81 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review of Automated Query Reformulations in Source Code Search

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    Fixing software bugs and adding new features are two of the major maintenance tasks. Software bugs and features are reported as change requests. Developers consult these requests and often choose a few keywords from them as an ad hoc query. Then they execute the query with a search engine to find the exact locations within software code that need to be changed. Unfortunately, even experienced developers often fail to choose appropriate queries, which leads to costly trials and errors during a code search. Over the years, many studies attempt to reformulate the ad hoc queries from developers to support them. In this systematic literature review, we carefully select 70 primary studies on query reformulations from 2,970 candidate studies, perform an in-depth qualitative analysis (e.g., Grounded Theory), and then answer seven research questions with major findings. First, to date, eight major methodologies (e.g., term weighting, term co-occurrence analysis, thesaurus lookup) have been adopted to reformulate queries. Second, the existing studies suffer from several major limitations (e.g., lack of generalizability, vocabulary mismatch problem, subjective bias) that might prevent their wide adoption. Finally, we discuss the best practices and future opportunities to advance the state of research in search query reformulations.Comment: 81 pages, accepted at TOSE

    Machine Learning And Deep Learning Based Approaches For Detecting Duplicate Bug Reports With Stack Traces

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    Many large software systems rely on bug tracking systems to record the submitted bug reports and to track and manage bugs. Handling bug reports is known to be a challenging task, especially in software organizations with a large client base, which tend to receive a considerable large number of bug reports a day. Fortunately, not all reported bugs are new; many are similar or identical to previously reported bugs, also called duplicate bug reports. Automatic detection of duplicate bug reports is an important research topic to help reduce the time and effort spent by triaging and development teams on sorting and fixing bugs. This explains the recent increase in attention to this topic as evidenced by the number of tools and algorithms that have been proposed in academia and industry. The objective is to automatically detect duplicate bug reports as soon as they arrive into the system. To do so, existing techniques rely heavily on the nature of bug report data they operate on. This includes both structural information such as OS, product version, time and date of the crash, and stack traces, as well as unstructured information such as bug report summaries and descriptions written in natural language by end users and developers

    Supporting Source Code Search with Context-Aware and Semantics-Driven Query Reformulation

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    Software bugs and failures cost trillions of dollars every year, and could even lead to deadly accidents (e.g., Therac-25 accident). During maintenance, software developers fix numerous bugs and implement hundreds of new features by making necessary changes to the existing software code. Once an issue report (e.g., bug report, change request) is assigned to a developer, she chooses a few important keywords from the report as a search query, and then attempts to find out the exact locations in the software code that need to be either repaired or enhanced. As a part of this maintenance, developers also often select ad hoc queries on the fly, and attempt to locate the reusable code from the Internet that could assist them either in bug fixing or in feature implementation. Unfortunately, even the experienced developers often fail to construct the right search queries. Even if the developers come up with a few ad hoc queries, most of them require frequent modifications which cost significant development time and efforts. Thus, construction of an appropriate query for localizing the software bugs, programming concepts or even the reusable code is a major challenge. In this thesis, we overcome this query construction challenge with six studies, and develop a novel, effective code search solution (BugDoctor) that assists the developers in localizing the software code of interest (e.g., bugs, concepts and reusable code) during software maintenance. In particular, we reformulate a given search query (1) by designing novel keyword selection algorithms (e.g., CodeRank) that outperform the traditional alternatives (e.g., TF-IDF), (2) by leveraging the bug report quality paradigm and source document structures which were previously overlooked and (3) by exploiting the crowd knowledge and word semantics derived from Stack Overflow Q&A site, which were previously untapped. Our experiment using 5000+ search queries (bug reports, change requests, and ad hoc queries) suggests that our proposed approach can improve the given queries significantly through automated query reformulations. Comparison with 10+ existing studies on bug localization, concept location and Internet-scale code search suggests that our approach can outperform the state-of-the-art approaches with a significant margin

