefore completely non-malleable, without random oracles.The authors were funded in part by eCrypt II (EU FP7 - ICT-2007-216646) and FCT project PTDC/EIA/71362/2006. The second author was also funded by FCT grant BPD-47924-2008

    Naor-Yung paradigm with shared randomness and applications

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    The Naor-Yung paradigm (Naor and Yung, STOC’90) allows to generically boost security under chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) to security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA) for public-key encryption (PKE) schemes. The main idea is to encrypt the plaintext twice (under independent public keys), and to append a non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof that the two ciphertexts indeed encrypt the same message. Later work by Camenisch, Chandran, and Shoup (Eurocrypt’09) and Naor and Segev (Crypto’09 and SIAM J. Comput.’12) established that the very same techniques can also be used in the settings of key-dependent message (KDM) and key-leakage attacks (respectively). In this paper we study the conditions under which the two ciphertexts in the Naor-Yung construction can share the same random coins. We find that this is possible, provided that the underlying PKE scheme meets an additional simple property. The motivation for re-using the same random coins is that this allows to design much more efficient NIZK proofs. We showcase such an improvement in the random oracle model, under standard complexity assumptions including Decisional Diffie-Hellman, Quadratic Residuosity, and Subset Sum. The length of the resulting ciphertexts is reduced by 50%, yielding truly efficient PKE schemes achieving CCA security under KDM and key-leakage attacks. As an additional contribution, we design the first PKE scheme whose CPA security under KDM attacks can be directly reduced to (low-density instances of) the Subset Sum assumption. The scheme supports keydependent messages computed via any affine function of the secret ke

    Non-malleable encryption: simpler, shorter, stronger

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    In a seminal paper, Dolev et al. [15] introduced the notion of non-malleable encryption (NM-CPA). This notion is very intriguing since it suffices for many applications of chosen-ciphertext secure encryption (IND-CCA), and, yet, can be generically built from semantically secure (IND-CPA) encryption, as was shown in the seminal works by Pass et al. [29] and by Choi et al. [9], the latter of which provided a black-box construction. In this paper we investigate three questions related to NM-CPA security: 1. Can the rate of the construction by Choi et al. of NM-CPA from IND-CPA be improved? 2. Is it possible to achieve multi-bit NM-CPA security more efficiently from a single-bit NM-CPA scheme than from IND-CPA? 3. Is there a notion stronger than NM-CPA that has natural applications and can be achieved from IND-CPA security? We answer all three questions in the positive. First, we improve the rate in the scheme of Choi et al. by a factor O(λ), where λ is the security parameter. Still, encrypting a message of size O(λ) would require ciphertext and keys of size O(λ2) times that of the IND-CPA scheme, even in our improved scheme. Therefore, we show a more efficient domain extension technique for building a λ-bit NM-CPA scheme from a single-bit NM-CPA scheme with keys and ciphertext of size O(λ) times that of the NM-CPA one-bit scheme. To achieve our goal, we define and construct a novel type of continuous non-malleable code (NMC), called secret-state NMC, as we show that standard continuous NMCs are not enough for the natural “encode-then-encrypt-bit-by-bit” approach to work. Finally, we introduce a new security notion for public-key encryption that we dub non-malleability under (chosen-ciphertext) self-destruct attacks (NM-SDA). After showing that NM-SDA is a strict strengthening of NM-CPA and allows for more applications, we nevertheless show that both of our results—(faster) construction from IND-CPA and domain extension from one-bit scheme—also hold for our stronger NM-SDA security. In particular, the notions of IND-CPA, NM-CPA, and NM-SDA security are all equivalent, lying (plausibly, strictly?) below IND-CCA securit

    ZeroAuction: Zero-Deposit Sealed-bid Auction via Delayed Execution

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    Auctions, a long-standing method of trading goods and services, are a promising use case for decentralized finance. However, due to the inherent transparency property of blockchains, current sealed-bid auction implementations on smart contracts requires a bidder to send at least two transactions to the underlying blockchain: a bidder must first commit their bid in the first transaction during the bidding period and reveal their bid in the second transaction once the revealing period starts. In addition, the smart contract often requires a deposit to incentivize bidders to reveal their bids, rendering unnecessary financial burdens and risks to bidders. We address these drawbacks by enforcing delayed execution in the blockchain execution layer to all transactions. In short, the blockchain only accepts encrypted transactions, and when the blockchain has finalized an encrypted transaction, the consensus group decrypts and executes it. This architecture enables ZeroAuction, a sealed-bid auction smart contract with zero deposit requirement. ZeroAuction relies on the blockchain enhanced with delayed execution to hide and bind the bids within the encrypted transactions and, after a delay period, reveals them automatically by decrypting and executing the transactions. Because a bidder only needs to interact with the blockchain once instead of two times to participate in the auction, ZeroAuction significantly reduces the latency overhead along with eliminating the deposit requirement

    Separations among formulations of non-malleable encryption under valid ciphertext condition

