372 research outputs found

    Optimization of Spectrum Management in Massive Array Antenna Systems with MIMO

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    Fifth generation (5G), is being considered as a revolutionary technology in the telecommunication domain whose the challenges are mainly to achieve signal quality and great ability to work with free spectrum in the millimetre waves. Besides, other important innovations are the introduction of a more current architecture and the use of multiple antennas in transmission and reception. Digital communication using multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) wireless links has recently emerged as one of the most significant technical advances in modern communications. MIMO technology is able to offer a large increase in the capacity of these systems, without requiring a considerable increase in bandwidth or power required for transmission. This dissertation presents an overview of theoretical concepts of MIMO systems. With such a system a spatial diversity gain can be obtained by using space-time codes, which simultaneously exploit the spatial domain and the time domain. SISO, SIMO and MISO systems are differentiated by their channel capacity and their configuration in relation to the number of antennas in the transmitter/receiver. To verify the effectiveness of the MIMO systems a comparison between the capacity of SISO and MIMO systems has been performed using the Shannon’s principles. In the MIMO system some variations in the number of antennas arrays have been considered, and the superiority of transmission gains of the MIMO systems have been demonstrated. Combined with millimetre waves (mmWaves) technology, massive MIMO systems, where the number of antennas in the base station and the number of users are large, is a promising solution. SDR implementations have been performed considering a platform with Matlab code applied to MIMO 2x2 Radio and Universal Software Peripheral Radio (USRP). A detailed study was initially conducted to analyze the architecture of the USRP. Complex structures of MIMO systems can be simplified by using mathematical methods implemented in Matlab for the synchronization of the USRP in the receiver side. SISO transmission and reception techniques have been considered to refine the synchronization (with 16-QAM), thus facilitating the future implementation of the MIMO system. OpenAirInterface has been considered for 4G and 5G implementations of actual mobile radio communication systems. Together with the practical MIMO, this type of solution is the starting point for future hardware building blocks involving massive MIMO systems.A quinta geração (5G) está sendo considerada uma tecnologia revolucionária no setor de telecomunicações, cujos desafios são principalmente a obtenção de qualidade de sinal e grande capacidade de trabalhar com espectro livre nas ondas milimétricas. Além disso, outras inovações importantes são a introdução de uma arquitetura mais atual e o uso de múltiplas antenas em transmissão e recepção. A comunicação digital usando ligaçõe sem fio de múltiplas entradas e múltiplas saídas (MIMO) emergiu recentemente como um dos avanços técnicos mais significativos nas comunicações modernas. A tecnologia MIMO é capaz de oferecer um elevado aumento na capacidade, sem exigir um aumento considerável na largura de banda ou potência transmitida. Esta dissertação apresenta uma visão geral dos conceitos teóricos dos sistemas MIMO. Com esses sistemas, um ganho de diversidade espacial pode ser obtido utilizando códigos espaço-tempo reais. Os sistemas SISO, SIMO e MISO são diferenciados pela capacidade de seus canais e a sua configuração em relação ao número de antenas no emissor/receptor. Para verificar a eficiência dos sistemas MIMO, realizou-se uma comparação entre a capacidade dos sistemas SISO e MIMO utilizado os princípios de Shannon. Nos sistemas MIMO condecideraram-se algumas variações no número de agregados de antenas, e a superioridade dos ganhos de transmissão dos sistemas MIMO foi demonstrada. Combinado com a tecnologia de ondas milimétricas (mmWaves), os sistemas massivos MIMO, onde o número de antenas na estação base e o número de usuários são grandes, são uma solução promissora. As implementações do SDR foram realizadas considerando uma plataforma com código Matlab aplicado aos rádios MIMO 2x2 e Universal Software Peripheral Radio (USRP). Um estudo detalhado foi inicialmente conduzido para analisar a arquitetura da USRP. Estruturas complexas de sistemas MIMO podem ser simplificadas usando métodos matemáticos implementados no Matlab para a sincronização do USRP no lado do receptor. Consideraram-se técnicas de transmissão e recepção SISO para refinar a sincronização (com 16-QAM), facilitando assim a implementação futura do sistema MIMO . Considerou-se o OpenAirInterface para implementações 4G e 5G de sistemas reais de comunicações móveis. Juntamente com o MIMO na pratica, este tipo de solução é o ponto de partida para futuros blocos de construção de hardware envolvendo sistemas MIMO massivos