    Intelligent Software Tooling For Improving Software Development

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    Software has eaten the world with many of the necessities and quality of life services people use requiring software. Therefore, tools that improve the software development experience can have a significant impact on the world such as generating code and test cases, detecting bugs, question and answering, etc. The success of Deep Learning (DL) over the past decade has shown huge advancements in automation across many domains, including Software Development processes. One of the main reasons behind this success is the availability of large datasets such as open-source code available through GitHub or image datasets of mobile Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) with RICO and ReDRAW to be trained on. Therefore, the central research question my dissertation explores is: In what ways can the software development process be improved through leveraging DL techniques on the vast amounts of unstructured software engineering artifacts? We coin the approaches that leverage DL to automate or augment various software development task as Intelligent Software Tools. To guide our research of these intelligent software tools, we performed a systematic literature review to understand the current landscape of research on applying DL techniques to software tasks and any gaps that exist. From this literature review, we found code generation to be one of the most studied tasks with other tasks and artifacts such as impact analysis or tasks involving images and videos to be understudied. Therefore, we set out to explore the application of DL to these understudied tasks and artifacts as well as the limitations of DL models under the well studied task code completion, a subfield in code generation. Specifically, we developed a tool for automatically detecting duplicate mobile bug reports from user submitted videos. We used the popular Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn important features from a large collection of mobile screenshots. Using this model, we could then compute similarity between a newly submitted bug report and existing ones to produce a ranked list of duplicate candidates that can be reviewed by a developer. Next, we explored impact analysis, a critical software maintenance task that identifies potential adverse effects of a given code change on the larger software system. To this end, we created Athena, a novel approach to impact analysis that integrates knowledge of a software system through its call-graph along with high-level representations of the code inside the system to improve impact analysis performance. Lastly, we explored the task of code completion, which has seen heavy interest from industry and academia. Specifically, we explored various methods that modify the positional encoding scheme of the Transformer architecture for allowing these models to incorporate longer sequences of tokens when predicting completions than seen during their training as this can significantly improve training times

    Augmenting and structuring user queries to support efficient free-form code search

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    Source code terms such as method names and variable types are often different from conceptual words mentioned in a search query. This vocabulary mismatch problem can make code search inefficient. In this paper, we present Code voCABUlary (CoCaBu), an approach to resolving the vocabulary mismatch problem when dealing with free-form code search queries. Our approach leverages common developer questions and the associated expert answers to augment user queries with the relevant, but missing, structural code entities in order to improve the performance of matching relevant code examples within large code repositories. To instantiate this approach, we build GitSearch, a code search engine, on top of GitHub and StackOverflow Q\&A data. We evaluate GitSearch in several dimensions to demonstrate that (1) its code search results are correct with respect to user-accepted answers; (2) the results are qualitatively better than those of existing Internet-scale code search engines; (3) our engine is competitive against web search engines, such as Google, in helping users complete solve programming tasks; and (4) GitSearch provides code examples that are acceptable or interesting to the community as answers for StackOverflow questions

