5 research outputs found

    Experimental studies on kinematics and kinetics of walking with an assistive knee brace

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    Assistive knee brace is a species of wearable lower extremity exoskeletons. Such assistive equipment can enhance people's strength and provide desired locomotion to have advantages over wheelchairs, which are commonly used for patients with mobility disorders. However, the integration between the assistive knee brace and the user is challenging as inaccurate alignments may adversely affect the biomechanics of the knee joint. The goal of this study is to evaluate the changes between normal walking and walking with an assistive knee brace in "off" mode. The assistive knee brace was developed by integrating a multifunctional actuator with a custom-made knee-ankle-foot orthosis in order to minimize excessive shifting and to improve alignment to the knee joint. Spatial and temporal gait parameters, joint kinematics and joint kinetics parameters were compared. In general, the observed results showed that most of the gait parameters were not affected when walking with the knee brace. The only significant differences were found in knee flexion and knee rotational motions. These results indicated that walking with the developed knee brace provided minimal hindrance to the user and assured that assistive torque can be applied to the knee joint

    Finite Element Studies of Colloidal Mixtures Influenced by Electric Fields

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    A further understanding of colloidal mixture behavior under applied electric fields would greatly benefit the design of smart material systems such as electrorheological fluidic devices and microfluidic reconfigurable antennas. This thesis presents a finite element analysis of colloidal mixture electrokinetic behavior. Computations of particle forces as a function of applied frequency and particle shape were performed. An effective medium property method was also studied. Fluidic and electric forces were obtained with various applied excitation frequencies throughout three locations in a coplanar microelectrode domain. This domain consists of two 50 nanometers thick gold electrodes separated by a 30 micrometers gap. The three locations are 1.2 micrometers, 40 micrometers, and 90 micrometers from the gap center. Total force vectors were computed by integrating Maxwell and Cauchy stress tensors to determine whether the particles are pushed toward or away from the electrode gap at frequencies of 10 Hz, 1 kHz, and 100 kHz. It was determined that particles were pushed outside the gap at median frequencies of 1kHz (indicating ac electroosmotic force domination) and began to be pushed back toward the gap at higher frequencies of 100 kHz (indicating dielectrophoretic force intensification). Particle shape effects were examined by calculating the electrical interparticle force between two particles at various incidences with respect to a uniform electric field. Particle attraction occurs when the line between the particle centers is aligned with the electric field; repulsion occurs when this center line is perpendicular. The incidence angle at which the particles switch from attraction to repulsion is defined as 胃cr. The aspect ratio and particle edge separation distances used in this study were 1, 5,12.92 and 0.25 micrometers, 0.50 micrometers, 2.0 micrometers, respectively. The results indicate that higher aspect ratio particles tend to have smaller 胃cr values and larger interparticle force magnitudes for given separation distances. Finally, effective dielectric constant simulations utilizing periodic crystalline arrangements of colloidal structure were performed. The results show good agreement with the Maxwell Garnett mixing rule at volume fractions above 30 percent. Less canonical structures of cubic particles were also modeled

    Tunable shear thickening in suspensions.

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    Shear thickening, an increase of viscosity with shear rate, is a ubiquitous phenomenon in suspended materials that has implications for broad technological applications. Controlling this thickening behavior remains a major challenge and has led to empirical strategies ranging from altering the particle surfaces and shape to modifying the solvent properties. However, none of these methods allows for tuning of flow properties during shear itself. Here, we demonstrate that by strategic imposition of a high-frequency and low-amplitude shear perturbation orthogonal to the primary shearing flow, we can largely eradicate shear thickening. The orthogonal shear effectively becomes a regulator for controlling thickening in the suspension, allowing the viscosity to be reduced by up to 2 decades on demand. In a separate setup, we show that such effects can be induced by simply agitating the sample transversely to the primary shear direction. Overall, the ability of in situ manipulation of shear thickening paves a route toward creating materials whose mechanical properties can be controlled.I.C. and N.Y.C.L. gratefully acknowledge the Weitz Laboratory at Harvard University, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences for generous use of their rheometry facility. I.C. and N.Y.C.L. were supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) CBET-PMP Award 1232666 and continued support from NSF CBET-PMP Award 1509308. C.N. and J.S. acknowledge funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), EP/N025318/1. M.E.C. is supported by the Royal Society and EPSRC Grant EP/J007404. This work also made use of the Cornell Center for Materials Research Shared Facilities, which are supported through the NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers Program (DMR-1120296).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the National Academy of Sciences via http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.160834811

    Comparison of DC Motors and Dielectric Elastomer Actuators For Wearable Wrist Exoskeletons

