85 research outputs found

    Self-Healing Distributed Scheduling Platform

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    International audienceDistributed systems require effective mechanisms to manage the reliable provisioning of computational resources from different and distributed providers. Moreover, the dynamic environment that affects the behaviour of such systems and the complexity of these dynamics demand autonomous capabilities to ensure the behaviour of distributed scheduling platforms and to achieve business and user objectives. In this paper we propose a self-adaptive distributed scheduling platform composed of multiple agents implemented as intelligent feedback control loops to support policy-based scheduling and expose self-healing capabilities. Our platform leverages distributed scheduling processes by (i) allowing each provider to maintain its own internal scheduling process, and (ii) implementing self-healing capabilities based on agent module recovery. Simulated tests are performed to determine the optimal number of agents to be used in the negotiation phase without affecting the scheduling cost function. Test results on a real-life platform are presented to evaluate recovery times and optimize platform parameters

    Resource management algorithms for real-time wireless sensor networks with applications in cyber-physical systems

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are playing a key role in the efficient operation of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). They provide cost efficient solutions to current and future CPS re- quirements such as real-time structural awareness, faster event localization, cost reduction due to condition based maintenance rather than periodic maintenance, increased opportunities for real-time preventive or corrective control action and fine grained diagnostic analysis. However, there are several critical challenges in the real world applicability of WSN. The low power, low data rate characteristics of WSNs coupled with constraints such as application specified latency and wireless interference present challenges to their efficient integration in CPSs. The existing state of the art solutions lack methods to address these challenges that impediment the easy integration of WSN in CPS. This dissertation develops efficient resource management algorithms enabling WSNs to perform reliable, real-time, cost efficient monitoring. This research addresses three important problems in resource management in the presence of different constraints such as latency, precedence and wireless interference constraints. Additionally, the dissertation proposes a solution to deploy WSNs based real-time monitoring of critical infrastructure such as electrical overhead transmission lines. Firstly, design and analysis of an energy-aware scheduling algorithm encompassing both computation and communication subsystems in the presence of deadline, precedence and in- terference constraints is presented. The energy-delay tradeoff presented by the energy saving technologies such as Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) and Dynamic modulation Scaling (DMS) is studied and methods to leverage it by way of efficient schedule construction is proposed. Performance results show that the proposed polynomial-time heuristic scheduling algorithm offers comparable energy savings to that of the analytically derived optimal solution. Secondly, design, analysis and evaluation of adaptive online algorithms leveraging run- time variations is presented. Specifically, two widely used medium access control schemes are considered and online algorithms are proposed for each. For one, temporal correlation in sensor measurements is exploited and three heuristics with varying complexities are proposed to perform energy minimization using DMS. For another, an adaptive algorithm is proposed addressing channel and load conditions at a node by influencing the selection of either low energy or low delay transmission option. In both cases, the simulation results show that the proposed schemes provide much better energy savings as compared to the existing algorithms. The third component presents design and evaluation of a WSN based framework to mon- itor a CPS namely, electrical overhead transmission line infrastructure. The cost optimized hybrid hierarchical network architecture is composed of a combination of wired, wireless and cellular technologies. The proposed formulation is generic and addresses constraints such as bandwidth and latency; and real world scenarios such as asymmetric sensor data generation, unreliable wireless link behavior, non-uniform cellular coverage and is suitable for cost minimized incremental future deployment. In conclusion, this dissertation addresses several challenging research questions in the area of resource management in WSNs and their applicability in future CPSs through associated algorithms and analyses. The proposed research opens up new avenues for future research such as energy management through network coding and fault diagnosis for reliable monitoring