    Design of a Machine Learning-based Approach for Fragment Retrieval on Models

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    [ES] El aprendizaje automático (ML por sus siglas en inglés) es conocido como la rama de la inteligencia artificial que reúne algoritmos estadísticos, probabilísticos y de optimización, que aprenden empíricamente. ML puede aprovechar el conocimiento y la experiencia que se han generado durante años en las empresas para realizar automáticamente diferentes procesos. Por lo tanto, ML se ha aplicado a diversas áreas de investigación, que estudian desde la medicina hasta la ingeniería del software. De hecho, en el campo de la ingeniería del software, el mantenimiento y la evolución de un sistema abarca hasta un 80% de la vida útil del sistema. Las empresas, que se han dedicado al desarrollo de sistemas software durante muchos años, han acumulado grandes cantidades de conocimiento y experiencia. Por lo tanto, ML resulta una solución atractiva para reducir sus costos de mantenimiento aprovechando los recursos acumulados. Específicamente, la Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad, la Localización de Errores y la Ubicación de Características se encuentran entre las tareas más comunes y relevantes para realizar el mantenimiento de productos software. Para abordar estas tareas, los investigadores han propuesto diferentes enfoques. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las investigaciones se centran en métodos tradicionales, como la indexación semántica latente, que no explota los recursos recopilados. Además, la mayoría de las investigaciones se enfocan en el código, descuidando otros artefactos de software como son los modelos. En esta tesis, presentamos un enfoque basado en ML para la recuperación de fragmentos en modelos (FRAME). El objetivo de este enfoque es recuperar el fragmento del modelo que realiza mejor una consulta específica. Esto permite a los ingenieros recuperar el fragmento que necesita ser trazado, reparado o ubicado para el mantenimiento del software. Específicamente, FRAME combina la computación evolutiva y las técnicas ML. En FRAME, un algoritmo evolutivo es guiado por ML para extraer de manera eficaz distintos fragmentos de un modelo. Estos fragmentos son posteriormente evaluados mediante técnicas ML. Para aprender a evaluarlos, las técnicas ML aprovechan el conocimiento (fragmentos recuperados de modelos) y la experiencia que las empresas han generado durante años. Basándose en lo aprendido, las técnicas ML determinan qué fragmento del modelo realiza mejor una consulta. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las técnicas ML no pueden entender los fragmentos de los modelos. Por lo tanto, antes de aplicar las técnicas ML, el enfoque propuesto codifica los fragmentos a través de una codificación ontológica y evolutiva. En resumen, FRAME está diseñado para extraer fragmentos de un modelo, codificarlos y evaluar cuál realiza mejor una consulta específica. El enfoque ha sido evaluado a partir de un caso real proporcionado por nuestro socio industrial (CAF, un proveedor internacional de soluciones ferroviarias). Además, sus resultados han sido comparados con los resultados de los enfoques más comunes y recientes. Los resultados muestran que FRAME obtuvo los mejores resultados para la mayoría de los indicadores de rendimiento, proporcionando un valor medio de precisión igual a 59.91%, un valor medio de exhaustividad igual a 78.95%, una valor-F medio igual a 62.50% y un MCC (Coeficiente de Correlación Matthews) medio igual a 0.64. Aprovechando los fragmentos recuperados de los modelos, FRAME es menos sensible al conocimiento tácito y al desajuste de vocabulario que los enfoques basados en información semántica. Sin embargo, FRAME está limitado por la disponibilidad de fragmentos recuperados para llevar a cabo el aprendizaje automático. Esta tesis presenta una discusión más amplia de estos aspectos así como el análisis estadístico de los resultados, que evalúa la magnitud de la mejora en comparación con los otros enfoques.[CAT] L'aprenentatge automàtic (ML per les seues sigles en anglés) és conegut com la branca de la intel·ligència artificial que reuneix algorismes estadístics, probabilístics i d'optimització, que aprenen empíricament. ML pot aprofitar el coneixement i l'experiència que s'han generat durant anys en les empreses per a realitzar automàticament diferents processos. Per tant, ML s'ha aplicat a diverses àrees d'investigació, que estudien des de la medicina fins a l'enginyeria del programari. De fet, en el camp de l'enginyeria del programari, el manteniment i l'evolució d'un sistema abasta fins a un 80% de la vida útil del sistema. Les empreses, que s'han dedicat al desenvolupament de sistemes programari durant molts anys, han acumulat grans quantitats de coneixement i experiència. Per tant, ML resulta una solució atractiva per a reduir els seus costos de manteniment aprofitant els recursos acumulats. Específicament, la Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat, la Localització d'Errors i la Ubicació de Característiques es troben entre les tasques més comunes i rellevants per a realitzar el manteniment de productes programari. Per a abordar aquestes tasques, els investigadors han proposat diferents enfocaments. No obstant això, la majoria de les investigacions se centren en mètodes tradicionals, com la indexació semàntica latent, que no explota els recursos recopilats. A més, la majoria de les investigacions s'enfoquen en el codi, descurant altres artefactes de programari com són els models. En aquesta tesi, presentem un enfocament basat en ML per a la recuperació