1,697 research outputs found

    Data Fusion of Objects Using Techniques Such as Laser Scanning, Structured Light and Photogrammetry for Cultural Heritage Applications

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    In this paper we present a semi-automatic 2D-3D local registration pipeline capable of coloring 3D models obtained from 3D scanners by using uncalibrated images. The proposed pipeline exploits the Structure from Motion (SfM) technique in order to reconstruct a sparse representation of the 3D object and obtain the camera parameters from image feature matches. We then coarsely register the reconstructed 3D model to the scanned one through the Scale Iterative Closest Point (SICP) algorithm. SICP provides the global scale, rotation and translation parameters, using minimal manual user intervention. In the final processing stage, a local registration refinement algorithm optimizes the color projection of the aligned photos on the 3D object removing the blurring/ghosting artefacts introduced due to small inaccuracies during the registration. The proposed pipeline is capable of handling real world cases with a range of characteristics from objects with low level geometric features to complex ones

    Statistical Process Monitoring of Isolated and Persistent Defects in Complex Geometrical Shapes

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    Traditional Statistical Process Control methodologies face several challenges when monitoring defects in complex geometries, such as those of products obtained via Additive Manufacturing techniques. Many approaches cannot be applied in these settings due to the high dimensionality of the data and the lack of parametric and distributional assumptions on the object shapes. Motivated by a case study involving the monitoring of egg-shaped trabecular structures, we investigate two recently-proposed methodologies to detect deviations from the nominal IC model caused by excess or lack of material. Our study focuses on the detection of both isolated large changes in the geometric structure, as well as persistent small deviations. We compare the approach of Scimone et al. (2022) with Zhao and del Castillo (2021) for monitoring defects in a small Phase I sample of 3D-printed objects. While the former control chart is able to detect large defects, the latter allows the detection of nonconforming objects with persistent small defects. Furthermore, we address the fundamental issue of selecting the number of eigenvalues to be monitored in Zhao and del Castillo's method by proposing a dimensionality reduction technique based on kernel principal components. This approach is shown to provide a good detection capability even when considering a large number of eigenvalues. By leveraging the sensitivity of the two monitoring schemes to different magnitudes of nonconformities, we also propose a novel joint monitoring scheme that is capable of identifying both types of defects in the considered case study. Computer code in R and Matlab that implements these methods and replicates the results is available as part of the supplementary material.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Zero-Shot Point Cloud Registration

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    Learning-based point cloud registration approaches have significantly outperformed their traditional counterparts. However, they typically require extensive training on specific datasets. In this paper, we propose , the first zero-shot point cloud registration approach that eliminates the need for training on point cloud datasets. The cornerstone of ZeroReg is the novel transfer of image features from keypoints to the point cloud, enriched by aggregating information from 3D geometric neighborhoods. Specifically, we extract keypoints and features from 2D image pairs using a frozen pretrained 2D backbone. These features are then projected in 3D, and patches are constructed by searching for neighboring points. We integrate the geometric and visual features of each point using our novel parameter-free geometric decoder. Subsequently, the task of determining correspondences between point clouds is formulated as an optimal transport problem. Extensive evaluations of ZeroReg demonstrate its competitive performance against both traditional and learning-based methods. On benchmarks such as 3DMatch, 3DLoMatch, and ScanNet, ZeroReg achieves impressive Recall Ratios (RR) of over 84%, 46%, and 75%, respectively

    3D mapping of indoor and outdoor environments using apple smart devices

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    Recent integration of LiDAR into smartphones opens up a whole new world of possibilities for 3D indoor/outdoor mapping. Although these new systems offer an unprecedent opportunity for the democratization in the use of scanning technology, data quality is lower than data captured from high-end LiDAR sensors. This paper is focused on discussing the capability of recent Apple smart devices for applications related with 3D mapping of indoor and outdoor environments. Indoor scenes are evaluated from a reconstruction perspective, and three geometric aspects (local precision, global correctness, and surface coverage) are considered using data captured in two adjacent rooms. Outdoor environments are analysed from a mobility point of view, and elements defining the physical accessibility in building entrances are considered for evaluation.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2019-061Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2020/01Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2019-105221RB-C43Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. RYC2020-029193-

    LANDSAT-D investigations in snow hydrology

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    Work undertaken during the contract and its results are described. Many of the results from this investigation are available in journal or conference proceedings literature - published, accepted for publication, or submitted for publication. For these the reference and the abstract are given. Those results that have not yet been submitted separately for publication are described in detail. Accomplishments during the contract period are summarized as follows: (1) analysis of the snow reflectance characteristics of the LANDSAT Thematic Mapper, including spectral suitability, dynamic range, and spectral resolution; (2) development of a variety of atmospheric models for use with LANDSAT Thematic Mapper data. These include a simple but fast two-stream approximation for inhomogeneous atmospheres over irregular surfaces, and a doubling model for calculation of the angular distribution of spectral radiance at any level in an plane-parallel atmosphere; (3) incorporation of digital elevation data into the atmospheric models and into the analysis of the satellite data; and (4) textural analysis of the spatial distribution of snow cover
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