1,208 research outputs found

    Anomalous Scale Dimensions from Timelike Braiding

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    Using the previously gained insight about the particle/field relation in conformal quantum field theories which required interactions to be related to the existence of particle-like states associated with fields of anomalous scaling dimensions, we set out to construct a classification theory for the spectra of anomalous dimensions. Starting from the old observations on conformal superselection sectors related to the anomalous dimensions via the phases which appear in the spectral decomposition of the center of the conformal covering group Z(SO(d,2)~),Z(\widetilde{SO(d,2)}), we explore the possibility of a timelike braiding structure consistent with the timelike ordering which refines and explains the central decomposition. We regard this as a preparatory step in a new construction attempt of interacting conformal quantum field theories in D=4 spacetime dimensions. Other ideas of constructions based on the AdS5AdS_{5}-CQFT4CQFT_{4} or the perturbative SYM approach in their relation to the present idea are briefly mentioned.Comment: completely revised, updated and shortened replacement, 24 pages tcilatex, 3 latexcad figure

    Most vital segment barriers

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    We study continuous analogues of "vitality" for discrete network flows/paths, and consider problems related to placing segment barriers that have highest impact on a flow/path in a polygonal domain. This extends the graph-theoretic notion of "most vital arcs" for flows/paths to geometric environments. We give hardness results and efficient algorithms for various versions of the problem, (almost) completely separating hard and polynomially-solvable cases

    Molecular dynamics simulations of complex shaped particles using Minkowski operators

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    The Minkowski operators (addition and substraction of sets in vectorial spaces) has been extensively used for Computer Graphics and Image Processing to represent complex shapes. Here we propose to apply those mathematical concepts to extend the Molecular Dynamics (MD) Methods for simulations with complex-shaped particles. A new concept of Voronoi-Minkowski diagrams is introduced to generate random packings of complex-shaped particles with tunable particle roundness. By extending the classical concept of Verlet list we achieve numerical efficiencies that do not grow quadratically with the body number of sides. Simulations of dissipative granular materials under shear demonstrate that the method complies with the first law of thermodynamics for energy balance.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    2D multi-objective placement algorithm for free-form components

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    This article presents a generic method to solve 2D multi-objective placement problem for free-form components. The proposed method is a relaxed placement technique combined with an hybrid algorithm based on a genetic algorithm and a separation algorithm. The genetic algorithm is used as a global optimizer and is in charge of efficiently exploring the search space. The separation algorithm is used to legalize solutions proposed by the global optimizer, so that placement constraints are satisfied. A test case illustrates the application of the proposed method. Extensions for solving the 3D problem are given at the end of the article.Comment: ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diego : United States (2009

    On the Power of Manifold Samples in Exploring Configuration Spaces and the Dimensionality of Narrow Passages

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    We extend our study of Motion Planning via Manifold Samples (MMS), a general algorithmic framework that combines geometric methods for the exact and complete analysis of low-dimensional configuration spaces with sampling-based approaches that are appropriate for higher dimensions. The framework explores the configuration space by taking samples that are entire low-dimensional manifolds of the configuration space capturing its connectivity much better than isolated point samples. The contributions of this paper are as follows: (i) We present a recursive application of MMS in a six-dimensional configuration space, enabling the coordination of two polygonal robots translating and rotating amidst polygonal obstacles. In the adduced experiments for the more demanding test cases MMS clearly outperforms PRM, with over 20-fold speedup in a coordination-tight setting. (ii) A probabilistic completeness proof for the most prevalent case, namely MMS with samples that are affine subspaces. (iii) A closer examination of the test cases reveals that MMS has, in comparison to standard sampling-based algorithms, a significant advantage in scenarios containing high-dimensional narrow passages. This provokes a novel characterization of narrow passages which attempts to capture their dimensionality, an attribute that had been (to a large extent) unattended in previous definitions.Comment: 20 page

    Two-dimensional models as testing ground for principles and concepts of local quantum physics

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    In the past two-dimensional models of QFT have served as theoretical laboratories for testing new concepts under mathematically controllable condition. In more recent times low-dimensional models (e.g. chiral models, factorizing models) often have been treated by special recipes in a way which sometimes led to a loss of unity of QFT. In the present work I try to counteract this apartheid tendency by reviewing past results within the setting of the general principles of QFT. To this I add two new ideas: (1) a modular interpretation of the chiral model Diff(S)-covariance with a close connection to the recently formulated local covariance principle for QFT in curved spacetime and (2) a derivation of the chiral model temperature duality from a suitable operator formulation of the angular Wick rotation (in analogy to the Nelson-Symanzik duality in the Ostertwalder-Schrader setting) for rational chiral theories. The SL(2,Z) modular Verlinde relation is a special case of this thermal duality and (within the family of rational models) the matrix S appearing in the thermal duality relation becomes identified with the statistics character matrix S. The relevant angular Euclideanization'' is done in the setting of the Tomita-Takesaki modular formalism of operator algebras. I find it appropriate to dedicate this work to the memory of J. A. Swieca with whom I shared the interest in two-dimensional models as a testing ground for QFT for more than one decade. This is a significantly extended version of an ``Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics'' contribution hep-th/0502125.Comment: 55 pages, removal of some typos in section
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