de fragments en models (FRAME). L'objectiu d'aquest enfocament és recuperar el fragment del model que realitza millor una consulta específica. Això permet als enginyers recuperar el fragment que necessita ser traçat, reparat o situat per al manteniment del programari. Específicament, FRAME combina la computació evolutiva i les tècniques ML. En FRAME, un algorisme evolutiu és guiat per ML per a extraure de manera eficaç diferents fragments d'un model. Aquests fragments són posteriorment avaluats mitjançant tècniques ML. Per a aprendre a avaluar-los, les tècniques ML aprofiten el coneixement (fragments recuperats de models) i l'experiència que les empreses han generat durant anys. Basant-se en l'aprés, les tècniques ML determinen quin fragment del model realitza millor una consulta. No obstant això, la majoria de les tècniques ML no poden entendre els fragments dels models. Per tant, abans d'aplicar les tècniques ML, l'enfocament proposat codifica els fragments a través d'una codificació ontològica i evolutiva. En resum, FRAME està dissenyat per a extraure fragments d'un model, codificar-los i avaluar quin realitza millor una consulta específica. L'enfocament ha sigut avaluat a partir d'un cas real proporcionat pel nostre soci industrial (CAF, un proveïdor internacional de solucions ferroviàries). A més, els seus resultats han sigut comparats amb els resultats dels enfocaments més comuns i recents. Els resultats mostren que FRAME va obtindre els millors resultats per a la majoria dels indicadors de rendiment, proporcionant un valor mitjà de precisió igual a 59.91%, un valor mitjà d'exhaustivitat igual a 78.95%, una valor-F mig igual a 62.50% i un MCC (Coeficient de Correlació Matthews) mig igual a 0.64. Aprofitant els fragments recuperats dels models, FRAME és menys sensible al coneixement tàcit i al desajustament de vocabulari que els enfocaments basats en informació semàntica. No obstant això, FRAME està limitat per la disponibilitat de fragments recuperats per a dur a terme l'aprenentatge automàtic. Aquesta tesi presenta una discussió més àmplia d'aquests aspectes així com l'anàlisi estadística dels resultats, que avalua la magnitud de la millora en comparació amb els altres enfocaments.[EN] Machine Learning (ML) is known as the branch of artificial intelligence that gathers statistical, probabilistic, and optimization algorithms, which learn empirically. ML can exploit the knowledge and the experience that have been generated for years to automatically perform different processes. Therefore, ML has been applied to a wide range of research areas, from medicine to software engineering. In fact, in software engineering field, up to an 80% of a system's lifetime is spent on the maintenance and evolution of the system. The companies, that have been developing these software systems for a long time, have gathered a huge amount of knowledge and experience. Therefore, ML is an attractive solution to reduce their maintenance costs exploiting the gathered resources. Specifically, Traceability Link Recovery, Bug Localization, and Feature Location are amongst the most common and relevant tasks when maintaining software products. To tackle these tasks, researchers have proposed a number of approaches. However, most research focus on traditional methods, such as Latent Semantic Indexing, which does not exploit the gathered resources. Moreover, most research targets code, neglecting other software artifacts such as models. In this dissertation, we present an ML-based approach for fragment retrieval on models (FRAME). The goal of this approach is to retrieve the model fragment which better realizes a specific query in a model. This allows engineers to retrieve the model fragment, which must be traced, fixed, or located for software maintenance. Specifically, the FRAME approach combines evolutionary computation and ML techniques. In the FRAME approach, an evolutionary algorithm is guided by ML to effectively extract model fragments from a model. These model fragments are then assessed through ML techniques. To learn how to assess them, ML techniques takes advantage of the companies' knowledge (retrieved model fragments) and experience. Then, based on what was learned, ML techniques determine which model fragment better realizes a query. However, model fragments are not understandable for most ML techniques. Therefore, the proposed approach encodes the model fragments through an ontological evolutionary encoding. In short, the FRAME approach is designed to extract model fragments, encode them, and assess which one better realizes a specific query. The approach has been evaluated in our industrial partner (CAF, an international provider of railway solutions) and compared to the most common and recent approaches. The results show that the FRAME approach achieved the best results for most performance indicators, providing a mean precision value of 59.91%, a recall value of 78.95%, a combined F-measure of 62.50%, and a MCC (Matthews correlation coefficient) value of 0.64. Leveraging retrieved model fragments, the FRAME approach is less sensitive to tacit knowledge and vocabulary mismatch than the approaches based on semantic information. However, the approach is limited by the availability of the retrieved model fragments to perform the learning. These aspects are further discussed, after the statistical analysis of the results, which assesses the magnitude of the improvement in comparison to the other approaches.Marcén Terraza, AC. (2020). Design of a Machine Learning-based Approach for Fragment Retrieval on Models [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/158617TESI

