2 research outputs found

    Concurrency Analysis in Javascript Programs Using Arrows

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    Concurrency errors are difficult to detect and correct in asynchronous programs such as those implemented in JavaScript. One reason is that it is often difficult to keep track of which parts of the program may execute in parallel and potentially share resources in unexpected, and perhaps unintended, ways. While programming constructs such as promises can help improve the readability of asynchronous JavaScript programs that were traditionally written using callbacks, there are no static tools to identify asynchronous functions that run in parallel, which may potentially cause concurrency errors. In this work, we present a solution for implementing JavaScript programs using a library based on the abstraction of arrows. We enhanced the previous implementation of the arrows library by enabling its use with Node.js and by adding parallel asynchronous path detection. Automated identification of which arrows may execute in parallel helps the programmer narrow down the possible sources of concurrency errors

    Desarrollo de un sistema de monitorización conectado para la medición del nivel de CO2 en espacios cerrados

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    Se ha desarrollo un sistema inform atico con el n de monitorizar el nivel de C02 en espacios cerrados bajo la tecnolog a IoT. Este sistema consta de un sistema servidor y un sistema sensor. La informaci on acerca del C02 es proporcionada por una colecci on de sistemas sensores programados para ejecutar un cliente publicador del protocolo MQTT, mediante el cual comunicarse con el servidor. En el sistema servidor se guardan, en una base de datos, los datos enviados por los sensores. Estos datos pueden ser consultados mediante una interfaz web, que adem as permite labores de administraci on acerca del despliegue de los sensores y sus ubicaciones.A computer system has been developed in order to monitor the level of C02 in enclosed spaces using IoT technology. This system consists of a server system and a sensor system. Information about C02 is provided by a collection of sensor systems programmed to run an MQTT protocol publishing client, through which to communicate with the server. The data sent by the sensors is stored in a database on the server system. This data can be consulted through a web interface, which also allows administration of the deployment of the sensors and their locations.Grado en Ingeniería Informátic