297 research outputs found

    Harvesting models from web 2.0 databases

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    International audienceData rather than functionality are the sources of competitive advantage for Web2.0 applications such as wikis, blogs and social networking websites. This valuable information might need to be capitalized by third-party applications or be subject to migration or data analysis. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) can be used for these purposes. However, MDE first requires obtaining models from the wiki/blog/website database (a.k.a. model harvesting). This can be achieved through SQL scripts embedded in a program. However, this approach leads to laborious code that exposes the iterations and table joins that serve to build the model. By contrast, a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) can hide these "how" concerns, leaving the designer to focus on the "what", i.e. the mapping of database schemas to model classes. This paper introduces Schemol, a DSL tailored for extracting models out of databases which considers Web2.0 specifics. Web2.0 applications are often built on top of general frameworks (a.k.a. engines) that set the database schema (e.g.,MediaWiki, Blojsom). Hence, table names offer little help in automating the extraction process. In addition, Web2.0 data tend to be annotated. User-provided data (e.g., wiki articles, blog entries) might contain semantic markups which provide helpful hints for model extraction. Unfortunately, these data end up being stored as opaque strings. Therefore, there exists a considerable conceptual gap between the source database and the target metamodel. Schemol offers extractive functions and view-like mechanisms to confront these issues. Examples using Blojsom as the blog engine are available for download

    Integration of e-business strategy for multi-lifecycle production systems

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    Internet use has grown exponentially on the last few years becoming a global communication and business resource. Internet-based business, or e-Business will truly affect every sector of the economy in ways that today we can only imagine. The manufacturing sector will be at the forefront of this change. This doctoral dissertation provides a scientific framework and a set of novel decision support tools for evaluating, modeling, and optimizing the overall performance of e-Business integrated multi-lifecycle production systems. The characteristics of this framework include environmental lifecycle study, environmental performance metrics, hyper-network model of integrated e-supply chain networks, fuzzy multi-objective optimization method, discrete-event simulation approach, and scalable enterprise environmental management system design. The dissertation research reveals that integration of e-Business strategy into production systems can alter current industry practices along a pathway towards sustainability, enhancing resource productivity, improving cost efficiencies and reducing lifecycle environmental impacts. The following research challenges and scholarly accomplishments have been addressed in this dissertation: Identification and analysis of environmental impacts of e-Business. A pioneering environmental lifecycle study on the impact of e-Business is conducted, and fuzzy decision theory is further applied to evaluate e-Business scenarios in order to overcome data uncertainty and information gaps; Understanding, evaluation, and development of environmental performance metrics. Major environmental performance metrics are compared and evaluated. A universal target-based performance metric, developed jointly with a team of industry and university researchers, is evaluated, implemented, and utilized in the methodology framework; Generic framework of integrated e-supply chain network. The framework is based on the most recent research on large complex supply chain network model, but extended to integrate demanufacturers, recyclers, and resellers as supply chain partners. Moreover, The e-Business information network is modeled as a overlaid hypernetwork layer for the supply chain; Fuzzy multi-objective optimization theory and discrete-event simulation methods. The solution methods deal with overall system parameter trade-offs, partner selections, and sustainable decision-making; Architecture design for scalable enterprise environmental management system. This novel system is designed and deployed using knowledge-based ontology theory, and XML techniques within an agent-based structure. The implementation model and system prototype are also provided. The new methodology and framework have the potential of being widely used in system analysis, design and implementation of e-Business enabled engineering systems

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 21. Number 4.

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    Uncertainty representation in software models: a survey

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    This paper provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of research work on how uncertainty is currently represented in software models. The survey presents the definitions and current research status of different proposals for addressing uncertainty modeling and introduces a classification framework that allows to compare and classify existing proposals, analyze their current status and identify new trends. In addition, we discuss possible future research directions, opportunities and challenges.This work is partially supported by the European Commission (FEDER) and the Spanish Government under projects APOLO (US1264651), HORATIO (RTI2018-101204-B-C21), EKIPMENT-PLUS (P18-FR-2895) and COSCA (PGC2018-094905-B-I00)

    30 Years of Software Refactoring Research: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155872/4/30YRefactoring.pd

    30 Years of Software Refactoring Research:A Systematic Literature Review

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    Due to the growing complexity of software systems, there has been a dramatic increase and industry demand for tools and techniques on software refactoring in the last ten years, defined traditionally as a set of program transformations intended to improve the system design while preserving the behavior. Refactoring studies are expanded beyond code-level restructuring to be applied at different levels (architecture, model, requirements, etc.), adopted in many domains beyond the object-oriented paradigm (cloud computing, mobile, web, etc.), used in industrial settings and considered objectives beyond improving the design to include other non-functional requirements (e.g., improve performance, security, etc.). Thus, challenges to be addressed by refactoring work are, nowadays, beyond code transformation to include, but not limited to, scheduling the opportune time to carry refactoring, recommendations of specific refactoring activities, detection of refactoring opportunities, and testing the correctness of applied refactorings. Therefore, the refactoring research efforts are fragmented over several research communities, various domains, and objectives. To structure the field and existing research results, this paper provides a systematic literature review and analyzes the results of 3183 research papers on refactoring covering the last three decades to offer the most scalable and comprehensive literature review of existing refactoring research studies. Based on this survey, we created a taxonomy to classify the existing research, identified research trends, and highlighted gaps in the literature and avenues for further research.Comment: 23 page