    Millimetre wave frequency band as a candidate spectrum for 5G network architecture : a survey

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    In order to meet the huge growth in global mobile data traffic in 2020 and beyond, the development of the 5th Generation (5G) system is required as the current 4G system is expected to fall short of the provision needed for such growth. 5G is anticipated to use a higher carrier frequency in the millimetre wave (mm-wave) band, within the 20 to 90 GHz, due to the availability of a vast amount of unexploited bandwidth. It is a revolutionary step to use these bands because of their different propagation characteristics, severe atmospheric attenuation, and hardware constraints. In this paper, we carry out a survey of 5G research contributions and proposed design architectures based on mm-wave communications. We present and discuss the use of mm-wave as indoor and outdoor mobile access, as a wireless backhaul solution, and as a key enabler for higher order sectorisation. Wireless standards such as IEE802.11ad, which are operating in mm-wave band have been presented. These standards have been designed for short range, ultra high data throughput systems in the 60 GHz band. Furthermore, this survey provides new insights regarding relevant and open issues in adopting mm-wave for 5G networks. This includes increased handoff rate and interference in Ultra-Dense Network (UDN), waveform consideration with higher spectral efficiency, and supporting spatial multiplexing in mm-wave line of sight. This survey also introduces a distributed base station architecture in mm-wave as an approach to address increased handoff rate in UDN, and to provide an alternative way for network densification in a time and cost effective manner

    Improvement of 5G performance through network densification in millimetre wave band

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    Recently, there has been a substantial growth in mobile data traffic due to the widespread of data hungry devices such as mobiles and laptops. The anticipated high traffic demands and low latency requirements stemmed from the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine Type Communications (MTC) can only be met with radical changes to the network paradigm such as harnessing the millimetre wave (mmWave) band in Ultra-Dense Network (UDN). This thesis presents many challenges, problems and questions that arise in research and design stage of 5G network. The main challenges of 5G in mmWave can be characterised with the following attributes: i- huge traffic demands, with very high data rate requirements, ii- high interference in UDN, iii increased handover in UDN, higher dependency on Line of Sight (LOS) coverage and high shadow fading, and iv-massive MTC traffic due to billions of connected devices. In this work, software simulation tools have been used to evaluate the proposed solutions. Therefore, we have introduced 5G network based on network densification. Network densification includes densification over frequency through mmWave, and densification over space through higher number of antennas, Higher Order Sectorisation (HOS), and denser deployment of small-cells. Our results show that the densification theme has significantly improved network capacity and user Quality of Experience (QoE). UDN network can efficiently raise the user experience to the level that 5G vision promised. However, one of the drawback of using UDN and HOS is the significant increase in Inter-Cell Interference (ICI). Therefore, ICI has been addressed in this work to increase the gain of densification. ICI can degrade the performance of wireless network, particularly in UDN due to the increased interference from surrounding cells. We have used Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) as ICI Coordination (ICIC) for UDN network and HOS environment. The work shows that FFR has improved the network performance in terms of cell-edge data throughput and average cell throughput, and maintain the peak data throughput at a certain threshold. Additionally, HOS has shown even greater gain over default sectored sites when the interference is carefully coordinated. To generalise the principle of densification, we have introduced Distributed Base Station (DBS) as the envisioned network architecture for 5G in mmWave. Remotely distributed antennas in DBS architecture have been harnessed in order to compensate for the high path loss that characterise mmWave propagation. The proposed architecture has significantly improved the user data throughput, decreased the unnecessary handovers as a result of dense network, increased the LOS coverage probability, and reduced the impact of shadow fading. Additionally, this research discusses the regulatory requirements at mmWave band for the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE). Finally, scheduling massive MTC traffic in 5G has been considered. MTC is expected to contribute to the majority of IoT traffic. In this context, an algorithm has been developed to schedule this type of traffic. The results demonstrate the gain of using distributed antennas on MTC traffic in terms of spectral efficiency, data throughput, and fairness. The results show considerable improvement in the performance metrics. The combination of these contributions has provided remarkable increase in data throughput to achieve the 5G vision of “massive” capacity and to support human and machine traffic

    Photonic and Electronic Co-integration for Millimetre-Wave Hybrid Photonic-Wireless Links

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    Photonic and Electronic Co-integration for Millimetre-Wave Hybrid Photonic-Wireless Links