    Optimization Methods for Optical Long-Haul and Access Networks

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    Optical communications based on fiber optics and the associated technologies have seen remarkable progress over the past two decades. Widespread deployment of optical fiber has been witnessed in backbone and metro networks as well as access segments connecting to customer premises and homes. Designing and developing a reliable, robust and efficient end-to-end optical communication system have thus emerged as topics of utmost importance both to researchers and network operators. To fulfill these requirements, various problems have surfaced and received attention, such as network planning, capacity placement, traffic grooming, traffic scheduling, and bandwidth allocation. The optimal network design aims at addressing (one or more of) these problems based on some optimization objectives. In this thesis, we consider two of the most important problems in optical networks; namely the survivability in optical long-haul networks and the problem of bandwidth allocation and scheduling in optical access networks. For the former, we present efficient and accurate models for availability-aware design and service provisioning in p-cycle based survivable networks. We also derive optimization models for survivable network design based on p-trail, a more general protection structure, and compare its performance with p-cycles. Indeed, major cost savings can be obtained when the optical access and long-haul subnetworks become closer to each other by means of consolidation of access and metro networks. As this distance between long-haul and access networks reduces, and the need and expectations from passive optical access networks (PONs) soar, it becomes crucial to efficiently manage bandwidth in the access while providing the desired level of service availability in the long-haul backbone. We therefore address in this thesis the problem of bandwidth management and scheduling in passive optical networks; we design efficient joint and non-joint scheduling and bandwidth allocation methods for multichannel PON as well as next generation 10Gbps Ethernet PON (10G-EPON) while addressing the problem of coexistence between 10G-EPONs and multichannel PONs

    High-performance and fault-tolerant techniques for massive data distribution in online communities

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    The amount of digital information produced and consumed is increasing each day. This rapid growth is motivated by the advances in computing power, hardware technologies, and the popularization of user generated content networks. New hardware is able to process larger quantities of data, which permits to obtain finer results, and as a consequence more data is generated. In this respect, scientific applications have evolved benefiting from the new hardware capabilities. This type of application is characterized by requiring large amounts of information as input, generating a significant amount of intermediate data resulting in large files. This increase not only appears in terms of volume, but also in terms of size, we need to provide methods that permit a efficient and reliable data access mechanism. Producing such a method is a challenging task due to the amount of aspects involved. However, we can leverage the knowledge found in social networks to improve the distribution process. In this respect, the advent of the Web 2.0 has popularized the concept of social network, which provides valuable knowledge about the relationships among users, and the users with the data. However, extracting the knowledge and defining ways to actively use it to increase the performance of a system remains an open research direction. Additionally, we must also take into account other existing limitations. In particular, the interconnection between different elements of the system is one of the key aspects. The availability of new technologies such as the mass-production of multicore chips, large storage media, better sensors, etc. contributed to the increase of data being produced. However, the underlying interconnection technologies have not improved with the same speed as the others. This leads to a situation where vast amounts of data can be produced and need to be consumed by a large number of geographically distributed users, but the interconnection between both ends does not match the required needs. In this thesis, we address the problem of efficient and reliable data distribution in a geographically distributed systems. In this respect, we focus on providing a solution that 1) optimizes the use of existing resources, 2) does not requires changes in the underlying interconnection, and 3) provides fault-tolerant capabilities. In order to achieve this objectives, we define a generic data distribution architecture composed of three main components: community detection module, transfer scheduling module, and distribution controller. The community detection module leverages the information found in the social network formed by the users requesting files and produces a set of virtual communities grouping entities with similar interests. The transfer scheduling module permits to produce a plan to efficiently distribute all requested files improving resource utilization. For this purpose, we model the distribution problem using linear programming and offer a method to permit a distributed solving of the problem. Finally, the distribution controller manages the distribution process using the aforementioned schedule, controls the available server infrastructure, and launches new on-demand resources when necessary

