2,577 research outputs found

    Redundancy-Free Self-Supervised Relational Learning for Graph Clustering

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    Graph clustering, which learns the node representations for effective cluster assignments, is a fundamental yet challenging task in data analysis and has received considerable attention accompanied by graph neural networks in recent years. However, most existing methods overlook the inherent relational information among the non-independent and non-identically distributed nodes in a graph. Due to the lack of exploration of relational attributes, the semantic information of the graph-structured data fails to be fully exploited which leads to poor clustering performance. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised deep graph clustering method named Relational Redundancy-Free Graph Clustering (R2^2FGC) to tackle the problem. It extracts the attribute- and structure-level relational information from both global and local views based on an autoencoder and a graph autoencoder. To obtain effective representations of the semantic information, we preserve the consistent relation among augmented nodes, whereas the redundant relation is further reduced for learning discriminative embeddings. In addition, a simple yet valid strategy is utilized to alleviate the over-smoothing issue. Extensive experiments are performed on widely used benchmark datasets to validate the superiority of our R2^2FGC over state-of-the-art baselines. Our codes are available at https://github.com/yisiyu95/R2FGC.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS 2024

    Attribute Graph Clustering via Learnable Augmentation

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    Contrastive deep graph clustering (CDGC) utilizes contrastive learning to group nodes into different clusters. Better augmentation techniques benefit the quality of the contrastive samples, thus being one of key factors to improve performance. However, the augmentation samples in existing methods are always predefined by human experiences, and agnostic from the downstream task clustering, thus leading to high human resource costs and poor performance. To this end, we propose an Attribute Graph Clustering method via Learnable Augmentation (\textbf{AGCLA}), which introduces learnable augmentors for high-quality and suitable augmented samples for CDGC. Specifically, we design two learnable augmentors for attribute and structure information, respectively. Besides, two refinement matrices, including the high-confidence pseudo-label matrix and the cross-view sample similarity matrix, are generated to improve the reliability of the learned affinity matrix. During the training procedure, we notice that there exist differences between the optimization goals for training learnable augmentors and contrastive learning networks. In other words, we should both guarantee the consistency of the embeddings as well as the diversity of the augmented samples. Thus, an adversarial learning mechanism is designed in our method. Moreover, a two-stage training strategy is leveraged for the high-confidence refinement matrices. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of AGCLA on six benchmark datasets

    Rethinking and Simplifying Bootstrapped Graph Latents

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    Graph contrastive learning (GCL) has emerged as a representative paradigm in graph self-supervised learning, where negative samples are commonly regarded as the key to preventing model collapse and producing distinguishable representations. Recent studies have shown that GCL without negative samples can achieve state-of-the-art performance as well as scalability improvement, with bootstrapped graph latent (BGRL) as a prominent step forward. However, BGRL relies on a complex architecture to maintain the ability to scatter representations, and the underlying mechanisms enabling the success remain largely unexplored. In this paper, we introduce an instance-level decorrelation perspective to tackle the aforementioned issue and leverage it as a springboard to reveal the potential unnecessary model complexity within BGRL. Based on our findings, we present SGCL, a simple yet effective GCL framework that utilizes the outputs from two consecutive iterations as positive pairs, eliminating the negative samples. SGCL only requires a single graph augmentation and a single graph encoder without additional parameters. Extensive experiments conducted on various graph benchmarks demonstrate that SGCL can achieve competitive performance with fewer parameters, lower time and space costs, and significant convergence speedup.Comment: Accepted by WSDM 202

    Intelligent flight control systems

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    The capabilities of flight control systems can be enhanced by designing them to emulate functions of natural intelligence. Intelligent control functions fall in three categories. Declarative actions involve decision-making, providing models for system monitoring, goal planning, and system/scenario identification. Procedural actions concern skilled behavior and have parallels in guidance, navigation, and adaptation. Reflexive actions are spontaneous, inner-loop responses for control and estimation. Intelligent flight control systems learn knowledge of the aircraft and its mission and adapt to changes in the flight environment. Cognitive models form an efficient basis for integrating 'outer-loop/inner-loop' control functions and for developing robust parallel-processing algorithms

    CONVERT:Contrastive Graph Clustering with Reliable Augmentation

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    Contrastive graph node clustering via learnable data augmentation is a hot research spot in the field of unsupervised graph learning. The existing methods learn the sampling distribution of a pre-defined augmentation to generate data-driven augmentations automatically. Although promising clustering performance has been achieved, we observe that these strategies still rely on pre-defined augmentations, the semantics of the augmented graph can easily drift. The reliability of the augmented view semantics for contrastive learning can not be guaranteed, thus limiting the model performance. To address these problems, we propose a novel CONtrastiVe Graph ClustEring network with Reliable AugmenTation (COVERT). Specifically, in our method, the data augmentations are processed by the proposed reversible perturb-recover network. It distills reliable semantic information by recovering the perturbed latent embeddings. Moreover, to further guarantee the reliability of semantics, a novel semantic loss is presented to constrain the network via quantifying the perturbation and recovery. Lastly, a label-matching mechanism is designed to guide the model by clustering information through aligning the semantic labels and the selected high-confidence clustering pseudo labels. Extensive experimental results on seven datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. We release the code and appendix of CONVERT at https://github.com/xihongyang1999/CONVERT on GitHub