3 research outputs found

    Emergent realities for social wellbeing : environmental, spatial and social pathways

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    A book published by the Department of Criminology, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta focusing on environmental, spatial and social fathways for social wellbeing.peer-reviewe

    Law | Environment | Africa

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    Law | Environment | Africa compiles the proceedings of the 5th Symposium and the 4th Scientific Conference of the Association of Environmental Law Lecturers from African Universities (ASSELLAU) in cooperation with the Climate Policy and Energy Security Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa run by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The boo

    Pathways to spatial cognition : a multi-domain approach SpatialTrain I

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    “Opening a window into the future is not an easy task. Attempting to open one in a generation after the initial launching step might seemed either idealistic, naïve or with hindsight plain driven” (Formosa, 2017, p35). The drive to introduce Spatial Information integration across the Maltese Islands was an ideal, one that brought in technology, methodologies and results. However, as in the classic GIS evolution through the decades pointers on what constitutes a spatial information system were the subject of extensive debate Initially this was driven by the Push – Pull factor where entities using the primitive systems were being pushed by the availability of a mapping system and provision of base maps and hence creating data to fit the system. Initiated in the 1960s through military use, porting the processes to the physical and urban domains in the 1980s and 1990s, further takeup was made in the environmental domains in the 1990s to 2000s and eventually to the social domain in the 2000 to 2010s. Jumping through the decades, the global explosion of GIS and Spatial awareness as well as software, methods and integrative constructs morphed GIS into an availability that made it all possible, particularly through online and web-enabled GIS. This Pull – Push factor caused entities and private organisations to finally break through by creating their own data and then going for the mapping systems that fit their needs, systems that have evolved beyond recognition, both in the proprietary and open-source/open-access arenas. [Excerpt from the Introduction by Prof. Saviour Formosa]peer-reviewe