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    Paralysis or loss of strength resulting from stroke requires patients to undergo extensive rehabilitation therapy. It is known that intensive therapy contributes significantly to recovery, but as the number of surviving stroke patients increases, it is difficult for clinics to provide patients with the optimal level of therapy. Robotic devices for wrist rehabilitation have been developed to lessen these problems, but at the moment they are physically large and must be used within a clinical setting. More benefit could be obtained if the devices were portable, so that they could be used by the patients on a daily basis. To reduce the size of these devices, other means of actuation need to be considered, as currently DC motors and the required transmission are too large and heavy. Dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs) may provide a solution to the actuation problem. The focus of this thesis was to compare DC motors with DEAs for use in a wearable wrist exoskeleton to assist with stroke rehabilitation. A simple setup of the forearm, wrist, and hand was developed for testing DC motors and DEAs. For testing the DC motors, kinematic and dynamic models of the arm were created to develop an inverse dynamics controller used to control the movement of the hand. DEAs were fabricated and tested to determine their capabilities in terms of force and range of motion. Based on the data collected, an electromechanical model was optimized to characterize the behavior of the DEAs. The results show that a single DEA strip is not capable of providing the force or range of motion required for a wearable wrist exoskeleton. Future work can be done to improve DEA design so that they may actuate a wearable wrist exoskeleton or could also be considered for use in other wearable rehabilitation devices

    Disseny mec脿nic d鈥檜na ortesi activa per a lesionats medul路lars a partir de l鈥檃n脿lisi din脿mica de la marxa humana

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    Premi al millor Projecte de Fi de Carrera presentat durant l'any 2013 en l'脿mbit de Mec脿nica que atorga la C脌TEDRA ALSTOMEn aquest projecte es presenta el disseny mec脿nic d鈥檜na ortesi activa tipus SCKAFO (Stance Control Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis) pensada per assistir la marxa de lesionats medul路lars incomplets, amb una classificaci贸 C o D segons ASIA (American Spinal Injunry Associaton). Per comprendre el mecanisme seguit per les persones al caminar, s鈥檌nclou una breu explicaci贸 sobre la biomec脿nica de la marxa humana. Tamb茅 es descriuen quines s贸n les mancances dels lesionats medul路lars que es poden beneficiar de la tecnologia dissenyada. A m茅s, es realitza una recerca bibliogr脿fica sobre l鈥檈stat de l鈥檃rt de les ortesis i de l鈥檃n脿lisi de la marxa, aspecte fonamental per al disseny de dispositius exosquel猫tics. Per a la realitzaci贸 del disseny cal con猫ixer les especificacions mec脿niques, que s贸n els esfor莽os articulars que realitza una persona sana quan camina. Per a tal fi, es fa una an脿lisi din脿mica de la marxa humana. Coneixent la cinem脿tica i les forces de contacte amb el terra d鈥檜n subjecte sa caminant, es resol un problema de din脿mica inversa. S鈥檜tilitzen les equacions de Lagrange amb multiplicadors per trobar els esfor莽os desitjats. Les dades de moviment i de for莽a necess脿ries per a l鈥檃n脿lisi s鈥檕btenen a partir d鈥檜na captura realitzada al laboratori de biomec脿nica de l鈥橢TSEIB. Al llarg del projecte es fa una explicaci贸 de la metodologia seguida per fer la captura i es presenten i discuteixen els resultats obtinguts, tant a nivell cinem脿tic com a nivell din脿mic. Un cop es coneixen les especificacions, es realitza el disseny mec脿nic del dispositiu sota la hip貌tesi que els esfor莽os necessaris per a la marxa assistida d鈥檜n lesionat s贸n aproximadament els mateixos que els necessaris per a la marxa d鈥檜n subjecte sa (Kao et al., 2010). L鈥檕rtesi es dissenya seguint les recomanacions d鈥檜n metge i un t猫cnic ortopeda. El resultat 茅s una ortesi que actua de forma passiva, amb una molla, sobre el turmell i de forma activa sobre el genoll. L鈥檃ctuaci贸 sobre el genoll es realitza amb un motor el猫ctric i un reductor -col路locats en paral路lel a la cuixa per tal d鈥檈stalviar espai- durant la fase de balanceig i amb un sistema de bloqueig comercial durant la fase de recolzament. El funcionament es troba automatitzat gr脿cies a un sistema de control. Finalment, es fa una an脿lisi de viabilitat del projecte per al cas que es vengu茅s l鈥檕rtesi durant 7 anys a l鈥檈stat espanyol i que la seva producci贸 fos seriada. Aquesta an脿lisi d贸na per suposada la viabilitat t猫cnica de la soluci贸 per la que s鈥檋a optat i estudia la viabilitat a nivell social, econ貌mic i ambiental. A nivell social, es fa una hip貌tesi dels clients que es tindran a partir de dades estad铆stiques de lesionats medul路lars. A nivell ambiental, es justifica un 煤s racional dels recursos i s鈥檈xplica breument quin seria el proc茅s a seguir per tractar els residus. A nivell econ貌mic, es realitza un estudi de la viabilitat de comercialitzaci贸 del producte i es d贸na una estimaci贸 del preu de vendaAward-winnin