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    mmWave RX interference test considerations and challenges in OTA environment

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    Abstract. Verifying equipment using the OTA (Over the Air) techniques is a recent addition in telecommunication testing. With the addition of new frequency bands, mmWave (millimetre wave) technology and massive MIMO (Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output), the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Programme) has cemented OTA testing as the focus for verifying future equipment. However, these verifying methods are still in development, or stated as general ideas of how they are meant to be done. The main goal of this thesis is to study and design a system for receiver radio testing, according to 3GPP specifications. The test system must operate in mmWave frequency range and must be integrated to a pre-built antenna testing environment. The motivation is to verify the testing method proposed by 3GPP for mmWave receiver testing and analyse it thoroughly. This thesis aims to answer such research questions as: Is the testing method proposed by 3GPP valid for verifying mmWave frequency products? What are the major challenges, when designing test setup for high frequency devices? How can the method be improved and how it can be applied in the future? This thesis answers the first question by applying the proposed test methods in practical scenario and testing an actual eNB/gNB (eNodeB / Next generation eNodeB). Since the proposed test method has only general outline of what equipment to use, the actual test scenario will have additional pieces of testing equipment. For the second question, this thesis discusses the theory behind 5G and mmWave challenges, and how the use of these techniques is justified for practical usage. This theory is based on former research as well as current specifications applied by the 3GPP. The third research question is part of the final analysis, where the test results are analysed, and the major parts are discussed in depth. These discussions are then further expanded on with the purpose of suggesting possible areas of improvement as well as how to apply these findings into future use. The final outcome of the study is that the suggested test method is workings as it was presented by the 3GPP. However, there are some areas of improvement that should be discussed as a future work.Millimetriaaltojen RX interferenssi RF-testit OTA-ympäristössä. Tiivistelmä. Tuotteiden testaaminen ilmateitse on melko uusi lisäys tietoliikennetestauksen tekniikoihin, joita käytetään tuotteiden varmentamiseen. 3GPP on osoittanut OTA-testauksen keskeiseksi osaksi tulevien tuotteiden verifiointia. Osaksi tämä johtuu uusien taajuuskanavien käyttöönotosta, millimetriaaltoteknologiasta sekä massive MIMO tuotteiden yleistymisestä. Vaikka testaustapoja on jo ehdotettu, ne ovat vielä mahdollisesti vain yleisiä ideoita kuinka testejä tulisi suorittaa. Työn tarkoituksena on tutkia ja suunnitella vastaanottimen testaamiseen tehty testijärjestely. Testijärjestelyn tulee toimia millimetriaalloille tarkoitetulla taajuusalueella, ja työ tulee integroida valmiiksi suunniteltuun CATR-antennikammioon. Työn motivaationa on verifioida 3GPP:n ehdottama testausmetodi, millimetriaaltotaajuuksilla toimivien vastaanottimien toimivuus ja analysoida tämä tarkemmin. Tämä työ pyrkii vastaamaan tutkimuskysymyksiin kuten: Onko 3GPP:n ehdottama testimetodi pätevä verifioimaan millimetriaaltotaajuuksilla toimivia tuotteita? Mitä ovat suurimmat haasteet, kun suunnitellaan testijärjestelyä korkeataajuuksisille laitteille? Kuinka tätä metodia voidaan parantaa, ja kuinka sitä voidaan hyödyntää tulevaisuudessa? Työ vastaa ensimmäiseen tutkimuskysymykseen ottamalla käyttöön 3GPP:n ehdottamat testausmetodit käytännön testijärjestelyssä, ja testaamalla näillä metodeilla oikean tuotteen. Tällä tavoin ehdotettu testausmetodi pyritään verifioimaan. Tulee kuitenkin ottaa huomion, että ehdotetussa metodissa esitetään vain yleisellä tasolla mitä testaamiseen käytettävää laitteistoa käytetään. Tämän takia testeissä tulee olemaan joitain lisälaitteita, jotka ovat kuitenkin osa kokonaista testiympäristöä. Toiseen tutkimuskysymykseen perehdytään käymällä läpi teoriaa 5G:n ja millimetriaaltoteknologian haasteista, ja kuinka näitä tekniikoita tullaan hyödyntämään tulevaisuudessa. Teoria perustuu aiempaan tutkimukseen, sekä nykyisiin spesifikaatioihin jota 3GPP on kehittänyt. Kolmas tutkimuskysymys on osa lopullista analyysiä, jossa testien tulokset analysoidaan ja niiden pääkohdista keskustellaan tarkemmin. Tämän jälkeen keskusteluja täsmennetään liittyen mahdollisiin parannuksiin tietyllä aihealueilla, sekä mahdollisuuksista käyttää kyseisiä tuloksia tulevaisuudessa. Lopullinen päätelmä on, että ehdotettu testausmetodi toimii kuten se oli esitetty 3GPP:n dokumentoinnissa. On kuitenkin joitain osa-alueita, joita voitaisiin käsitellä tarkemmin tai jopa parantaa tulevaisuutta varten

