1,685 research outputs found

    The bilateral movement condition facilitates maximal but not submaximal paretic-limb grip force in people with post-stroke hemiparesis

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    OBJECTIVES: Although healthy individuals have less force production capacity during bilateral muscle contractions compared to unilateral efforts, emerging evidence suggests that certain aspects of paretic upper limb task performance after stroke may be enhanced by moving bilaterally instead of unilaterally. We investigated whether the bilateral movement condition affects grip force differently on the paretic side of people with post-stroke hemiparesis, compared to their non-paretic side and both sides of healthy young adults. METHODS: Within a single session, we compared: 1) maximal grip force during unilateral vs. bilateral contractions on each side, and 2) force contributed by each side during a 30% submaximal bilateral contraction. RESULTS: Healthy controls produced less grip force in the bilateral condition, regardless of side (- 2.4% difference), and similar findings were observed on the non-paretic side of people with hemiparesis (- 4.5% difference). On the paretic side, however, maximal grip force was increased by the bilateral condition in most participants (+11.3% difference, on average). During submaximal bilateral contractions in each group, the two sides each contributed the same percentage of unilateral maximal force. CONCLUSIONS: The bilateral condition facilitates paretic limb grip force at maximal, but not submaximal levels. SIGNIFICANCE: In some people with post-stroke hemiparesis, the paretic limb may benefit from bilateral training with high force requirements

    Effects of Movement Context on Reach-Grasp-Lift Motion and Grip Force after Stroke

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    Loss of upper extremity function after stroke is a significant problem resulting in enormous personal, societal, and economic costs. Neurophysiological discoveries over several decades have revealed great potential for use-dependent neural adaptation, and have revitalized the search for training strategies that optimize recovery. Although task-specific repetitive practice is recognized as a key stimulus to promote upper extremity function after stroke, choices of what to practice and how to practice remain challenging and poorly guided by evidence. This research was inspired by evidence in healthy individuals, that movement can be altered by characteristics of the task and the environment, together referred to as the movement context. The purpose of this research was to determine whether motor performance of the paretic upper extremity is affected by two specific movement context variations: 1) preferred speed versus fast, and 2) unilateral versus bilateral. Using electromagnetic motion tracking and pressure sensor quantification of grip force, we assessed upper extremity task performance in people with post-stroke hemiparesis. To evaluate effects of movement speed, we compared paretic-limb performance of a reach-grasp-lift task at a self-selected preferred speed to the same task performed as fast as possible. People with hemiparesis were able to move faster than their preferred speed, and when they did, movement quality was better. Reach paths were straighter, finger movements were more efficient, and the fingers opened wider. To evaluate effects of the bilateral movement context, we compared paretic-limb performance of a reach-grasp-lift-release task unilaterally versus bilaterally. We found no immediate improvement in the bilateral context. We further explored effects of the bilateral movement context by measuring maximal and submaximal grip force capacity using grip dynamometers. Unlike healthy controls and unlike the non-paretic side, the paretic side of people with hemiparesis produced more maximal force in the bilateral condition. In a submaximal task, however, the bilateral condition did not enhance the paretic side\u27s contribution. These results suggest that emphasizing speed during post-stroke rehabilitation may be worthwhile, that the bilateral movement context has little immediate impact on task performance, and that the paretic limb may benefit from the bilateral condition only at high force levels

    Increased Ipsilateral M1 Activation after Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury Facilitates Motor Performance

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    Incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) may result in muscle weakness and difficulties with force gradation. Although these impairments arise from the injury and subsequent changes at spinal levels, changes have also been demonstrated in the brain. Blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) imaging was used to investigate these changes in brain activation in the context of unimanual contractions with the first dorsal interosseous muscle. BOLD- and force data were obtained in 19 individuals with SCI (AISA Impairment Scale [AIS] C/D, level C4-C8) and 24 able-bodied controls during maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs). To assess force modulation, participants performed 12 submaximal contractions with each hand (at 10, 30, 50, and 70% MVC) by matching their force level to a visual target. MVCs were weaker in the SCI group (both hands p < 0.001), but BOLD activation did not differ between SCI and control groups. For the submaximal contractions, force (as %MVC) was similar across groups. However, SCI participants showed increased activity of the ipsilateral motor cortex and contralateral cerebellum across all contractions, with no differential effect of force level. Activity of ipsilateral M1 was best explained by force of the target hand (vs. the non-target hand). In conclusion, the data suggest that after incomplete cervical SCI, individuals remain capable of producing maximal supraspinal drive and are able to modulate this drive adequately. Activity of the ipsilateral motor network appears to be task related, although it remains uncertain how this activity contributes to task performance and whether this effect could potentially be harnessed to improve motor functioning

    Voluntary suppression of associated activity decreases force steadiness in the active hand

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    Unilateral muscle contractions are often accompanied by the activation of the ipsilateral hemisphere, producing associated activity (AA) in the contralateral homologous muscles. However, the functional role of AA is not fully understood. We determined the effects of voluntary suppression of AA in the first dorsal interosseous (FDI), on force steadiness during a constant force isometric contraction of the contralateral FDI. Participants (n = 17, 25.5 years) performed two trials of isometric FDI contractions as steadily as possible. In Trial 1, they did not receive feedback or explicit instructions for suppressing the AA in the contralateral homologous FDI. In Trial 2, participants received feedback and were asked to voluntarily suppress the AA in the contralateral nontarget FDI. During both trials, corticospinal excitability and motor cortical inhibition were measured. The results show that participants effectively suppressed the AA in the nontarget contralateral FDI (-71%), which correlated with reductions in corticospinal excitability (-57%), and the suppression was also accompanied by increases in inhibition (27%) in the ipsilateral motor cortex. The suppression of AA impaired force steadiness, but the decrease in force steadiness did not correlate with the magnitude of suppression. The results show that voluntary suppression of AA decreases force steadiness in the active hand. However, due to the lack of association between suppression and decreased steadiness, we interpret these data to mean that specific elements of the ipsilateral brain activation producing AA in younger adults are neither contributing nor detrimental to unilateral motor control during a steady isometric contraction

    EEG During Motor Tasks in Stroke: The Effects of Remote Ischemic Conditioning and Fatigue on Brain Activity

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    This dissertation aimed to use electroencephalography (EEG) to identify the effects of fatigue and remote ischemic conditioning on brain activity. Lesions due to stroke directly or indirectly affect regions of the brain and the descending corticospinal pathways. Cortical reorganization and alternate descending neural pathways are used during recovery from stroke as compensation mechanisms for motor deficits. These mechanisms exacerbate the deficits by worsening the ability to terminate muscle activity, individuate muscles for fine motor control and minimize abnormal muscle synergy and coactivation patterns to conserve resources during movement. Even though imaging and muscle activation studies have documented the existence and impact of cortical reorganization and the use of alternate descending pathways, temporal changes in cortical activation during long motor tasks are not well understood. We expect that potential changes in cerebrovascular function and physiology of brain metabolism after stroke might impact the ability of the brain to produce extended activity. We used EEG for its high temporal resolution compared to other imaging modalities to document temporal changes in brain activity when people with stroke performed various motor tasks. We first documented the changes in activation during and at the end of a simple cued finger tap task between people with stroke and controls. We then pushed the neuromuscular system to its limits using a fatiguing contraction of the wrist to visualize changes in brain activation patterns after extended muscle contraction. Lastly, we tested a neurorehabilitation therapy protocol, remote ischemic conditioning (RIC), that has shown functional improvements in people with stroke to determine if cortical activation is changed during a complex, multijoint visuomotor task. The results show that cortical activation in people with stroke is divergent from controls. People with stroke continue brain activation at the end of a simple task but cannot increase activation at the end of a fatiguing task. RIC, however, increases activation during a multijoint elbow/shoulder task. This research has improved our understanding of brain activation during a simple task and in response to fatigue in people with stroke. The knowledge of cortical changes due to RIC demonstrates the therapy’s ability to “prime” the brain for neurorehabilitation, which might lead to better therapeutic outcomes post-rehabilitation in people with stroke

    Bilateral deficit: A comparison between upper-body and lower-body maximal strength

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    Purpose: The study’s primary purpose was to determine if maximal unilateral strength is greater than maximal bilateral strength for the leg press and vertical dumbbell press exercises. The secondary purpose was to determine if blood glucose levels differ between the unilateral and bilateral conditions for the leg press exercise. Methods: Thirty college-aged volunteers reported on two separate occasions, 72 hours apart, for maximal strength testing. Blood glucose was obtained before and after strength testing for the leg press exercise. A paired samples t-test was conducted to determine significance (p \u3c .05). Results: Participants were significantly stronger for the bilateral leg press; however, no significant differences were observed for the vertical dumbbell press exercise. No significant differences were observed in plasma blood glucose for the leg press exercise. Conclusion: Participants did not display a bilateral lateral deficit, which may have been a result of their resistance training prior to the study

    Motor Adaptations to Pain during a Bilateral Plantarflexion Task: Does the Cost of Using the Non-Painful Limb Matter?

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    During a force-matched bilateral task, when pain is induced in one limb, a shift of load to the non-painful leg is classically observed. This study aimed to test the hypothesis that this adaptation to pain depends on the mechanical efficiency of the non-painful leg. We studied a bilateral plantarflexion task that allowed flexibility in the relative force produced with each leg, but constrained the sum of forces from both legs to match a target. We manipulated the mechanical efficiency of the non-painful leg by imposing scaling factors: 1, 0.75, or 0.25 to decrease mechanical efficiency (Decreased efficiency experiment: 18 participants); and 1, 1.33 or 4 to increase mechanical efficiency (Increased efficiency experiment: 17 participants). Participants performed multiple sets of three submaximal bilateral isometric plantarflexions with each scaling factor during two conditions (Baseline and Pain). Pain was induced by injection of hypertonic saline into the soleus. Force was equally distributed between legs during the Baseline contractions (laterality index was close to 1; Decreased efficiency experiment: 1.16±0.33; Increased efficiency experiment: 1.11±0.32), with no significant effect of Scaling factor. The laterality index was affected by Pain such that the painful leg contributed less than the non-painful leg to the total force (Decreased efficiency experiment: 0.90±0.41, P<0.001; Increased efficiency experiment: 0.75±0.32, P<0.001), regardless of the efficiency (scaling factor) of the non-painful leg. When compared to the force produced during Baseline of the corresponding scaling condition, a decrease in force produced by the painful leg was observed for all conditions, except for scaling 0.25. This decrease in force was correlated with a decrease in drive to the soleus muscle. These data highlight that regardless of the overall mechanical cost, the nervous system appears to prefer to alter force sharing between limbs such that force produced by the painful leg is reduced relative to the non-painful leg

