10,414 research outputs found

    Высшее образование в университетах Китая

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    Данная статья представляет собой сравнительный анализ двух систем образования: китайской и американской. Основанием для сравнения служит критерий эффективности практического обучения в рамках высшей школы. Необходимость расширения практического обучения в высших учебных заведениях Китая является центральным тезисом данной статьи.This article gives a comparative analysis of the following education systems: Chinese and American. The basis for such a comparison is the criterion of effectiveness of practical training within the higher school. The need to expand practical training in higher educational institutions of China is the central thesis of the article

    The Research on Innovation System for College Talent Cultivation

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    This paper analyzes the status of talent cultivation model in college and the society demands of the quality of talent in our country. Based on it, new ideas and directions of college talent cultivation are proposed. By establishing a talent cultivation innovation system which meets the needs of the society development, we can get the order between the methods and directions of talent cultivation by identifying the importance of them .This study helps to reform the concept of college education, to improve the level and quality of teaching. Key words: College; Talent cultivation; Innovation systemResumé: Cet article analyse le statut du modèle de la formation des talents dans les universités et les exigences sur la qualité des talents de la société dans notre pays. Sur cette base, de nouvelles idées et approches de la formation des talents dans les universités sont proposées. En établissant un système d'innovation pour la formation des talents qui répond aux besoins du développement de la société, nous pouvons obtenir un ordre des méthodes et des directions de la formatin des talents en identifiant leur importance. Cette étude contribue à la réforme de la notion de l'enseignement universitaire, à fin d'améliorer la niveau et la qualité de l'enseignement.Mots-clés: université; formation des talents; système d'innovatio

    Historical Development of the Undergraduate Educational Model at BIT from the Perspective of Suzhi Education

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    From the perspective of suzhi education, this study analyses the historical development of the undergraduate educational model at Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT). It could be argued that BIT’s talent-cultivating system’s transformations from 1940 to 2020 echo Chinese higher education’s reform and development. This study concludes that BIT has experienced four phases: (1) from advocacy for general-specialized education’s integration to general education’s disappearance, (2) from the rectification of specialized education to the germination of suzhi and general education, (3) the flourishing of suzhi education and general education, and (4) the establishment of the Shuyuan System. The case of BIT reflects Chinese higher education’s development and the process of transforming from meritocracy to popularization. Chinese universities have changed their paradigm from emphasizing specialized education to highlighting suzhi education, as well as from focusing on training students into specialists to stressing students’ holistic development

    Exploration of CDIO Graduate Education Mode Based on the Integration of Industry, Teaching, Competition and Research

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    Aiming at the current phenomenon of disconnection between theory and practice in graduate teaching, a CDIO graduate education model based on the integration of industry-teaching-race-research is proposed in the paper, which tries to integrate industry-teaching-race-research and improve students' innovation and application ability through various teaching modes. The focus of the reform is embodied in the school-enterprise cooperation, which closely associates the school and the enterprise through the project, and the two of them explore a new type of teaching mode at the teaching level, complete the restructuring of the teaching content, and implement the four levels of assessment for graduate students, namely, the basic knowledge of engineering, the individual ability, the interpersonal team ability, and the ability of the engineering system. Through the analysis of the survey results, the reform has achieved better results in the training of graduate students, which can effectively improve the quality of teaching

    A Diachronic Study on the Cultivation of Innovative Talents in China’s Foreign Language Education: Achievements and Prospects

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    It is the historical mission and sacred duty of Chinese universities to cultivate innovative talents. Researchers in the domain of foreign language education have undertaken in-depth theoretical research around the cultivation of innovative talents in the past few decades. Taking 35 academic articles published in the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) as the research sample, this study uses textual analysis to conduct a diachronic review of the generation background, concept definition, quality indicators, and educational mechanisms to discover a wealth of innovative wisdom in the academic community. However, there is a lack of research in areas such as teacher education and educational evaluation, which will require focused attention in the future