    5G-PPP Technology Board:Delivery of 5G Services Indoors - the wireless wire challenge and solutions

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    The 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) has focused its research and innovation activities mainly on outdoor use cases and supporting the user and its applications while on the move. However, many use cases inherently apply in indoor environments whereas their requirements are not always properly reflected by the requirements eminent for outdoor applications. The best example for indoor applications can be found is the Industry 4.0 vertical, in which most described use cases are occurring in a manufacturing hall. Other environments exhibit similar characteristics such as commercial spaces in offices, shopping malls and commercial buildings. We can find further similar environments in the media & entertainment sector, culture sector with museums and the transportation sector with metro tunnels. Finally in the residential space we can observe a strong trend for wireless connectivity of appliances and devices in the home. Some of these spaces are exhibiting very high requirements among others in terms of device density, high-accuracy localisation, reliability, latency, time sensitivity, coverage and service continuity. The delivery of 5G services to these spaces has to consider the specificities of the indoor environments, in which the radio propagation characteristics are different and in the case of deep indoor scenarios, external radio signals cannot penetrate building construction materials. Furthermore, these spaces are usually “polluted” by existing wireless technologies, causing a multitude of interreference issues with 5G radio technologies. Nevertheless, there exist cases in which the co-existence of 5G new radio and other radio technologies may be sensible, such as for offloading local traffic. In any case the deployment of networks indoors is advised to consider and be planned along existing infrastructure, like powerlines and available shafts for other utilities. Finally indoor environments expose administrative cross-domain issues, and in some cases so called non-public networks, foreseen by 3GPP, could be an attractive deployment model for the owner/tenant of a private space and for the mobile network operators serving the area. Technology-wise there exist a number of solutions for indoor RAN deployment, ranging from small cell architectures, optical wireless/visual light communication, and THz communication utilising reconfigurable intelligent surfaces. For service delivery the concept of multi-access edge computing is well tailored to host virtual network functions needed in the indoor environment, including but not limited to functions supporting localisation, security, load balancing, video optimisation and multi-source streaming. Measurements of key performance indicators in indoor environments indicate that with proper planning and consideration of the environment characteristics, available solutions can deliver on the expectations. Measurements have been conducted regarding throughput and reliability in the mmWave and optical wireless communication cases, electric and magnetic field measurements, round trip latency measurements, as well as high-accuracy positioning in laboratory environment. Overall, the results so far are encouraging and indicate that 5G and beyond networks must advance further in order to meet the demands of future emerging intelligent automation systems in the next 10 years. Highly advanced industrial environments present challenges for 5G specifications, spanning congestion, interference, security and safety concerns, high power consumption, restricted propagation and poor location accuracy within the radio and core backbone communication networks for the massive IoT use cases, especially inside buildings. 6G and beyond 5G deployments for industrial networks will be increasingly denser, heterogeneous and dynamic, posing stricter performance requirements on the network. The large volume of data generated by future connected devices will put a strain on networks. It is therefore fundamental to discriminate the value of information to maximize the utility for the end users with limited network resources

    1-D broadside-radiating leaky-wave antenna based on a numerically synthesized impedance surface

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    A newly-developed deterministic numerical technique for the automated design of metasurface antennas is applied here for the first time to the design of a 1-D printed Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA) for broadside radiation. The surface impedance synthesis process does not require any a priori knowledge on the impedance pattern, and starts from a mask constraint on the desired far-field and practical bounds on the unit cell impedance values. The designed reactance surface for broadside radiation exhibits a non conventional patterning; this highlights the merit of using an automated design process for a design well known to be challenging for analytical methods. The antenna is physically implemented with an array of metal strips with varying gap widths and simulation results show very good agreement with the predicted performance