32,799 research outputs found

    Completing Queries: Rewriting of IncompleteWeb Queries under Schema Constraints

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    Reactive Web systems, Web services, and Web-based publish/ subscribe systems communicate events as XML messages, and in many cases require composite event detection: it is not sufficient to react to single event messages, but events have to be considered in relation to other events that are received over time. Emphasizing language design and formal semantics, we describe the rule-based query language XChangeEQ for detecting composite events. XChangeEQ is designed to completely cover and integrate the four complementary querying dimensions: event data, event composition, temporal relationships, and event accumulation. Semantics are provided as model and fixpoint theories; while this is an established approach for rule languages, it has not been applied for event queries before

    A discrete continuity

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    'A discrete continuity: On the relation between research and art practice' was published by The Journal of Research Practice, a peer-reviewed journal at Athabasca University Press. This article reflects on the nature of research and art practice, which makes a case for the necessary intermingling of these activities. Research is seen as an operating structure for the process and production of, among other things, art; it is regarded as integral to the processes of thinking and making, as are curiosity, creative enquiry and critical reflection. O’Riley asserts that these processes are not necessarily discipline-specific – although particular disciplines have specific procedures and goals – and it is argued that provisionality is central to what art can offer other disciplines; it can make a virtue of incompleteness. Discussing Flusser, Deutsch and Varto among others, the article posits an expanded notion of the artwork that is essentially conditional and reliant on spectatorial involvement

    The C IV Mass Density of the Universe at Redshift 5

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    In order to search for metals in the Lyman alpha forest at redshifts z > 4, we have obtained spectra of high S/N and resolution of three QSOs at z > 5.4 discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. These data allow us to probe to metal enrichment of the intergalactic medium at early times with higher sensitivity than previous studies. We find 16 C IV absorption systems with column densities log N(C IV) = 12.50 - 13.98 over a total redshift path Delta X = 3.29. In the redshift interval z = 4.5-5.0, where our statistics are most reliable, we deduce a comoving mass density of C IV ions Omega(C IV) = (4.3 +/- 2.5) x 10(-8) (90% confidence limits) for absorption systems with log N(C IV) > 13.0 (for an Einstein-de Sitter cosmology with h = 0.65). This value of Omega(C IV) is entirely consistent with those measured at z < 4; we confirm the earlier finding by Songaila (2001) that neither the column density distribution of C IV absorbers nor its integral show significant redshift evolution over a period of time which stretches from 1.25 to 4.5 Gyr after the big bang. This somewhat surprising conclusion may be an indication that the intergalactic medium was enriched in metals at redshifts much greater than 5, perhaps by the sources responsible for its reionization. Alternatively, the C IV systems we see may be associated with outflows from massive star-forming galaxies at later times, while the truly intergalactic metals may reside in regions of the Lyman alpha forest of lower density than those probed up to now.Comment: 24 pages including 5 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (September 10, 2003 issue

    No evidence for mass segregation in massive young clusters

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    Aims. We investigate the validity of the mass segregation indicators commonly used in analysing young stellar clusters. Methods. We simulate observations by constructing synthetic seeing-limited images of a 1000 massive clusters (10^4 Msun) with a standard IMF and a King-density distribution function. Results. We find that commonly used indicators are highly sensitive to sample incompleteness in observational data and that radial completeness determinations do not provide satisfactory corrections, rendering the studies of radial properties highly uncertain. On the other hand, we find that, under certain conditions, the global completeness can be estimated accurately, allowing for the correction of the global luminosity and mass functions of the cluster. Conclusions. We argue that there is currently no observational evidence of mass segregation in young compact clusters since there is no robust way to differentiate between true mass segregation and sample incompleteness effects. Caution should then be exercised when interpreting results from observations as evidence of mass segregation.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, typos corrected. Download a high-resolution version at http://www.astro.up.pt/~jascenso/mseg_v2.pdf (1 MB

    Faint InfraRed Extragalactic Survey: Data and Source Catalogue of the MS1054-03 field

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    We present deep near-infrared Js, H, and Ks band imaging of a field around MS1054-03, a massive cluster at z=0.83. The observations were carried out with ISAAC at the ESO VLT as part of the Faint InfraRed Extragalactic Survey (FIRES). The total integration time amounts to 25.9h in Js, 24.4h in H, and 26.5h in Ks, divided nearly equally between four pointings covering 5.5'x5.3'. The 3-sigma total limiting AB magnitudes for point sources from the shallowest to deepest pointing are Js=26.0-26.2, H=25.5-25.8, and Ks=25.3-25.7. The effective spatial resolution of the coadded images has FWHM=0.48", 0.46", and 0.52" in Js, H, and Ks. We complemented the ISAAC data with deep optical imaging using existing HST WFPC2 mosaics in the F606W and F814W filters and new U, B and V band data from VLT FORS1. We constructed a Ks-band limited multicolour source catalogue to Ks(total,AB)=25 (about 5-sigma for point sources). The catalogue contains 1858 objects, of which 1663 have eight-band photometry. We describe the observations, data reduction, source detection and photometric measurements method. We present the number counts, colour distributions, and photometric redshifts z_ph of the catalogue sources. We find that our counts at the faint end 22<Ks(AB)<25, with slope dlog(N)/dm=0.20, lie at the flatter end of published counts in other deep fields and are consistent with those we derived in the HDF-South, the other FIRES field. Spectroscopic redshifts z_sp are available for about 330 sources in the MS1054-03 field; comparison between the z_ph and z_sp shows very good agreement, with =0.078. The MS1054-03 field observations complement our HDF-South data set with nearly five times larger area at about 0.7 brighter magnitudes. [ABRIDGED]Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. 32 pages, 14 b/w figures, 1 color figur

    Are Galaxies Optically Thin to Their Own Lyman Continuum Radiation? II. NGC 6822

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    Halpha and UBV photometry of NGC 6822 are used to study the distribution of OB stars and HII regions in the galaxy and to determine whether individual regions of the galaxy are in a state of ionization balance. Four distinct components of the Halpha emission (bright, halo, diffuse and field) differentiated by their surface brightnesses are identified. We find that approximately 1/2 of all OB stars in NGC 6822 are located in the field while only 1/4 are found in the combined bright and halo regions, suggesting that OB stars spend roughly 3/4 of their lifetimes outside ``classical'' H II regions. Comparing the observed Halpha emission with that predicted from stellar ionizing flux models, we find that although the bright, halo and diffuse regions are probably in ionization balance, the field region is producing at least 6 times as much ionizing flux as is observed. The ionization balance results in NGC 6822 suggest that star formation rates obtained from Halpha luminosities must underestimate the true star formation rate in this galaxy by about 50%. Comparing our results for NGC 6822 with previous results for the spiral galaxy M33, we find that the inner kiloparsec of M33 is in a more serious state of ionization imbalance, perhaps due to its higher surface density of blue stars.Comment: Replaced version should now compile with standard aastex style files. 28 pages, aastex preprint format. Accepted in ApJ. Hardcopies of figures available on request to [email protected]