    Symbolic execution of verification languages and floating-point code

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    The focus of this thesis is a program analysis technique named symbolic execution. We present three main contributions to this field. First, an investigation into comparing several state-of-the-art program analysis tools at the level of an intermediate verification language over a large set of benchmarks, and improvements to the state-of-the-art of symbolic execution for this language. This is explored via a new tool, Symbooglix, that operates on the Boogie intermediate verification language. Second, an investigation into performing symbolic execution of floating-point programs via a standardised theory of floating-point arithmetic that is supported by several existing constraint solvers. This is investigated via two independent extensions of the KLEE symbolic execution engine to support reasoning about floating-point operations (with one tool developed by the thesis author). Third, an investigation into the use of coverage-guided fuzzing as a means for solving constraints over finite data types, inspired by the difficulties associated with solving floating-point constraints. The associated prototype tool, JFS, which builds on the LibFuzzer project, can at present be applied to a wide range of SMT queries over bit-vector and floating-point variables, and shows promise on floating-point constraints.Open Acces

    E-mentoring in Online Programming Communities : Opportunities, Challenges, Activities and Strategies

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    Mentoring is known to effectively improve professional development. The advancements in Information Technology area have positively impacted the process of mentoring through a more technology-mediated form of mentoring known as e-mentoring or online mentoring. Online mentoring had a particularly strong effect in improving the learning opportunities in online programming communities where mentees and mentors interact with each other from around the world in a mutually beneficial learning experience and collaboration. Yet, the lack of a coherent understanding of different characteristics (e.g., opportunities, challenges, activities, and strategies employed by mentees and mentors) of e-mentoring in online programming communities and lack of knowledge about mentoring aspects of applying e-mentoring in different types of online programming platforms inhibit us from an informed design or redesign of systems for e-mentoring in such communities. With a specific focus on those shortcomings, this research presents several empirical studies to advance the understanding of e-mentoring in online programming communities. First, we investigate the emerging opportunities and challenges faced by e-mentoring in online programming community. Next, we identify and classify e-mentoring activities carried out in this context. We investigate the strategies employed to overcome e-mentoring challenges in online programming communities. Finally, based on our findings, this dissertation proposes a conceptual framework for augmenting socio-technical systems with e-mentoring. The dissertation also provides comprehensive contributions that enhance the understanding of e-mentoring in online communities and provides improvement recommendations (e.g., encouraging academic members to help by offering their services to online communities as a part of their university work, using chatbots for automated responses to queries, and improving features to manage e-mentoring tasks and projects)

    LUNA: A Model-Based Universal Analysis Framework for Large Language Models

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    Over the past decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had great success recently and is being used in a wide range of academic and industrial fields. More recently, LLMs have made rapid advancements that have propelled AI to a new level, enabling even more diverse applications and industrial domains with intelligence, particularly in areas like software engineering and natural language processing. Nevertheless, a number of emerging trustworthiness concerns and issues exhibited in LLMs have already recently received much attention, without properly solving which the widespread adoption of LLMs could be greatly hindered in practice. The distinctive characteristics of LLMs, such as the self-attention mechanism, extremely large model scale, and autoregressive generation schema, differ from classic AI software based on CNNs and RNNs and present new challenges for quality analysis. Up to the present, it still lacks universal and systematic analysis techniques for LLMs despite the urgent industrial demand. Towards bridging this gap, we initiate an early exploratory study and propose a universal analysis framework for LLMs, LUNA, designed to be general and extensible, to enable versatile analysis of LLMs from multiple quality perspectives in a human-interpretable manner. In particular, we first leverage the data from desired trustworthiness perspectives to construct an abstract model as an auxiliary analysis asset, which is empowered by various abstract model construction methods. To assess the quality of the abstract model, we collect and define a number of evaluation metrics, aiming at both abstract model level and the semantics level. Then, the semantics, which is the degree of satisfaction of the LLM w.r.t. the trustworthiness perspective, is bound to and enriches the abstract model with semantics, which enables more detailed analysis applications for diverse purposes.Comment: 44 pages, 9 figure