1,163 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Rely-guarantee Calculus

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    Jones' rely-guarantee calculus for shared variable concurrency is extended to include probabilistic behaviours. We use an algebraic approach which combines and adapts probabilistic Kleene algebras with concurrent Kleene algebra. Soundness of the algebra is shown relative to a general probabilistic event structure semantics. The main contribution of this paper is a collection of rely-guarantee rules built on top of that semantics. In particular, we show how to obtain bounds on probabilities by deriving rely-guarantee rules within the true-concurrent denotational semantics. The use of these rules is illustrated by a detailed verification of a simple probabilistic concurrent program: a faulty Eratosthenes sieve.Comment: Preprint submitted to TCS-QAP

    Flexible refinement

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    To help make refinement more usable in practice we introduce a general, flexible model of refinement. This is defined in terms of what contexts an entity can appear in, and what observations can be made of it in those contexts. Our general model is expressed in terms of an operational semantics, and by exploiting the well-known isomorphism between state-based relational semantics and event-based labelled transition semantics we were able to take particular models from both the state- and event-based literature, reflect on them and gradually evolve our general model. We are also able to view our general model both as a testing semantics and as a logical theory with refinement as implication. Our general model can used as a bridge between different particular special models and using this bridge we compare the definition of determinism found in different special models. We do this because the reduction of nondeterminism underpins many definitions of refinement found in a variety of special models. To our surprise we find that the definition of determinism commonly used in the process algebra literature to be at odds with determinism as defined in other special models. In order to rectify this situation we return to the intuitions expressed by Milner in CCS and by formalising these intuitions we are able to define determinism in process algebra in such a way that it no longer at odds with the definitions we have taken from other special models. Using our abstract definition of determinism we are able to construct a new model, interactive branching programs, that is an implementable subset of process algebra. Later in the chapter we show explicitly how five special models, taken from the literature, are instances of our general model. This is done simply by fixing the sets of contexts and observations involved. Next we define vertical refinement on our general model. Vertical refinement can be seen both as a generalisation of what, in the literature, has been called action refinement or non-atomic refinement. Alternatively, by viewing a layer as a logical theory, vertical refinement is a theory morphism, formalised as a Galois connection. By constructing a vertical refinement between broadcast processes and interactive branching programs we can see how interactive branching programs can be implemented on a platform providing broadcast communication. But we have been unable to extend this theory morphism to implement all of process algebra using broadcast communication. Upon investigation we show the problem arises with the examples that caused the problem with the definition of determinism on process algebra. Finally we illustrate the usefulness of our flexible general model by formally developing a single entity that contains events that use handshake communication and events that use broadcast communication

    Well structured program equivalence is highly undecidable

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    We show that strict deterministic propositional dynamic logic with intersection is highly undecidable, solving a problem in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. In fact we show something quite a bit stronger. We introduce the construction of program equivalence, which returns the value T\mathsf{T} precisely when two given programs are equivalent on halting computations. We show that virtually any variant of propositional dynamic logic has Π11\Pi_1^1-hard validity problem if it can express even just the equivalence of well-structured programs with the empty program \texttt{skip}. We also show, in these cases, that the set of propositional statements valid over finite models is not recursively enumerable, so there is not even an axiomatisation for finitely valid propositions.Comment: 8 page

    Nondeterministic Relational Semantics of a while Program

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    A relational semantics is a mapping of programs to relations. We consider that the input-output semantics of a program is given by a relation on its set of states; in a nondeterministic context, this relation is calculated by considering the worst behavior of the program (demonic relational semantics). In this paper, we concentrate on while loops. Calculating the relational abstraction (semantics) of a loop is difficult, but showing the correctness of any candidate abstraction is much easier. For functional programs, Mills has described a checking method known as the while statement verification rule. A programming theorem for iterative constructs is proposed, proved, demonstrated and applied for an example. This theorem can be considered as a generalization of the while statement verification to nondeterministic loops.&nbsp

    Demonic fixed points

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    We deal with a relational model for the demonic semantics of programs. The demonic semantics of a while loop is given as a fixed point of a function involving the demonic operators. This motivates us to investigate the fixed points of these functions. We give the expression of the greatest fixed point with respect to the demonic ordering (demonic inclusion) of the semantic function. We prove that this greatest fixed coincides with the least fixed point with respect to the usual ordering (angelic inclusion) of the same function. This is followed by an example of application

    Concurrent Kleene Algebra with Tests and Branching Automata

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    We introduce concurrent Kleene algebra with tests (CKAT) as a combination of Kleene algebra with tests (KAT) of Kozen and Smith with concurrent Kleene algebras (CKA), introduced by Hoare, Möller, Struth and Wehrman. CKAT provides a relatively simple algebraic model for reasoning about semantics of concurrent programs. We generalize guarded strings to guarded series-parallel strings , or gsp-strings, to give a concrete language model for CKAT. Combining nondeterministic guarded automata of Kozen with branching automata of Lodaya and Weil one obtains a model for processing gsp-strings in parallel. To ensure that the model satisfies the weak exchange law (x‖y)(z‖w)≀(xz)‖(yw) of CKA, we make use of the subsumption order of Gischer on the gsp-strings. We also define deterministic branching automata and investigate their relation to (nondeterministic) branching automata. To express basic concurrent algorithms, we define concurrent deterministic flowchart schemas and relate them to branching automata and to concurrent Kleene algebras with tests

    Formal change impact analyses for emulated control software

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    Processor emulators are a software tool for allowing legacy computer programs to be executed on a modern processor. In the past emulators have been used in trivial applications such as maintenance of video games. Now, however, processor emulation is being applied to safety-critical control systems, including military avionics. These applications demand utmost guarantees of correctness, but no verification techniques exist for proving that an emulated system preserves the original system’s functional and timing properties. Here we show how this can be done by combining concepts previously used for reasoning about real-time program compilation, coupled with an understanding of the new and old software architectures. In particular, we show how both the old and new systems can be given a common semantics, thus allowing their behaviours to be compared directly