    Cross-layer schemes for performance optimization in wireless networks

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    Wireless networks are undergoing rapid progress and inspiring numerous applications. As the application of wireless networks becomes broader, they are expected to not only provide ubiquitous connectivity, but also support end users with certain service guarantees. End-to-end delay is an important Quality of Service (QoS) metric in multihop wireless networks. This dissertation addresses how to minimize end-to-end delay through joint optimization of network layer routing and link layer scheduling. Two cross-layer schemes, a loosely coupled cross-layer scheme and a tightly coupled cross-layer scheme, are proposed. The two cross-layer schemes involve interference modeling in multihop wireless networks with omnidirectional antenna. In addition, based on the interference model, multicast schedules are optimized to minimize the total end-to-end delay. Throughput is another important QoS metric in wireless networks. This dissertation addresses how to leverage the spatial multiplexing function of MIMO links to improve wireless network throughput. Wireless interference modeling of a half-duplex MIMO node is presented. Based on the interference model, routing, spatial multiplexing, and scheduling are jointly considered in one optimization model. The throughput optimization problem is first addressed in constant bit rate networks and then in variable bit rate networks. In a variable data rate network, transmitters can use adaptive coding and modulation schemes to change their data rates so that the data rates are supported by the Signal to Noise and Interference Ratio (SINR). The problem of achieving maximum throughput in a millimeter-wave wireless personal area network is studied --Abstract, page iv

    Edge Computing for Internet of Things

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    The Internet-of-Things is becoming an established technology, with devices being deployed in homes, workplaces, and public areas at an increasingly rapid rate. IoT devices are the core technology of smart-homes, smart-cities, intelligent transport systems, and promise to optimise travel, reduce energy usage and improve quality of life. With the IoT prevalence, the problem of how to manage the vast volumes of data, wide variety and type of data generated, and erratic generation patterns is becoming increasingly clear and challenging. This Special Issue focuses on solving this problem through the use of edge computing. Edge computing offers a solution to managing IoT data through the processing of IoT data close to the location where the data is being generated. Edge computing allows computation to be performed locally, thus reducing the volume of data that needs to be transmitted to remote data centres and Cloud storage. It also allows decisions to be made locally without having to wait for Cloud servers to respond

    Production Scheduling

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    Generally speaking, scheduling is the procedure of mapping a set of tasks or jobs (studied objects) to a set of target resources efficiently. More specifically, as a part of a larger planning and scheduling process, production scheduling is essential for the proper functioning of a manufacturing enterprise. This book presents ten chapters divided into five sections. Section 1 discusses rescheduling strategies, policies, and methods for production scheduling. Section 2 presents two chapters about flow shop scheduling. Section 3 describes heuristic and metaheuristic methods for treating the scheduling problem in an efficient manner. In addition, two test cases are presented in Section 4. The first uses simulation, while the second shows a real implementation of a production scheduling system. Finally, Section 5 presents some modeling strategies for building production scheduling systems. This book will be of interest to those working in the decision-making branches of production, in various operational research areas, as well as computational methods design. People from a diverse background ranging from academia and research to those working in industry, can take advantage of this volume

    Self-adaptive Grid Resource Monitoring and discovery

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    The Grid provides a novel platform where the scientific and engineering communities can share data and computation across multiple administrative domains. There are several key services that must be offered by Grid middleware; one of them being the Grid Information Service( GIS). A GIS is a Grid middleware component which maintains information about hardware, software, services and people participating in a virtual organisation( VO). There is an inherent need in these systems for the delivery of reliable performance. This thesis describes a number of approaches which detail the development and application of a suite of benchmarks for the prediction of the process of resource discovery and monitoring on the Grid. A series of experimental studies of the characterisation of performance using benchmarking, are carried out. Several novel predictive algorithms are presented and evaluated in terms of their predictive error. Furthermore, predictive methods are developed which describe the behaviour of MDS2 for a variable number of user requests. The MDS is also extended to include job information from a local scheduler; this information is queried using requests of greatly varying complexity. The response of the MDS to these queries is then assessed in terms of several performance metrics. The benchmarking of the dynamic nature of information within MDS3 which is based on the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA), and also the successor to MDS2, is also carried out. The performance of both the pull and push query mechanisms is analysed. GridAdapt (Self-adaptive Grid Resource Monitoring) is a new system that is proposed, built upon the Globus MDS3 benchmarking. It offers self-adaptation, autonomy and admission control at the Index Service, whilst ensuring that the MIDS is not overloaded and can meet its quality-of-service,f or example,i n terms of its average response time for servicing synchronous queries and the total number of queries returned per unit time