9 research outputs found

    Solving Unconstrained Optimization Problems by a New Conjugate Gradient Method with Sufficient Descent Property

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    There have been some conjugate gradient methods with strong convergence but numerical instability and conversely‎. Improving these methods is an interesting idea to produce new methods with both strong convergence and‎‏  â€Žnumerical stability‎. ‎In this paper‎, ‎a new hybrid conjugate gradient method is introduced based on the Fletcher ‎formula (CD) with strong convergence and the Liu and Storey formula (LS) with good numerical results‎. ‎New directions satisfy the sufficient descent property‎, ‎independent of line search‎. ‎Under some mild assumptions‎, ‎the global convergence of new hybrid method is proved‎. ‎Numerical results on unconstrained CUTEst test problems show that the new algorithm is ‎very robust and efficient‎

    On limited-memory quasi-Newton methods for minimizing a quadratic function

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    The main focus in this paper is exact linesearch methods for minimizing a quadratic function whose Hessian is positive definite. We give two classes of limited-memory quasi-Newton Hessian approximations that generate search directions parallel to those of the method of preconditioned conjugate gradients, and hence give finite termination on quadratic optimization problems. The Hessian approximations are described by a novel compact representation which provides a dynamical framework. We also discuss possible extensions of these classes and show their behavior on randomly generated quadratic optimization problems. The methods behave numerically similar to L-BFGS. Inclusion of information from the first iteration in the limited-memory Hessian approximation and L-BFGS significantly reduces the effects of round-off errors on the considered problems. In addition, we give our compact representation of the Hessian approximations in the full Broyden class for the general unconstrained optimization problem. This representation consists of explicit matrices and gradients only as vector components

    A Globally Convergent Algorithm for the Run-to-Run Control of Systems with Sector Nonlinearities

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    Run-to-run control is a technique that exploits the repetitive nature of processes to iteratively adjust the inputs and drive the run-end outputs to their reference values. It can be used to control both static and finite-time dynamic systems. Although the run-end outputs of dynamic systems result from the integration of process dynamics during the run, the relationship between the input parameters p (fixed at the beginning of the run) and the run-end outputs z (available at the end of the run) can be seen as the static map z(p). Run-to-run control consists in computing the input parameters p∗ that lead to the reference values z_ref. Although a wide range of techniques have been reported, most of them do not guarantee global convergence, that is, convergence towards p∗ for all possible initial conditions. This paper presents a new algorithm that guarantees global convergence for the run-to-run control of both static and finite-time dynamic systems. Attention is restricted to sector nonlinearities, for which it is shown that a fixed gain update can lead to global convergence. Furthermore, since convergence can be very slow, it is proposed to take advantage of the mathematical similarity between run-to-run control and the solution of nonlinear equations, and combine the fixed-gain algorithm with a faster variable-gain Newton-type algorithm. Global convergence of this hybrid scheme is proven. The potential of this algorithm in the context of run-to-run optimization of dynamic systems is illustrated via the simulation of an industrial batch polymerization reactor

    Reduced-Hessian Quasi-Newton Methods for Unconstrained Optimization

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    A Limited-memory Multipoint Symmetric Secant Method For Bound Constrained Optimization

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    A new algorithm for solving smooth large-scale minimization problems with bound constraints is introduced. The way of dealing with active constraints is similar to the one used in some recently introduced quadratic solvers. A limited-memory multipoint symmetric secant method for approximating the Hessian is presented. Positive-definiteness of the Hessian approximation is not enforced. A combination of trust-region and conjugate-gradient approaches is used to explore a useful negative curvature information. Global convergence is proved for a general model algorithm. 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