138 research outputs found

    Speaker recognition by means of Deep Belief Networks

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    Most state-of-the-art speaker recognition systems are based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs), where a speech segment is represented by a compact representation, referred to as "identity vector" (ivector for short), extracted by means of Factor Analysis. The main advantage of this representation is that the problem of intersession variability is deferred to a second stage, dealing with low-dimensional vectors rather than with the high-dimensional space of the GMM means. In this paper, we propose to use as a pseudo-ivector extractor a Deep Belief Network (DBN) architecture, trained with the utterances of several hundred speakers. In this approach, the DBN performs a non-linear transformation of the input features, which produces the probability that an output unit is on, given the input features. We model the distribution of the output units, given an utterance, by a reduced set of parameters that embed the speaker characteristics. Tested on the dataset exploited for training the systems that have been used for the NIST 2012 Speaker Recognition Evaluation, this approach shows promising result

    Speaker recognition by means of Deep Belief Networks

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    Most state–of–the–art speaker recognition systems are based on Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs), where a speech segment is represented by a compact representation, referred to as “identity vector” (ivector for short), extracted by means of Factor Analysis. The main advantage of this representation is that the problem of intersession variability is deferred to a second stage, dealing with low-dimensional vectors rather than with the high-dimensional space of the GMM means. In this paper, we propose to use as a pseudo-ivector extractor a Deep Belief Network (DBN) architecture, trained with the utterances of several hundred speakers. In this approach, the DBN performs a non-linear transformation of the input features, which produces the probability that an output unit is on, given the input features. We model the distribution of the output units, given an utterance, by a reduced set of parameters that embed the speaker characteristics. Tested on the dataset exploited for training the systems that have been used for the NIST 2012 Speaker Recognition Evaluation, this approach shows promising results

    Segment phoneme classification from speech under noisy conditions: Using amplitude-frequency modulation based two-dimensional auto-regressive features with deep neural networks

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    This thesis investigates at the acoustic-phonetic level the noise robustness of features derived using the AM-FM analysis of speech signals. The analysis on the noise robustness of these features is done using various neural network models and is based on the segment classification of phonemes. This analysis is also extended and the robustness of the AM-FM based features is compared under similar noise conditions with the traditional features such as the Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients(MFCC). We begin with an important aspect of segment phoneme classification experiments which is the study of architectural and training strategies of the various neural network models used. The results of these experiments showed that there is a difference in the training pattern adopted by the various neural network models. Before over-fitting, models that undergo pre-training are seen to train for many epochs more than their opposite models that do not undergo pre-training. Taking this difference in training pattern into perspective and based on phoneme classification rate the Gaussian restricted Boltzmann machine and the single layer perceptron are selected as the best performing model of the two groups, respectively. Using the two best performing models for classification, segment phoneme classification experiments under different noise conditions are performed for both the AM-FM based and traditional features. The experiments showed that AM-FM based frequency domain linear prediction features with or without feature compensation are more robust in the classification of 61 phonemes under white noise and 0 dBdB signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) conditions compared to the traditional features. However, when the phonemes are folded to 39 phonemes, the results are ambiguous under all noise conditions and there is no unanimous conclusion as to which feature is most robust

    Deep Neural Network Architectures for Large-scale, Robust and Small-Footprint Speaker and Language Recognition