    The Path Mechanism of Promoting Interdisciplinary Integration through Discipline Competition

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    Interdisciplinary integration plays an important role in cultivating innovative talents in higher institutions, but the main problem is currently which disciplines can cross and how to do so. This study summarizes the main models and problems of interdisciplinary research. Interdisciplinary teaching materials, the selection of tutors, and student training are currently facing significant difficulties. Anhui University of Finance and Economics promotes students to master interdisciplinary knowledge by means of discipline competition, and produces interdisciplinary textbooks, which provides new ideas and talent training mode of interdisciplinary concepts

    Exploration on the Training Mode of Computer Professionals Based on the Concept of “New Engineering”

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    With the national industrial upgrading and technological innovation in recent years, the construction industry is leading in the direction of informatization, industrialization, intelligence and international integration, which puts forward new requirements for the current traditional mode of computer talent training. The innovation of talent training mode, the improvement of education and teaching, the improvement of education resources and so on have become the urgent problems of new engineering computer professional talent training Absolutely. This paper analyzes the current situation of "new engineering" talent demand and training, points out the shortcomings of the current computer talent training in the teaching concept, teaching mode, teachers and so on, and explores the new engineering computer talent training mode. And take the practice of Henan University School of civil engineering and architecture in the new engineering personnel training as an example, hope to have a certain reference significance for the new engineering computer professional personnel training. Keywords: new engineering; computer; interdisciplinary training; subject integration DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-8-03 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Digital Transformation to Advance High-Quality Development of Higher Education

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    Digitization will bring unlimited potential and a new vision for education, and the digitization of education is a historical process and an inevitable trend of education reform. This paper first puts forward the connotation, foundation, core of education digital transformation and the typical stages of development. Then extracts a series of practices launched in China to cope with the demand in digital transformation from four aspects: platform construction, curriculum supply, teaching methods and evaluation methods. Finally, the exploration and practice carried out by three typical universities are presented where the author has served as president, namely Central China Normal University, Xidian University and Wuhan University of Technology. The purpose is to summarize their development patterns and characteristics to provide reference for the subsequent comprehensive transformation of higher education digitalization. Overall, digital transformation will promote paradigmatic changes in higher education research and practice, build a high-quality higher education system, and promote human-centered development caring for comprehensive, holistic and personalized needs

    Current Art Human Resources Development and Management of Problems and Solutions

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    Factor analysis, correlation analysis, modeling, network analysis and other analytical methods and theory with practice and the ideological line of the relevant statistical data, information and computer technology combine to explore the current impact of human resource development and use of art elements such as ideology and understanding of the barriers, barriers in theory, system, structure, and mechanism of the barriers, art education and creative talent, Scientific research, barriers, human capital aspects of art and other barriers. Impact of art on human resources development and utilization factors based on in-depth analysis, from the innovative thinking, artistic personnel training, personnel quality art education, art human resources management, incentive mechanisms, so some countermeasures and suggestions. And reached the following conclusion: only continue to explore, find and improve the current art human resources development and utilization of new methods, new measures in order to truly establish the characteristics of human resources meet the art human resources management system.Key words: Art talent; Constraints; Suggestion

    Exploration of Undergraduate Vocational Education in China: Process, Experience and Strategy

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    Undergraduate vocational education focuses on the cultivation of students' comprehensive technical ability, problem-solving ability and technical innovation ability. The development of undergraduate vocational education in China is the result of a combination of factors such as national strategies and regional missions. In this article, we sort out the policy documents and development history of China's vocational education and elaborate the current development, orientations, talent goals and faculty structures of undergraduate vocational education in various regions,. By the end of the article, several suggestions are proposed based on international experience and China's national conditions. China's undergraduate vocational education needs to take the"China mode" and follow the main purpose of "dual-track parallel, conditional integration". It's also highlighted that relevant departments should gradually promote the standardization of undergraduate vocational education, development of special features and standardization of governance in order to truly realize the high-quality development of undergraduate vocational education in China