36 research outputs found

    Modalidade e implicações estruturais.

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    A conjuntura actual internacional obrigou a reanalisar e a reestruturar a metodologia de emprego da força militar nos dias de hoje. Os dispositivos de forças estruturadas em grandes unidades de constituição fixa revelaram-se pouco adequados ao novo tipo de conflitos que têm surgido um pouco por todo o mundo no pós guerra fria. As forças actuais estão configuradas para actuarem como um todo e qualquer separação de elementos, além de difícil de executar, tem resultado geralmente numa drástica redução de desempenho. (...) O tema em análise encontra-se pouco desenvolvido em termos de implementação modular na óptica do Apoio Logístico em Portugal e é muito rudimentar nos restantes países europeus, por isso entendemos que os Estados Unidos da América (EUA) são, actualmente, o único país com a dimensão e experiência acumulada suficiente para já possuir uma efectiva actividade e doutrina logística modular elaborada e implementada. Decidimos assim, neste trabalho, levar em linha de conta, basicamente, esta experiência até porque, é esta a doutrina que acaba normalmente por transitar, com pequenas alterações e adaptações, para a doutrina da Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (OTAN) numa fase posterior

    Success and Failure in Doctrinal Innovation A Comparison of the U.S. Army Medical Department and Logistics Branch, 1990 2010

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    In the latter half of this decade, the U.S. Army has been engaged in persistent asymmetric warfare. During this period, army organizations have varied in the degree to which they have innovated doctrinally and technologically to confront this new reality. At the broadest level, the army has innovated considerably. However, at the combat brigade level, we observe variation across medical and logistics units, critical for providing support for combat operations. This thesis explains this variation. Several authors propose that units learn and innovate primarily during wartime or peacetime, and they do so from either a top-down or bottom-up methodology. Yet, such methods of learning do not adequately explain variations between respective levels of innovation in which logistics forces within combat brigades have seemingly adapted more rapidly than their medical counterparts. This thesis suggests that another factor, organizational complexity, explains why the brigade support medical company has not adapted as rapidly as its logistics counterparts within the support battalion (BSB) structure.http://archive.org/details/successndfailure109456886Outstanding ThesisMajor, United States ArmyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    The Outsourcing of National Defense

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    The outsourcing of military activities and services has grown dramatically in recent decades. My objective is to understand and explain this phenomenon at work in the United States Department of Defense (DoD) using theoretical frameworks of strategic efficiency, political ideology and organizational theory factors. This study seeks to answer the question, why has the DOD outsourced support activities and functions that contribute to larger national security objectives and were traditionally performed by DoD personnel? I\u27ll use a case-study methodology to examine outsourcing in the DoD between 1970 and 2005, to include an in-depth look at the information technology (IT) networks area of the military services. I\u27ve chosen these cases because they combine to represent a broad perspective of outsourcing behavior across each service over time as well as a specific core area relevant to the war-fighting mission of each service. Since the phenomenon is under explored in political science, my study will be valuable in expanding our understanding of the factors influencing the increasing role of market actors in national defense activities. I\u27ll also address issues regarding the distribution of power, authority and public accountability while identifying relevant bureaucratic, ideological and organizational factors affecting the development and implementation of national security

    Interservice rivalry, mission consolidation and issues of readiness in the DoD: a case study of U.S. Navy EA-6B Joint-Service Expeditionary Squadrons

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    This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of interservice rivalry and the roles and missions debate, the trend towards jointness and mission consolidation within the Department of Defense, and their effects on issues of logistics, funding and readiness. A case study of recently established EA-6B prowler Joint-Service Expeditionary Squadrons organized to replace the Air Force EF-111A Raven highlights the implications of mission competition and consolidation in the post-Cold War era and serves as the focal point for analysis in the areas of logistics, funding and readiness. This study begins with a review of interservice rivalry, jointness and mission consolidation providing both historical and current examples. The case study of the Joint Service Expeditionary Squadrons covers initial planning and organization through recent developments and progress toward Navy assumption of the electronic warfare mission for the Department of Defense. Finally, an analysis of logistics, funding and readiness based on the case study is presented. The thesis concludes with a summary of findings, proposed areas for continued research and concluding remarks.http://archive.org/details/interserviceriva1094532255NAU.S. Navy (U.S.N.) authorApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited