319 research outputs found

    Avoiding disclosure of individually identifiable health information: a literature review

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    Achieving data and information dissemination without arming anyone is a central task of any entity in charge of collecting data. In this article, the authors examine the literature on data and statistical confidentiality. Rather than comparing the theoretical properties of specific methods, they emphasize the main themes that emerge from the ongoing discussion among scientists regarding how best to achieve the appropriate balance between data protection, data utility, and data dissemination. They cover the literature on de-identification and reidentification methods with emphasis on health care data. The authors also discuss the benefits and limitations for the most common access methods. Although there is abundant theoretical and empirical research, their review reveals lack of consensus on fundamental questions for empirical practice: How to assess disclosure risk, how to choose among disclosure methods, how to assess reidentification risk, and how to measure utility loss.public use files, disclosure avoidance, reidentification, de-identification, data utility

    Balancing Access to Data And Privacy. A review of the issues and approaches for the future

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    Access to sensitive micro data should be provided using remote access data enclaves. These enclaves should be built to facilitate the productive, high-quality usage of microdata. In other words, they should support a collaborative environment that facilitates the development and exchange of knowledge about data among data producers and consumers. The experience of the physical and life sciences has shown that it is possible to develop a research community and a knowledge infrastructure around both research questions and the different types of data necessary to answer policy questions. In sum, establishing a virtual organization approach would provided the research community with the ability to move away from individual, or artisan, science, towards the more generally accepted community based approach. Enclave should include a number of features: metadata documentation capacity so that knowledge about data can be shared; capacity to add data so that the data infrastructure can be augmented; communication capacity, such as wikis, blogs and discussion groups so that knowledge about the data can be deepened and incentives for information sharing so that a community of practice can be built. The opportunity to transform micro-data based research through such a organizational infrastructure could potentially be as far-reaching as the changes that have taken place in the biological and astronomical sciences. It is, however, an open research question how such an organization should be established: whether the approach should be centralized or decentralized. Similarly, it is an open research question as to the appropriate metrics of success, and the best incentives to put in place to achieve success.Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, Organizing Microeconomic Data

    Anonymization and Risk

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    Perfect anonymization of data sets that contain personal information has failed. But the process of protecting data subjects in shared information remains integral to privacy practice and policy. While the deidentification debate has been vigorous and productive, there is no clear direction for policy. As a result, the law has been slow to adapt a holistic approach to protecting data subjects when data sets are released to others. Currently, the law is focused on whether an individual can be identified within a given set. We argue that the best way to move data release policy past the alleged failures of anonymization is to focus on the process of minimizing risk of reidentification and sensitive attribute disclosure, not preventing harm. Process-based data release policy, which resembles the law of data security, will help us move past the limitations of focusing on whether data sets have been “anonymized.” It draws upon different tactics to protect the privacy of data subjects, including accurate deidentification rhetoric, contracts prohibiting reidentification and sensitive attribute disclosure, data enclaves, and query-based strategies to match required protections with the level of risk. By focusing on process, data release policy can better balance privacy and utility where nearly all data exchanges carry some risk

    AAPOR Report on Big Data

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    In recent years we have seen an increase in the amount of statistics in society describing different phenomena based on so called Big Data. The term Big Data is used for a variety of data as explained in the report, many of them characterized not just by their large volume, but also by their variety and velocity, the organic way in which they are created, and the new types of processes needed to analyze them and make inference from them. The change in the nature of the new types of data, their availability, the way in which they are collected, and disseminated are fundamental. The change constitutes a paradigm shift for survey research.There is a great potential in Big Data but there are some fundamental challenges that have to be resolved before its full potential can be realized. In this report we give examples of different types of Big Data and their potential for survey research. We also describe the Big Data process and discuss its main challenges

    Confidentiality Protection in the 2020 US Census of Population and Housing

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    In an era where external data and computational capabilities far exceed statistical agencies' own resources and capabilities, they face the renewed challenge of protecting the confidentiality of underlying microdata when publishing statistics in very granular form and ensuring that these granular data are used for statistical purposes only. Conventional statistical disclosure limitation methods are too fragile to address this new challenge. This article discusses the deployment of a differential privacy framework for the 2020 US Census that was customized to protect confidentiality, particularly the most detailed geographic and demographic categories, and deliver controlled accuracy across the full geographic hierarchy.Comment: Version 2 corrects a few transcription errors in Tables 2, 3 and 5. Version 3 adds final journal copy edits to the preprin

    Reidentification and k-anonymity: A model for disclosure risk in graphs

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    In this article we provide a formal framework for reidentification in general. We define n-confusion as a concept for modeling the anonymity of a database table and we prove that n-confusion is a generalization of k-anonymity. After a short survey on the different available definitions of k-anonymity for graphs we provide a new definition for k-anonymous graph, which we consider to be the correct definition. We provide a description of the k-anonymous graphs, both for the regular and the non-regular case. We also introduce the more flexible concept of (k, l)-anonymous graph. Our definition of (k, l)-anonymous graph is meant to replace a previous definition of (k, l)-anonymous graph, which we here prove to have severe weaknesses. Finally, we provide a set of algorithms for k-anonymization of graphs. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.Partial support by the Spanish MEC projects ARES (CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 CSD2007-00004), eAEGIS (TSI2007-65406-C03-02), COPRIVACY (TIN2011-27076-C03-03), and RIPUP (TIN2009-11689) is acknowledged. One author is partially supported by the FPU grant (BOEs 17/11/2009 and 11/10/2010) and by the Government of Catalonia under grant 2009 SGR 1135Peer Reviewe

    What the Surprising Failure of Data Anonymization Means for Law and Policy

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    Paul Ohm is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Colorado Law School. He writes in the areas of information privacy, computer crime law, intellectual property, and criminal procedure. Through his scholarship and outreach, Professor Ohm is leading efforts to build new interdisciplinary bridges between law and computer science. Before becoming a law professor, Professor Ohm served as a federal prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice in the computer crimes unit. Before law school, he worked as a computer programmer and network systems administrator

    Reconsidering Anonymization-Related Concepts and the Term "Identification" Against the Backdrop of the European Legal Framework

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    Sharing data in biomedical contexts has become increasingly relevant, but privacy concerns set constraints for free sharing of individual-level data. Data protection law protects only data relating to an identifiable individual, whereas "anonymous" data are free to be used by everybody. Usage of many terms related to anonymization is often not consistent among different domains such as statistics and law. The crucial term "identification" seems especially hard to define, since its definition presupposes the existence of identifying characteristics, leading to some circularity. In this article, we present a discussion of important terms based on a legal perspective that it is outlined before we present issues related to the usage of terms such as unique "identifiers," "quasi-identifiers," and "sensitive attributes." Based on these terms, we have tried to circumvent a circular definition for the term "identification" by making two decisions: first, deciding which (natural) identifier should stand for the individual; second, deciding how to recognize the individual. In addition, we provide an overview of anonymization techniques/methods for preventing re-identification. The discussion of basic notions related to anonymization shows that there is some work to be done in order to achieve a mutual understanding between legal and technical experts concerning some of these notions. Using a dialectical definition process in order to merge technical and legal perspectives on terms seems important for enhancing mutual understanding
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