3 research outputs found

    Novel load identification techniques and a steady state self-tuning prototype for switching mode power supplies

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    Control of Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) has been traditionally achieved through analog means with dedicated integrated circuits (ICs). However, as power systems are becoming increasingly complex, the classical concept of control has gradually evolved into the more general problem of power management, demanding functionalities that are hardly achievable in analog controllers. The high flexibility offered by digital controllers and their capability to implement sophisticated control strategies, together with the programmability of controller parameters, make digital control very attractive as an option for improving the features of dcdc converters. On the other side, digital controllers find their major weak point in the achievable dynamic performances of the closed loop system. Indeed, analogto-digital conversion times, computational delays and sampling-related delays strongly limit the small signal closed loop bandwidth of a digitally controlled SMPS. Quantization effects set other severe constraints not known to analog solutions. For these reasons, intensive scientific research activity is addressing the problem of making digital compensator stronger competitors against their analog counterparts in terms of achievable performances. In a wide range of applications, dcdc converters with high efficiency over the whole range of their load values are required. Integrated digital controllers for Switching Mode Power Supplies are gaining growing interest, since it has been shown the feasibility of digital controller ICs specifically developed for high frequency switching converters. One very interesting potential benefit is the use of autotuning of controller parameters (on-line controllers), so that the dynamic response can be set at the software level, independently of output capacitor filters, component variations and ageing. These kind of algorithms are able to identify the output filter configuration (system identification) and then automatically compute the best compensator gains to adjust system margins and bandwidth. In order to be an interesting solution, however, the self-tuning should satisfy two important requirements: it should not heavily affect converter operation under nominal condition and it should be based on a simple and robust algorithm whose complexity does not require a significant increase of the silicon area of the IC controller. The first issue is avoided performing the system identification (SI) with the system open loop configuration, where perturbations can be induced in the system before the start up. Much more challenging is to satisfy this requirement during steady state operations, where perturbations on the output voltage are limited by the regular operations of the converter. The main advantage of steady state SI methods, is the detection of possible non-idealities occurring during the converter operations. In this way, the system dynamics can be consequently adjusted with the compensator parameters tuning. The resource saving issue, requires the development of äd-hocßelf-tuning techniques specifically tailored for integrated digitally controlled converters. Considering the flexibility of digital control, self-tuning algorithms can be studied and easily integrated at hardware level into closed loop SMPS reducing development time and R & D costs. The work of this dissertation finds its origin in this context. Smart power management is accomplished by tuning the controller parameters accordingly to the identified converter configuration. Themain difficult for self-tuning techniques is the identification of the converter output filter configuration. Two novel system identification techniques have been validated in this dissertation. The open loop SI method is based on the system step response, while dithering amplification effects are exploited for the steady state SI method. The open loop method can be used as autotunig approach during or before the system start up, a step evolving reference voltage has been used as system perturbation and to obtain the output filter information with the Power Spectral Density (PSD) computation of the system step response. The use of ¢§ modulator is largely increasing in digital control feedback. During the steady state, the finite resolution introduces quantization effects on the signal path causing low frequency contributes of the digital control word. Through oversampling-dithering capabilities of ¢§ modulators, resolution improvements are obtained. The presented steady state identification techniques demonstrates that, amplifying the dithering effects on the signal path, the output filter information can be obtained on the digital side by processing with the PSD computation the perturbed output voltage. The amount of noise added on the output voltage does not affect the converter operations, mathematical considerations have been addressed and then justified both with a Matlab/Simulink fixed-point and a FPGA-based closed loop system. The load output filter identification of both algorithms, refer to the frequency domain. When the respective perturbations occurs, the system response is observed on the digital side and processed with the PSD computation. The extracted parameters are the resonant frequency ans the possible ESR (Effective Series Resistance) contributes,which can be detected as maximumin the PSD output. The SI methods have been validated for different configurations of buck converters on a fixed-point closed loop model, however, they can be easily applied to further converter configurations. The steady state method has been successfully integrated into a FPGA-based prototype for digitally controlled buck converters, that integrates a PSD computer needed for the load parameters identification. At this purpose, a novel VHDL-coded full-scalable hybrid processor for Constant Geometry FFT (CG-FFT) computation has been designed and integrated into the PSD computation system. The processor is based on a variation of the conventional algorithm used for FFT, which is the Constant-Geometry FFT (CG-FFT).Hybrid CORDIC-LUT scalable architectures, has been introduced as alternative approach for the twiddle factors (phase factors) computation needed during the FFT algorithms execution. The shared core architecture uses a single phase rotator to satisfy all TF requests. It can achieve improved logic saving by trading off with computational speed. The pipelined architecture is composed of a number of stages equal to the number of PEs and achieves the highest possible throughput, at the expense of more hardware usage