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica y de las Comunicaciones. Fecha de lectura : 27-04-2017Artificial neural networks are powerful learners of the information embedded in speech signals. They can provide compact, multi-level, nonlinear representations of temporal sequences and holistic optimization algorithms capable of surpassing former leading paradigms. Artificial neural networks are, therefore, a promising technology that can be used to enhance our ability to recognize speakers and languages–an ability increasingly in demand in the context of new, voice-enabled interfaces used today by millions of users. The aim of this thesis is to advance the state-of-the-art of language and speaker recognition through the formulation, implementation and empirical analysis of novel approaches for large-scale and portable speech interfaces. Its major contributions are: (1) novel, compact network architectures for language and speaker recognition, including a variety of network topologies based on fully-connected, recurrent, convolutional, and locally connected layers; (2) a bottleneck combination strategy for classical and neural network approaches for long speech sequences; (3) the architectural design of the first, public, multilingual, large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system; and (4) a novel, end-to-end optimization algorithm for text-dependent speaker recognition that is applicable to a range of verification tasks. Experimental results have demonstrated that artificial neural networks can substantially reduce the number of model parameters and surpass the performance of previous approaches to language and speaker recognition, particularly in the cases of long short-term memory recurrent networks (used to model the input speech signal), end-to-end optimization algorithms (used to predict languages or speakers), short testing utterances, and large training data collections.Las redes neuronales artificiales son sistemas de aprendizaje capaces de extraer la información embebida en las señales de voz. Son capaces de modelar de forma eficiente secuencias temporales complejas, con información no lineal y distribuida en distintos niveles semanticos, mediante el uso de algoritmos de optimización integral con la capacidad potencial de mejorar los sistemas aprendizaje automático existentes. Las redes neuronales artificiales son, pues, una tecnología prometedora para mejorar el reconocimiento automático de locutores e idiomas; siendo el reconocimiento de de locutores e idiomas, tareas con cada vez más demanda en los nuevos sistemas de control por voz, que ya utilizan millones de personas. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo la mejora del estado del arte de las tecnologías de reconocimiento de locutor y de idioma mediante la formulación, implementación y análisis empírico de nuevos enfoques basados en redes neuronales, aplicables a dispositivos portátiles y a su uso en gran escala. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis incluyen la propuesta original de: (1) arquitecturas eficientes que hacen uso de capas neuronales densas, localmente densas, recurrentes y convolucionales; (2) una nueva estrategia de combinación de enfoques clásicos y enfoques basados en el uso de las denominadas redes de cuello de botella; (3) el diseño del primer sistema público de reconocimiento de voz, de vocabulario abierto y continuo, que es además multilingüe; y (4) la propuesta de un nuevo algoritmo de optimización integral para tareas de reconocimiento de locutor, aplicable también a otras tareas de verificación. Los resultados experimentales extraídos de esta tesis han demostrado que las redes neuronales artificiales son capaces de reducir el número de parámetros usados por los algoritmos de reconocimiento tradicionales, así como de mejorar el rendimiento de dichos sistemas de forma substancial. Dicha mejora relativa puede acentuarse a través del modelado de voz mediante redes recurrentes de memoria a largo plazo, el uso de algoritmos de optimización integral, el uso de locuciones de evaluation de corta duración y mediante la optimización del sistema con grandes cantidades de datos de entrenamiento

    Robust speaker identification against computer aided voice impersonation

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    Speaker Identification (SID) systems offer good performance in the case of noise free speech and most of the on-going research aims at improving their reliability in noisy environments. In ideal operating conditions very low identification error rates can be achieved. The low error rates suggest that SID systems can be used in real-life applications as an extra layer of security along with existing secure layers. They can, for instance, be used alongside a Personal Identification Number (PIN) or passwords. SID systems can also be used by law enforcements agencies as a detection system to track wanted people over voice communications networks. In this thesis, the performance of 'the existing SID systems against impersonation attacks is analysed and strategies to counteract them are discussed. A voice impersonation system is developed using Gaussian Mixture Modelling (GMM) utilizing Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF) as the features representing the spectral parameters of the source-target pair. Voice conversion systems based on probabilistic approaches suffer from the problem of over smoothing of the converted spectrum. A hybrid scheme using Linear Multivariate Regression and GMM, together with posterior probability smoothing is proposed to reduce over smoothing and alleviate the discontinuities in the converted speech. The converted voices are used to intrude a closed-set SID system in the scenarios of identity disguise and targeted speaker impersonation. The results of the intrusion suggest that in their present form the SID systems are vulnerable to deliberate voice conversion attacks. For impostors to transform their voices, a large volume of speech data is required, which may not be easily accessible. In the context of improving the performance of SID against deliberate impersonation attacks, the use of multiple classifiers is explored. Linear Prediction (LP) residual of the speech signal is also analysed for speaker-specific excitation information. A speaker identification system based on multiple classifier system, using features to describe the vocal tract and the LP residual is targeted by the impersonation system. The identification results provide an improvement in rejecting impostor claims when presented with converted voices. It is hoped that the findings in this thesis, can lead to the development of speaker identification systems which are better equipped to deal with the problem with deliberate voice impersonation.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo