18 research outputs found

    Generating Presentation Constraints from Rhetorical Structure

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    Hypermedia structured in terms of the higher-level intent of its author can be adapted to a wider variety of final presentations. Many multimedia systems encode such high-level intent as constraints on either time, spatial layout or navigation. Once specified, these constraints are translated into specific presentations whose timelines, screen displays and navigational structure satisfy these constraints. This ensures that the desired spatial, temporal and navigation properties are maintained no matter how the presentation is adapted to varying circumstances. Rhetorical structure defines author intent at a still higher level. Authoring at this level requires that rhetorics can be translated to final presentations that properly reflect them. This paper explores how rhetorical structure can be translated into constraints, which are then translated into final presentations. This enables authoring in terms of rhetorics and provides the assurance that the rhetorics will remain properly conveyed in all presentation adaptation

    Hypermedia and the semantic web: a research agenda

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    Until recently, the Semantic Web was little more than a name for the next generation Web infrastructure as envisioned by its inventor, Tim Berners-Lee. Now, with the introduction of XML and RDF, and new developments such as RDF Schema and DAML+OIL, the Semantic Web is rapidly taking shape. In this paper, we first give an overview of the state-of-the-art in Semantic Web technology, the key relationships with traditional hypermedia research, and a comprehensive reference list to various sets of literature (Hypertext, Web and Semantic Web). The core of the paper presents a research agenda b


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    Hypertext is one of those neat ideas in computing that periodically burst upon the scene, quickly demonstrating their usefulness and gaining widespread acceptance. As interesting, useful and exciting as hypertext is, the concept has certain problems and limitations, many of which are widely recognized. In this paper we describe what we call basic hypertext and we present a logic model for it. Basic hypertext should be thought of as a rigorously-presented approximation of first-generation hypertext concepts. Following our discussion of basic hypertext, we present our concept of generalized hypertext, which is aimed at overcoming certain of the limitations of basic hypertext and which we have implemented in a DSS shell called Max. We then present a logic model for browsing in generalized hypertext.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    On the Logic of Generalized Hypertext

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    Hypertext is one of those neat ideas in computing that periodically burst upon the scene, quickly demonstrating their usefulness and gaining widespread acceptance. As interesting, useful and exciting as hypertext is, the concept has certain problems and limitations, many of which are widely recognized. In this paper we describe what we call basic hypertext and we present a logic model for it. Basic hypertext should be thought of as a rigorously-presented approximation of first-generation hypertext concepts. Following our discussion of basic hypertext, we present our concept of generalized hypertext, which is aimed at overcoming certain of the limitations of basic hypertext and which we have implemented in a DSS shell called Max. We then present a logic model for browsing in generalized hypertext

    The look of the link - concepts for the user interface of extended hyperlinks

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    Hipertexto no jornalismo: uma proposta de caracterização do hipertexto jornalístico // Hypertext in jornalism: a proposal to characterize journalistic hypertext

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    Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de aplicação da Teoria do Hipertexto (LANDOW, 1987, 1995, 1997, 2009), com base na literatura, ao campo do jornalismo. Essa proposta surgiu da identificação de adequação dessa Teoria aos estudos de jornalismo digital, a partir da análise feita de produtos jornalísticos digitais. Com forte inspiração na Teoria do Hipertexto, nossa proposta defini como características do hipertexto jornalístico a tipologia dos links, a multivocalidade e a estrutura de navegação. A intenção com este trabalho é contribuir para os estudos das especificidades das narrativas jornalísticas hipermídia. Abstract: This article aims to present a proposal of application of Hypertext Theory (LANDOW, 1987, 1995, 1997, 2009), based on the literature, to the field of Journalism . This proposal arose from the identification of adequacy of this Theory to the studies of digital journalism, from the analysis made of digital journalistic products. With a strong inspiration in the Hypertext Theory, our proposal defines the characteristics of journalistic hypertext as the type of links, the multivocality and the navigation structure. The intention with this paper is to contribute to the studies of the specificities of hypermedia journalistic narratives


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    Hypertext is one of those neat ideas in computing that periodically burst upon the scene, quickly demonstrating their usefulness and gaining widespread acceptance. As interesting, useful and exciting as hypertext is, the concept has certain problems and limitations, many of which are widely recognized. In this paper we describe what we call basic hypertext and we present a logic model for it. Basic hypertext should be thought of as a rigorously-presented approximation of first-generation hypertext concepts. Following our discussion of basic hypertext, we present our concept of generalized hypertext, which is aimed at overcoming certain of the limitations of basic hypertext and which we have implemented in a DSS shell called Max. We then present a logic model for browsing in generalized hypertext.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Hypermedia for prototyping and system integration in information systems development.

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    This thesis investigates information systems development with special regard to the area of Geographical Information Systems. It addresses the area through the investigation of the software life-cycle development model and its augmentation by the use of prototyping. Observations are made on empirical experiments conducted to assess the usefulness of the new techniques of hypertext and hypermedia and their suitability within this field of study. This investigation is complemented by a case study, the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Authority. The Norfolk and Suffolk Broads are designated by statute with similar status to the National Parks of Great Britain, and are managed by the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Authority. Through cooperation with the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Authority, a prototype information system was created. This system makes use of geographical data from the Broads Authority. The development stages of this system were used to conduct experiments for this thesis. The tools and techniques used for the development of this system are described. These include a hypertext tool called FIELD (Fully Integrated Environment for Layered Development) which has been especially designed for the complete storage of all information for each stage throughout this development. The use of this tool and hypertext for the development of the geographically based information system for the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Authority are discussed