158 research outputs found

    Increased security through open source

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    In this paper we discuss the impact of open source on both the security and transparency of a software system. We focus on the more technical aspects of this issue, combining and extending arguments developed over the years. We stress that our discussion of the problem only applies to software for general purpose computing systems. For embedded systems, where the software usually cannot easily be patched or upgraded, different considerations may apply

    Countering Trusting Trust through Diverse Double-Compiling

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    An Air Force evaluation of Multics, and Ken Thompson's famous Turing award lecture "Reflections on Trusting Trust," showed that compilers can be subverted to insert malicious Trojan horses into critical software, including themselves. If this attack goes undetected, even complete analysis of a system's source code will not find the malicious code that is running, and methods for detecting this particular attack are not widely known. This paper describes a practical technique, termed diverse double-compiling (DDC), that detects this attack and some compiler defects as well. Simply recompile the source code twice: once with a second (trusted) compiler, and again using the result of the first compilation. If the result is bit-for-bit identical with the untrusted binary, then the source code accurately represents the binary. This technique has been mentioned informally, but its issues and ramifications have not been identified or discussed in a peer-reviewed work, nor has a public demonstration been made. This paper describes the technique, justifies it, describes how to overcome practical challenges, and demonstrates it.Comment: 13 pages

    Choosing IT Platforms In The Age Of Stuxnet

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    This paper addresses the question of choosing/investing in IT (hardware/software) platforms that avoid quick obsolescence and the underlying dilemmas of choosing proprietary software versus open source software, and opting for managed services such as public cloud computing versus in-house hardware/communication infrastructures.  These dilemmas in strategic information systems planning have become more significant in light of the recent revelations of security backdoors in commercial software, encryption backdoors in communication software, and governmental access to private data on managed services for national security reasons.  This paper considers enterprise-wide challenges and strategies for adopting open source software/hardware in response to these security concerns

    Vulnerability analysis of three remote voting methods

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    This article analyses three methods of remote voting in an uncontrolled environment: postal voting, internet voting and hybrid voting. It breaks down the voting process into different stages and compares their vulnerabilities considering criteria that must be respected in any democratic vote: confidentiality, anonymity, transparency, vote unicity and authenticity. Whether for safety or reliability, each vulnerability is quantified by three parameters: size, visibility and difficulty to achieve. The study concludes that the automatisation of treatments combined with the dematerialisation of the objects used during an election tends to substitute visible vulnerabilities of a lesser magnitude by invisible and widespread vulnerabilities.Comment: 15 page

    México, el voto electrónico y el 2012

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    México es un país que, a lo largo de su historia, ha sufrido fraudes y otros malos manejos electorales, por medio de diferentes esquemas. Los mexicanos frecuentemente nos sentimos autoridades mundiales en este tema; la constante respecto a nuestras autoridades electorales ha sido más de duda y cuestionamiento que de confianza. Hubo un breve periodo, los últimos años de la década de los 1990 y los primeros de los 2000, en que parecía que se consolidaba una institución sólida y confiable, pero las dudas –fundadas o no– que surgieron tras la elección del 2006 devolvieron a las autoridades electorales a los niveles desconfianza tradicional que han sostenido a lo largo de buena parte de nuestra historia como nación independiente. Y un reclamo muchas veces escuchado es que, dado que es imposible confiar en los individuos, corruptibles por naturaleza, la responsabilidad del escrutinio de los votos debería recaer en un sistema computarizado, siempre limpio, eficiente y honesto. En este artículo, analizo varios de los argumentos empleados para favorecer a las urnas electrónicas, explicando por qué no solucionan ninguno de los problemas que supuestamente resolverían, y por qué –de adoptarlas– terminaríamos teniendo un proceso electoral más frágil que el preexistent

    A Swiss Pocket Knife for Computability

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    This research is about operational- and complexity-oriented aspects of classical foundations of computability theory. The approach is to re-examine some classical theorems and constructions, but with new criteria for success that are natural from a programming language perspective. Three cornerstones of computability theory are the S-m-ntheorem; Turing's "universal machine"; and Kleene's second recursion theorem. In today's programming language parlance these are respectively partial evaluation, self-interpretation, and reflection. In retrospect it is fascinating that Kleene's 1938 proof is constructive; and in essence builds a self-reproducing program. Computability theory originated in the 1930s, long before the invention of computers and programs. Its emphasis was on delimiting the boundaries of computability. Some milestones include 1936 (Turing), 1938 (Kleene), 1967 (isomorphism of programming languages), 1985 (partial evaluation), 1989 (theory implementation), 1993 (efficient self-interpretation) and 2006 (term register machines). The "Swiss pocket knife" of the title is a programming language that allows efficient computer implementation of all three computability cornerstones, emphasising the third: Kleene's second recursion theorem. We describe experiments with a tree-based computational model aiming for both fast program generation and fast execution of the generated programs.Comment: In Proceedings Festschrift for Dave Schmidt, arXiv:1309.455

    Unveiling Single-Bit-Flip Attacks on DNN Executables

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    Recent research has shown that bit-flip attacks (BFAs) can manipulate deep neural networks (DNNs) via DRAM Rowhammer exploitations. Existing attacks are primarily launched over high-level DNN frameworks like PyTorch and flip bits in model weight files. Nevertheless, DNNs are frequently compiled into low-level executables by deep learning (DL) compilers to fully leverage low-level hardware primitives. The compiled code is usually high-speed and manifests dramatically distinct execution paradigms from high-level DNN frameworks. In this paper, we launch the first systematic study on the attack surface of BFA specifically for DNN executables compiled by DL compilers. We design an automated search tool to identify vulnerable bits in DNN executables and identify practical attack vectors that exploit the model structure in DNN executables with BFAs (whereas prior works make likely strong assumptions to attack model weights). DNN executables appear more "opaque" than models in high-level DNN frameworks. Nevertheless, we find that DNN executables contain extensive, severe (e.g., single-bit flip), and transferrable attack surfaces that are not present in high-level DNN models and can be exploited to deplete full model intelligence and control output labels. Our finding calls for incorporating security mechanisms in future DNN compilation toolchains.Comment: Fix typ

    Password cracking: a game of wits

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    Journal ArticleA password cracking algorithm seems like a slow and bulky item to put in a worm, but the worm makes this work by being persistent and efficient. The worm is aided by some unfortunate statistics about typical password choices
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