4,487 research outputs found

    Fractional Laplacian matrix on the finite periodic linear chain and its periodic Riesz fractional derivative continuum limit

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    The 1D discrete fractional Laplacian operator on a cyclically closed (periodic) linear chain with finitenumber NN of identical particles is introduced. We suggest a "fractional elastic harmonic potential", and obtain the NN-periodic fractionalLaplacian operator in the form of a power law matrix function for the finite chain (NN arbitrary not necessarily large) in explicit form.In the limiting case NN\rightarrow \infty this fractional Laplacian matrix recovers the fractional Laplacian matrix ofthe infinite chain.The lattice model contains two free material constants, the particle mass μ\mu and a frequencyΩ_α\Omega\_{\alpha}.The "periodic string continuum limit" of the fractional lattice model is analyzed where lattice constant h0h\rightarrow 0and length L=NhL=Nh of the chain ("string") is kept finite: Assuming finiteness of the total mass and totalelastic energy of the chain in the continuum limit leads to asymptotic scaling behavior for h0h\rightarrow 0 of thetwo material constants,namely μh\mu \sim h and Ω_α2hα\Omega\_{\alpha}^2 \sim h^{-\alpha}. In this way we obtain the LL-periodic fractional Laplacian (Riesz fractional derivative) kernel in explicit form.This LL-periodic fractional Laplacian kernel recovers for LL\rightarrow\inftythe well known 1D infinite space fractional Laplacian (Riesz fractional derivative) kernel. When the scaling exponentof the Laplacian takesintegers, the fractional Laplacian kernel recovers, respectively, LL-periodic and infinite space (localized) distributionalrepresentations of integer-order Laplacians.The results of this paper appear to beuseful for the analysis of fractional finite domain problems for instance in anomalous diffusion (L\'evy flights), fractional Quantum Mechanics,and the development of fractional discrete calculus on finite lattices

    Overdetermined problems with fractional Laplacian

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    Let N1N\geq 1 and s(0,1)s\in (0,1). In the present work we characterize bounded open sets Ω\Omega with C2 C^2 boundary (\textit{not necessarily connected}) for which the following overdetermined problem \begin{equation*} ( -\Delta)^s u = f(u) \text{ in Ω\Omega,} \qquad u=0 \text{ in RNΩ\mathbb{R}^N\setminus \Omega,} \qquad(\partial_{\eta})_s u=Const. \text{ on Ω\partial \Omega} \end{equation*} has a nonnegative and nontrivial solution, where η\eta is the outer unit normal vectorfield along Ω\partial\Omega and for x0Ωx_0\in\partial\Omega (η)su(x0)=limt0u(x0tη(x0))ts. \left(\partial_{\eta}\right)_{s}u(x_{0})=-\lim_{t\to 0}\frac{u(x_{0}-t\eta(x_0))}{t^s}. Under mild assumptions on ff, we prove that Ω\Omega must be a ball. In the special case f1f\equiv 1, we obtain an extension of Serrin's result in 1971. The fact that Ω\Omega is not assumed to be connected is related to the nonlocal property of the fractional Laplacian. The main ingredients in our proof are maximum principles and the method of moving planes

    Fractional generalization of the Ginzburg-Landau equation: An unconventional approach to critical phenomena in complex media

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    Equations built on fractional derivatives prove to be a powerful tool in the description of complex systems when the effects of singularity, fractal supports, and long-range dependence play a role. In this paper, we advocate an application of the fractional derivative formalism to a fairly general class of critical phenomena when the organization of the system near the phase transition point is influenced by a competing nonlocal ordering. Fractional modifications of the free energy functional at criticality and of the widely known Ginzburg-Landau equation central to the classical Landau theory of second-type phase transitions are discussed in some detail. An implication of the fractional Ginzburg-Landau equation is a renormalization of the transition temperature owing to the nonlocality present.Comment: 10 pages, improved content, submitted for publication to Phys. Lett.

    Fractional isoperimetric Noether's theorem in the Riemann-Liouville sense

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    We prove Noether-type theorems for fractional isoperimetric variational problems with Riemann-Liouville derivatives. Both Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations are obtained. Illustrative examples, in the fractional context of the calculus of variations, are discussed.Comment: Submitted 12-Oct-2012; revised 05-Jan-2013; accepted 23-Jan-2013; for publication in Reports on Mathematical Physics. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1001.450

    Clifford algebras, Fourier transforms and quantum mechanics

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    In this review, an overview is given of several recent generalizations of the Fourier transform, related to either the Lie algebra sl_2 or the Lie superalgebra osp(1|2). In the former case, one obtains scalar generalizations of the Fourier transform, including the fractional Fourier transform, the Dunkl transform, the radially deformed Fourier transform and the super Fourier transform. In the latter case, one has to use the framework of Clifford analysis and arrives at the Clifford-Fourier transform and the radially deformed hypercomplex Fourier transform. A detailed exposition of all these transforms is given, with emphasis on aspects such as eigenfunctions and spectrum of the transform, characterization of the integral kernel and connection with various special functions.Comment: Review paper, 39 pages, to appear in Math. Methods. Appl. Sc