51 research outputs found

    Data-driven reconstruction methods for photoacoustic tomography:Learning structures by structured learning

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    Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) is an imaging technique with potential applications in various fields of biomedicine. By visualising vascular structures, PAT could help in the detection and diagnosis of diseases related to their dysregulation. In PAT, tissue is illuminated by light. After entering the tissue, the light undergoes scattering and absorption. The absorbed energy is transformed into an initial pressure by the photoacoustic effect, which travels to ultrasound detectors outside the tissue.This thesis is concerned with the inverse problem of the described physical process: what was the initial pressure in the tissue that gave rise to the detected pressure outside? The answer to this question is difficult to obtain when light penetration in tissue is not sufficient, the measurements are corrupted, or only a small number of detectors can be used in a limited geometry. For decades, the field of variational methods has come up with new approaches to solve these kind of problems. these kind of problems: the combination of new theory and clever algorithms has led to improved numerical results in many image reconstruction problems. In the past five years, previously state-of-the-art results were greatly surpassed by combining variational methods with artificial neural networks, a form of artificial intelligence.In this thesis we investigate several ways of combining data-driven artificial neural networks with model-driven variational methods. We combine the topics of photoacoustic tomography, inverse problems and artificial neural networks.Chapter 3 treats the variational problem in PAT and provides a framework in which hand-crafted regularisers can easily be compared. Both directional and higher-order total variation methods show improved results over direct methods for PAT with structures resembling vasculature.Chapter 4 provides a method to jointly solve the PAT reconstruction and segmentation problem for absorbing structures resembling vasculature. Artificial neural networks are embodied in the algorithmic structure of primal-dual methods, which are a popular way to solve variational problems. It is shown that a diverse training set is of utmost importance to solve multiple problems with one learned algorithm.Chapter 5 provides a convergence analysis for data-consistent networks, which combine classical regularisation methods with artificial neural networks. Numerical results are shown for an inverse problem that couples the Radon transform with a saturation problem for biomedical images.Chapter 6 explores the idea of fully-learned reconstruction by connecting two nonlinear autoencoders. By enforcing a dimensionality reduction in the artificial neural network, a joint manifold for measurements and images is learned. The method, coined learned SVD, provides advantages over other fully-learned methods in terms of interpretability and generalisation. Numerical results show high-quality reconstructions, even in the case where no information on the forward process is used.In this thesis, several ways of combining model-based methods with data-driven artificial neural networks were investigated. The resulting hybrid methods showed improved tomography reconstructions. By allowing data to improve a structured method, deeper vascular structures could be imaged with photoacoustic tomography.<br/

    Representation Learning via Cauchy Convolutional Sparse Coding

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    In representation learning, Convolutional Sparse Coding (CSC) enables unsupervised learning of features by jointly optimising both an 2\ell_2-norm fidelity term and a sparsity enforcing penalty. This work investigates using a regularisation term derived from an assumed Cauchy prior for the coefficients of the feature maps of a CSC generative model. The sparsity penalty term resulting from this prior is solved via its proximal operator, which is then applied iteratively, element-wise, on the coefficients of the feature maps to optimise the CSC cost function. The performance of the proposed Iterative Cauchy Thresholding (ICT) algorithm in reconstructing natural images is compared against the common choice of 1\ell_1-norm optimised via soft and hard thresholding. ICT outperforms IHT and IST in most of these reconstruction experiments across various datasets, with an average PSNR of up to 11.30 and 7.04 above ISTA and IHT respectively.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, journal draf

    Representation Learning via Cauchy Convolutional Sparse Coding

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    In representation learning, Convolutional Sparse Coding (CSC) enables unsupervised learning of features by jointly optimising both an 2\ell_2-norm fidelity term and a sparsity enforcing penalty. This work investigates using a regularisation term derived from an assumed Cauchy prior for the coefficients of the feature maps of a CSC generative model. The sparsity penalty term resulting from this prior is solved via its proximal operator, which is then applied iteratively, element-wise, on the coefficients of the feature maps to optimise the CSC cost function. The performance of the proposed Iterative Cauchy Thresholding (ICT) algorithm in reconstructing natural images is compared against the common choice of 1\ell_1-norm optimised via soft and hard thresholding. ICT outperforms IHT and IST in most of these reconstruction experiments across various datasets, with an average PSNR of up to 11.30 and 7.04 above ISTA and IHT respectively.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, journal draf