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    Non-malleability is one of the basic security goals for encryption schemes which ensures the resistance of the scheme against ciphertext modifications in the sense that any adversary, given a ciphertext of a plaintext, cannot generate another ciphertext whose underlying plaintext is meaningfully related to the initial one. There are multiple formulations of non-malleable encryption schemes, depending on whether they are based on simulation or comparison, or whether they impose valid ciphertext condition, in which an adversary is required to generate only valid ciphertexts, or not. In addition to the simulation-based and comparison-based formulations (SNM and CNM), non-malleability has an indistinguishability-based characterization called ciphertext indistinguishability (IND) against parallel chosen-ciphertext attacks. These three formulations, SNM, CNM and IND, have been shown to be equivalent if the valid ciphertext condition is not imposed; however, if that condition is imposed, then the equivalence among them has been shown only against the strongest type of attack models, and the relations among them against the weaker types of the attack models remain open. This work answers this open question by showing the separations SNM*↛\not\rightarrowCNM* and IND*↛\not\rightarrowSNM* against the weaker types of the attack models, where the asterisk attached to the short-hand notations represents that the valid ciphertext condition is imposed. Moreover, motivated by the proof of the latter separation, this paper introduces simulation-based and comparison-based formulations of semantic security (SSS* and CSS*) against parallel chosen-ciphertext attacks, and shows the equivalences SSS*↔\leftrightarrowSNM* and CSS*↔\leftrightarrowCNM* against all types of the attack models. It thus follows that IND*↛\not\rightarrowSSS*, that is, semantic security and ciphertext indistinguishability, which have been shown to be equivalent in various settings, separate against the weaker parallel chosen-ciphertext attacks under the valid ciphertext condition

    Non-malleability under Selective Opening Attacks: Implication and Separation

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    We formalize the security notions of non-malleability under selective opening attacks (NM-SO security) in two approaches: the indistinguishability-based approach and the simulationbased approach. We explore the relations between NM-SO security notions and the known selective opening security notions, and the relations between NM-SO security notions and the standard non-malleability notions

    Constructing and Understanding Chosen Ciphertext Security via Puncturable Key Encapsulation Mechanisms

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    In this paper, we introduce and study a new cryptographic primitive that we call puncturable key encapsulation mechanism (PKEM), which is a special class of KEMs that satisfy some functional and security requirements that, combined together, imply chosen ciphertext security (CCA security). The purpose of introducing this primitive is to capture certain common patterns in the security proofs of the several existing CCA secure public key encryption (PKE) schemes and KEMs based on general cryptographic primitives which (explicitly or implicitly) use the ideas and techniques of the Dolev-Dwork-Naor (DDN) construction (STOC\u2791), and break down the proofs into smaller steps, so that each small step is easier to work with/verify/understand than directly tackling CCA security. To see the usefulness of PKEM, we show (1) how several existing constructions of CCA secure PKE/KEM constructed based on general cryptographic primitives can be captured as a PKEM, which enables us to understand these constructions via a unified framework, (2) its connection to detectable CCA security (Hohenberger et al. EUROCRYPT\u2712), and (3) a new security proof for a KEM-analogue of the DDN construction from a set of assumptions: sender non-committing encryption (SNCE) and non-interactive witness indistinguishable proofs. Then, as our main technical result, we show how to construct a PKEM satisfying our requirements (and thus a CCA secure KEM) from a new set of general cryptographic primitives: SNCE and symmetric key encryption secure for key-dependent messages (KDM secure SKE). Our construction realizes the decrypt-then-re-encrypt -style validity check of a ciphertext which is powerful but in general has a problem of the circularity between a plaintext and a randomness.We show how SNCE and KDM secure SKE can be used together to overcome the circularity. We believe that the connection among three seemingly unrelated notions of encryption primitives, i.e. CCA security, the sender non-committing property, and KDM security, to be of theoretical interest

    Privately Constrained Testable Pseudorandom Functions

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    Privately Constrained Pseudorandom Functions allow a PRF key to be delegated to some evaluator in a constrained manner, such that the key’s functionality is restricted with respect to some secret predicate. Variants of Privately Constrained Pseudorandom Func- tions have been applied to rich applications such as Broadcast Encryption, and Secret-key Functional Encryption. Recently, this primitive has also been instantiated from standard assumptions. We extend its functionality to a new tool we call Privately Constrained Testable Pseudorandom functions. For any predicate C, the holder of a secret key sk can produce a delegatable key constrained on C denoted as sk[C]. Evaluations on inputs x produced using the constrained key differ from unconstrained evaluations with respect to the result of C(x). Given an output y evaluated using sk[C], the holder of the unconstrained key sk can verify whether the input x used to produce y satisfied the predicate C. That is, given y, they learn whether C(x) = 1 without needing to evaluate the predicate themselves, and without requiring the original input x. We define two inequivalent security models for this new primitive, a stronger indistinguishability- based definition, and a weaker simulation-based definition. Under the indistinguishability- based definition, we show the new primitive implies Designated-Verifier Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments for NP in a black-box manner. Under the simulation-based definition, we construct a provably secure instantiation of the primitive from lattice as- sumptions. We leave the study of the gap between definitions, and discovering techniques to reconcile it as future work