    A systematic literature review on the semi-automatic configuration of extended product lines

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    Product line engineering has become essential in mass customisation given its ability to reduce production costs and time to market, and to improve product quality and customer satisfaction. In product line literature, mass customisation is known as product configuration. Currently, there are multiple heterogeneous contributions in the product line configuration domain. However, a secondary study that shows an overview of the progress, trends, and gaps faced by researchers in this domain is still missing. In this context, we provide a comprehensive systematic literature review to discover which approaches exist to support the configuration process of extended product lines and how these approaches perform in practice. Extend product lines consider non-functional properties in the product line modelling. We compare and classify a total of 66 primary studies from 2000 to 2016. Mainly, we give an in-depth view of techniques used by each work, how these techniques are evaluated and their main shortcomings. As main results, our review identified (i) the need to improve the quality of the evaluation of existing approaches, (ii) a lack of hybrid solutions to support multiple configuration constraints, and (iii) a need to improve scalability and performance conditions

    Performance Analysis of Business Process Models with Advanced Constructs

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    The importance of actively managing and analysing business processes is acknowledged more than ever in or- ganisations nowadays. Business processes form an essential part of an organisation and their application areas are manifold. Most organisations keep records of various activities that have been carried out for auditing pur- poses, but they are rarely used for analysis purposes. This paper describes the design and implementation of a process analysis tool that replays, analyses and visualises a variety of performance metrics using a process definition and its corresponding execution logs. The replayer uses a YAWL process model example to demon- strate its capacity to support advanced language constructs

    Performance analysis of business process models with advanced constructs

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    The importance of actively managing and analysing business processes is acknowledged more than ever in organisations nowadays. Business processes form an essential part of an organisation and their application areas are manifold. Most organisations keep records of various activities that have been carried out for auditing purposes, but they are rarely used for analysis purposes. This paper describes the design and implementation of a process analysis tool that replays, analyses and visualises a variety of performance metrics using a process definition and its corresponding execution logs. The replayer uses a YAWL process model example to demonstrate its capacity to support advanced language constructs.</p

    Vereinheitlichte Anfrageverarbeitung in heterogenen und verteilten Multimediadatenbanken

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    Multimedia retrieval is an essential part of today's world. This situation is observable in industrial domains, e.g., medical imaging, as well as in the private sector, visible by activities in manifold Social Media platforms. This trend led to the creation of a huge environment of multimedia information retrieval services offering multimedia resources for almost any user requests. Indeed, the encompassed data is in general retrievable by (proprietary) APIs and query languages, but unfortunately a unified access is not given due to arising interoperability issues between those services. In this regard, this thesis focuses on two application scenarios, namely a medical retrieval system supporting a radiologist's workflow, as well as an interoperable image retrieval service interconnecting diverse data silos. The scientific contribution of this dissertation is split in three different parts: the first part of this thesis improves the metadata interoperability issue. Here, major contributions to a community-driven, international standardization have been proposed leading to the specification of an API and ontology to enable a unified annotation and retrieval of media resources. The second part issues a metasearch engine especially designed for unified retrieval in distributed and heterogeneous multimedia retrieval environments. This metasearch engine is capable of being operated in a federated as well as autonomous manner inside the aforementioned application scenarios. The remaining third part ensures an efficient retrieval due to the integration of optimization techniques for multimedia retrieval in the overall query execution process of the metasearch engine.Egal ob im industriellen Bereich oder auch im Social Media - multimediale Daten nehmen eine immer zentralere Rolle ein. Aus diesem fortlaufendem Entwicklungsprozess entwickelten sich umfangreiche Informationssysteme, die Daten für zahlreiche Bedürfnisse anbieten. Allerdings ist ein einheitlicher Zugriff auf jene verteilte und heterogene Landschaft von Informationssystemen in der Praxis nicht gewährleistet. Und dies, obwohl die Datenbestände meist über Schnittstellen abrufbar sind. Im Detail widmet sich diese Arbeit mit der Bearbeitung zweier Anwendungsszenarien. Erstens, einem medizinischen System zur Diagnoseunterstützung und zweitens einer interoperablen, verteilten Bildersuche. Der wissenschaftliche Teil der vorliegenden Dissertation gliedert sich in drei Teile: Teil eins befasst sich mit dem Problem der Interoperabilität zwischen verschiedenen Metadatenformaten. In diesem Bereich wurden maßgebliche Beiträge für ein internationales Standardisierungsverfahren entwickelt. Ziel war es, einer Ontologie, sowie einer Programmierschnittstelle einen vereinheitlichten Zugriff auf multimediale Informationen zu ermöglichen. In Teil zwei wird eine externe Metasuchmaschine vorgestellt, die eine einheitliche Anfrageverarbeitung in heterogenen und verteilten Multimediadatenbanken ermöglicht. In den Anwendungsszenarien wird zum einen auf eine föderative, als auch autonome Anfrageverarbeitung eingegangen. Abschließend werden in Teil drei Techniken zur Optimierung von verteilten multimedialen Anfragen präsentiert