    Deep learning for fast and robust medical image reconstruction and analysis

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    Medical imaging is an indispensable component of modern medical research as well as clinical practice. Nevertheless, imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computational tomography (CT) are costly and are less accessible to the majority of the world. To make medical devices more accessible, affordable and efficient, it is crucial to re-calibrate our current imaging paradigm for smarter imaging. In particular, as medical imaging techniques have highly structured forms in the way they acquire data, they provide us with an opportunity to optimise the imaging techniques holistically by leveraging data. The central theme of this thesis is to explore different opportunities where we can exploit data and deep learning to improve the way we extract information for better, faster and smarter imaging. This thesis explores three distinct problems. The first problem is the time-consuming nature of dynamic MR data acquisition and reconstruction. We propose deep learning methods for accelerated dynamic MR image reconstruction, resulting in up to 10-fold reduction in imaging time. The second problem is the redundancy in our current imaging pipeline. Traditionally, imaging pipeline treated acquisition, reconstruction and analysis as separate steps. However, we argue that one can approach them holistically and optimise the entire pipeline jointly for a specific target goal. To this end, we propose deep learning approaches for obtaining high fidelity cardiac MR segmentation directly from significantly undersampled data, greatly exceeding the undersampling limit for image reconstruction. The final part of this thesis tackles the problem of interpretability of the deep learning algorithms. We propose attention-models that can implicitly focus on salient regions in an image to improve accuracy for ultrasound scan plane detection and CT segmentation. More crucially, these models can provide explainability, which is a crucial stepping stone for the harmonisation of smart imaging and current clinical practice.Open Acces

    Real-time Ultrasound Signals Processing: Denoising and Super-resolution

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    Ultrasound acquisition is widespread in the biomedical field, due to its properties of low cost, portability, and non-invasiveness for the patient. The processing and analysis of US signals, such as images, 2D videos, and volumetric images, allows the physician to monitor the evolution of the patient's disease, and support diagnosis, and treatments (e.g., surgery). US images are affected by speckle noise, generated by the overlap of US waves. Furthermore, low-resolution images are acquired when a high acquisition frequency is applied to accurately characterise the behaviour of anatomical features that quickly change over time. Denoising and super-resolution of US signals are relevant to improve the visual evaluation of the physician and the performance and accuracy of processing methods, such as segmentation and classification. The main requirements for the processing and analysis of US signals are real-time execution, preservation of anatomical features, and reduction of artefacts. In this context, we present a novel framework for the real-time denoising of US 2D images based on deep learning and high-performance computing, which reduces noise while preserving anatomical features in real-time execution. We extend our framework to the denoise of arbitrary US signals, such as 2D videos and 3D images, and we apply denoising algorithms that account for spatio-temporal signal properties into an image-to-image deep learning model. As a building block of this framework, we propose a novel denoising method belonging to the class of low-rank approximations, which learns and predicts the optimal thresholds of the Singular Value Decomposition. While previous denoise work compromises the computational cost and effectiveness of the method, the proposed framework achieves the results of the best denoising algorithms in terms of noise removal, anatomical feature preservation, and geometric and texture properties conservation, in a real-time execution that respects industrial constraints. The framework reduces the artefacts (e.g., blurring) and preserves the spatio-temporal consistency among frames/slices; also, it is general to the denoising algorithm, anatomical district, and noise intensity. Then, we introduce a novel framework for the real-time reconstruction of the non-acquired scan lines through an interpolating method; a deep learning model improves the results of the interpolation to match the target image (i.e., the high-resolution image). We improve the accuracy of the prediction of the reconstructed lines through the design of the network architecture and the loss function. %The design of the deep learning architecture and the loss function allow the network to improve the accuracy of the prediction of the reconstructed lines. In the context of signal approximation, we introduce our kernel-based sampling method for the reconstruction of 2D and 3D signals defined on regular and irregular grids, with an application to US 2D and 3D images. Our method improves previous work in terms of sampling quality, approximation accuracy, and geometry reconstruction with a slightly higher computational cost. For both denoising and super-resolution, we evaluate the compliance with the real-time requirement of US applications in the medical domain and provide a quantitative evaluation of denoising and super-resolution methods on US and synthetic images. Finally, we discuss the role of denoising and super-resolution as pre-processing steps for segmentation and predictive analysis of breast pathologies

    Blind image deconvolution: nonstationary Bayesian approaches to restoring blurred photos

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    High quality digital images have become pervasive in modern scientific and everyday life — in areas from photography to astronomy, CCTV, microscopy, and medical imaging. However there are always limits to the quality of these images due to uncertainty and imprecision in the measurement systems. Modern signal processing methods offer the promise of overcoming some of these problems by postprocessing these blurred and noisy images. In this thesis, novel methods using nonstationary statistical models are developed for the removal of blurs from out of focus and other types of degraded photographic images. The work tackles the fundamental problem blind image deconvolution (BID); its goal is to restore a sharp image from a blurred observation when the blur itself is completely unknown. This is a “doubly illposed” problem — extreme lack of information must be countered by strong prior constraints about sensible types of solution. In this work, the hierarchical Bayesian methodology is used as a robust and versatile framework to impart the required prior knowledge. The thesis is arranged in two parts. In the first part, the BID problem is reviewed, along with techniques and models for its solution. Observation models are developed, with an emphasis on photographic restoration, concluding with a discussion of how these are reduced to the common linear spatially-invariant (LSI) convolutional model. Classical methods for the solution of illposed problems are summarised to provide a foundation for the main theoretical ideas that will be used under the Bayesian framework. This is followed by an indepth review and discussion of the various prior image and blur models appearing in the literature, and then their applications to solving the problem with both Bayesian and nonBayesian techniques. The second part covers novel restoration methods, making use of the theory presented in Part I. Firstly, two new nonstationary image models are presented. The first models local variance in the image, and the second extends this with locally adaptive noncausal autoregressive (AR) texture estimation and local mean components. These models allow for recovery of image details including edges and texture, whilst preserving smooth regions. Most existing methods do not model the boundary conditions correctly for deblurring of natural photographs, and a Chapter is devoted to exploring Bayesian solutions to this topic. Due to the complexity of the models used and the problem itself, there are many challenges which must be overcome for tractable inference. Using the new models, three different inference strategies are investigated: firstly using the Bayesian maximum marginalised a posteriori (MMAP) method with deterministic optimisation; proceeding with the stochastic methods of variational Bayesian (VB) distribution approximation, and simulation of the posterior distribution using the Gibbs sampler. Of these, we find the Gibbs sampler to be the most effective way to deal with a variety of different types of unknown blurs. Along the way, details are given of the numerical strategies developed to give accurate results and to accelerate performance. Finally, the thesis demonstrates state of the art results in blind restoration of synthetic and real degraded images, such as recovering details in out of focus photographs

    Medical image synthesis using generative adversarial networks: towards photo-realistic image synthesis

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    This proposed work addresses the photo-realism for synthetic images. We introduced a modified generative adversarial network: StencilGAN. It is a perceptually-aware generative adversarial network that synthesizes images based on overlaid labelled masks. This technique can be a prominent solution for the scarcity of the resources in the healthcare sector

    Low-rank and sparse reconstruction in dynamic magnetic resonance imaging via proximal splitting methods

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    Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) consists of collecting multiple MR images in time, resulting in a spatio-temporal signal. However, MRI intrinsically suffers from long acquisition times due to various constraints. This limits the full potential of dynamic MR imaging, such as obtaining high spatial and temporal resolutions which are crucial to observe dynamic phenomena. This dissertation addresses the problem of the reconstruction of dynamic MR images from a limited amount of samples arising from a nuclear magnetic resonance experiment. The term limited can be explained by the approach taken in this thesis to speed up scan time, which is based on violating the Nyquist criterion by skipping measurements that would be normally acquired in a standard MRI procedure. The resulting problem can be classified in the general framework of linear ill-posed inverse problems. This thesis shows how low-dimensional signal models, specifically lowrank and sparsity, can help in the reconstruction of dynamic images from partial measurements. The use of these models are justified by significant developments in signal recovery techniques from partial data that have emerged in recent years in signal processing. The major contributions of this thesis are the development and characterisation of fast and efficient computational tools using convex low-rank and sparse constraints via proximal gradient methods, the development and characterisation of a novel joint reconstruction–separation method via the low-rank plus sparse matrix decomposition technique, and the development and characterisation of low-rank based recovery methods in the context of dynamic parallel MRI. Finally, an additional contribution of this thesis is to formulate the various MR image reconstruction problems in the context of convex optimisation to develop algorithms based on proximal splitting methods