345 research outputs found

    GraphBLAST: A High-Performance Linear Algebra-based Graph Framework on the GPU

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    High-performance implementations of graph algorithms are challenging to implement on new parallel hardware such as GPUs because of three challenges: (1) the difficulty of coming up with graph building blocks, (2) load imbalance on parallel hardware, and (3) graph problems having low arithmetic intensity. To address some of these challenges, GraphBLAS is an innovative, on-going effort by the graph analytics community to propose building blocks based on sparse linear algebra, which will allow graph algorithms to be expressed in a performant, succinct, composable and portable manner. In this paper, we examine the performance challenges of a linear-algebra-based approach to building graph frameworks and describe new design principles for overcoming these bottlenecks. Among the new design principles is exploiting input sparsity, which allows users to write graph algorithms without specifying push and pull direction. Exploiting output sparsity allows users to tell the backend which values of the output in a single vectorized computation they do not want computed. Load-balancing is an important feature for balancing work amongst parallel workers. We describe the important load-balancing features for handling graphs with different characteristics. The design principles described in this paper have been implemented in "GraphBLAST", the first high-performance linear algebra-based graph framework on NVIDIA GPUs that is open-source. The results show that on a single GPU, GraphBLAST has on average at least an order of magnitude speedup over previous GraphBLAS implementations SuiteSparse and GBTL, comparable performance to the fastest GPU hardwired primitives and shared-memory graph frameworks Ligra and Gunrock, and better performance than any other GPU graph framework, while offering a simpler and more concise programming model.Comment: 50 pages, 14 figures, 14 table

    Mitigating Misinformation Spreading in Social Networks Via Edge Blocking

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    The wide adoption of social media platforms has brought about numerous benefits for communication and information sharing. However, it has also led to the rapid spread of misinformation, causing significant harm to individuals, communities, and society at large. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in devising efficient and effective strategies to contain the spread of misinformation. One popular countermeasure is blocking edges in the underlying network. We model the spread of misinformation using the classical Independent Cascade model and study the problem of minimizing the spread by blocking a given number of edges. We prove that this problem is computationally hard, but we propose an intuitive community-based algorithm, which aims to detect well-connected communities in the network and disconnect the inter-community edges. Our experiments on various real-world social networks demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms the prior methods, which mostly rely on centrality measures

    Implementing Push-Pull Efficiently in GraphBLAS

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    We factor Beamer's push-pull, also known as direction-optimized breadth-first-search (DOBFS) into 3 separable optimizations, and analyze them for generalizability, asymptotic speedup, and contribution to overall speedup. We demonstrate that masking is critical for high performance and can be generalized to all graph algorithms where the sparsity pattern of the output is known a priori. We show that these graph algorithm optimizations, which together constitute DOBFS, can be neatly and separably described using linear algebra and can be expressed in the GraphBLAS linear-algebra-based framework. We provide experimental evidence that with these optimizations, a DOBFS expressed in a linear-algebra-based graph framework attains competitive performance with state-of-the-art graph frameworks on the GPU and on a multi-threaded CPU, achieving 101 GTEPS on a Scale 22 RMAT graph.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) 201

    A Survey on Centrality Metrics and Their Implications in Network Resilience

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    Centrality metrics have been used in various networks, such as communication, social, biological, geographic, or contact networks. In particular, they have been used in order to study and analyze targeted attack behaviors and investigated their effect on network resilience. Although a rich volume of centrality metrics has been developed for decades, a limited set of centrality metrics have been commonly in use. This paper aims to introduce various existing centrality metrics and discuss their applicabilities and performance based on the results obtained from extensive simulation experiments to encourage their use in solving various computing and engineering problems in networks.Comment: Main paper: 36 pages, 2 figures. Appendix 23 pages,45 figure