    Novel load identification techniques and a steady state self-tuning prototype for switching mode power supplies

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    Control of Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) has been traditionally achieved through analog means with dedicated integrated circuits (ICs). However, as power systems are becoming increasingly complex, the classical concept of control has gradually evolved into the more general problem of power management, demanding functionalities that are hardly achievable in analog controllers. The high flexibility offered by digital controllers and their capability to implement sophisticated control strategies, together with the programmability of controller parameters, make digital control very attractive as an option for improving the features of dcdc converters. On the other side, digital controllers find their major weak point in the achievable dynamic performances of the closed loop system. Indeed, analogto-digital conversion times, computational delays and sampling-related delays strongly limit the small signal closed loop bandwidth of a digitally controlled SMPS. Quantization effects set other severe constraints not known to analog solutions. For these reasons, intensive scientific research activity is addressing the problem of making digital compensator stronger competitors against their analog counterparts in terms of achievable performances. In a wide range of applications, dcdc converters with high efficiency over the whole range of their load values are required. Integrated digital controllers for Switching Mode Power Supplies are gaining growing interest, since it has been shown the feasibility of digital controller ICs specifically developed for high frequency switching converters. One very interesting potential benefit is the use of autotuning of controller parameters (on-line controllers), so that the dynamic response can be set at the software level, independently of output capacitor filters, component variations and ageing. These kind of algorithms are able to identify the output filter configuration (system identification) and then automatically compute the best compensator gains to adjust system margins and bandwidth. In order to be an interesting solution, however, the self-tuning should satisfy two important requirements: it should not heavily affect converter operation under nominal condition and it should be based on a simple and robust algorithm whose complexity does not require a significant increase of the silicon area of the IC controller. The first issue is avoided performing the system identification (SI) with the system open loop configuration, where perturbations can be induced in the system before the start up. Much more challenging is to satisfy this requirement during steady state operations, where perturbations on the output voltage are limited by the regular operations of the converter. The main advantage of steady state SI methods, is the detection of possible non-idealities occurring during the converter operations. In this way, the system dynamics can be consequently adjusted with the compensator parameters tuning. The resource saving issue, requires the development of äd-hocßelf-tuning techniques specifically tailored for integrated digitally controlled converters. Considering the flexibility of digital control, self-tuning algorithms can be studied and easily integrated at hardware level into closed loop SMPS reducing development time and R & D costs. The work of this dissertation finds its origin in this context. Smart power management is accomplished by tuning the controller parameters accordingly to the identified converter configuration. Themain difficult for self-tuning techniques is the identification of the converter output filter configuration. Two novel system identification techniques have been validated in this dissertation. The open loop SI method is based on the system step response, while dithering amplification effects are exploited for the steady state SI method. The open loop method can be used as autotunig approach during or before the system start up, a step evolving reference voltage has been used as system perturbation and to obtain the output filter information with the Power Spectral Density (PSD) computation of the system step response. The use of ¢§ modulator is largely increasing in digital control feedback. During the steady state, the finite resolution introduces quantization effects on the signal path causing low frequency contributes of the digital control word. Through oversampling-dithering capabilities of ¢§ modulators, resolution improvements are obtained. The presented steady state identification techniques demonstrates that, amplifying the dithering effects on the signal path, the output filter information can be obtained on the digital side by processing with the PSD computation the perturbed output voltage. The amount of noise added on the output voltage does not affect the converter operations, mathematical considerations have been addressed and then justified both with a Matlab/Simulink fixed-point and a FPGA-based closed loop system. The load output filter identification of both algorithms, refer to the frequency domain. When the respective perturbations occurs, the system response is observed on the digital side and processed with the PSD computation. The extracted parameters are the resonant frequency ans the possible ESR (Effective Series Resistance) contributes,which can be detected as maximumin the PSD output. The SI methods have been validated for different configurations of buck converters on a fixed-point closed loop model, however, they can be easily applied to further converter configurations. The steady state method has been successfully integrated into a FPGA-based prototype for digitally controlled buck converters, that integrates a PSD computer needed for the load parameters identification. At this purpose, a novel VHDL-coded full-scalable hybrid processor for Constant Geometry FFT (CG-FFT) computation has been designed and integrated into the PSD computation system. The processor is based on a variation of the conventional algorithm used for FFT, which is the Constant-Geometry FFT (CG-FFT).Hybrid CORDIC-LUT scalable architectures, has been introduced as alternative approach for the twiddle factors (phase factors) computation needed during the FFT algorithms execution. The shared core architecture uses a single phase rotator to satisfy all TF requests. It can achieve improved logic saving by trading off with computational speed. The pipelined architecture is composed of a number of stages equal to the number of PEs and achieves the highest possible throughput, at the expense of more hardware usage