    Neurophysiological Adaptations to Resistance Training and Repetitive Grasping

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    Perhaps the most prominent feature of the central nervous system is its ability to respond to experience and its environment. Understanding the processes and mechanisms that govern adaptive behavior provides insights into its plastic nature. Capitalizing on this plasticity is of critical importance in response to injury and recovery: 35, 106), and the importance of its promotion is increasingly recognized by rehabilitation scientists. Neurophysiological techniques permitting study of cortical function in vivo may play a significant role in validating exercise interventions and disease management approaches: 14). It may be possible that with these advances we may better understand the relationship between brain function and therapeutic approaches. For this purpose, we present data on both cumulative and acute effects of motor training to better understand adaptive processes. Neural adaptations accompany resistance training, but current evidence regarding the nature of these adaptations is best characterized as indirect, particularly with respect to adaptation within central or supraspinal centers: 56). To this end, we recorded movement-related cortical potentials: MRCP), i.e. electroencephalography: EEG)-derived event-related potentials, in healthy adults prior to and following a program of lower body resistance training. The cumulative effects of nine progressive training sessions resulted in attenuation of relative MRCP amplitudes. We interpreted these findings in terms of neural efficiency such that for the same pre-training load, central effort is diminished post-training. These data demonstrate the impact of cumulative motor training sessions in fostering a reduction in the level of cortical motor activation. Such a program may be of a particular utility for individuals with limited motor reserves such as those with Parkinson disease: PD). Although cumulative effects may foster a more efficient cortical network, the acute demands of a training session have received less attention. It is reasonable to assume that the reverse might be expected: i.e. augmented amplitude) during a motor training session, much like the muscular system is taxed during resistance training exercise. At the level of the cortex, neural activity was studied by recording the MRCP during 150 repetitive handgrip contractions at a high intensity. The goal of this work was to examine whether central adaptive processes used to maintain task performance vary as a function of age or PD. We found that for healthy young adults, augmented activation of motor cortical centers is responsible for maintaining performance. However, this was not observed for older adults with and without PD, where minimal changes in cortical activity were observed over the duration of the protocol. Our findings suggest that older adults and those with PD may rely on alternative mechanisms: i.e. mobilization of additional cortical and subcortical structures) to maintain task performance as compared to increasing activity locally as seen with younger adults. Taken together, our work further supports the adaptable nature of the central nervous system. We note in passing the utility of the MRCP paradigm for observing such effects

    Self-Reported Fatigue After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Is Not Associated With Performance Fatigability During a Sustained Maximal Contraction

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    Patients with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) are frequently affected by fatigue. However, hardly any data is available on the fatigability of the motor system. We evaluated fatigue using the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS) questionnaires in 20 participants with mTBI (>3 months post injury; 8 females) and 20 age- and sex matched controls. Furthermore, index finger abduction force and electromyography of the first dorsal interosseous muscle of the right hand were measured during brief and sustained maximal voluntary contractions (MVC). Double pulse stimulation (100 Hz) was applied to the ulnar nerve to evoke doublet-forces before and after the sustained contraction. Seven superimposed twitches were evoked during the sustained MVC to quantify voluntary muscle activation. mTBI participants reported higher FSS scores (mTBI: 5.2 +/- 0.8 SD vs. control: 2.8 +/- 0.8 SD; P <0.01). During the sustained MVC, force declined to similar levels in mTBI (30.0 +/- 9.9% MVC) and control participants (32.7 +/- 9.8% MVC, P = 0.37). The decline in doublet-forces after the sustained MVC (mTBI: to 37.2 +/- 12.1 vs. control: to 41.4 +/- 14.0% reference doublet, P = 0.32) and the superimposed twitches evoked during the sustained MVC (mTBI: median 9.3, range: 2.2-32.9 vs. control: median 10.3, range: 1.9-31.0% doublet(pre), P = 0.34) also did not differ between groups. Force decline was associated with decline in doublet-force (R-2 = 0.50, P <0.01) for both groups. Including a measure of voluntary muscle activation resulted in more explained variance for mTBI participants only. No associations between self-reported fatigue and force decline or voluntary muscle activation were found in mTBI participants. However, the physical subdomain of the MFIS was associated with the decline in doublet-force after the sustained MVC (R-2 = 0.23, P = 0.04). These results indicate that after mTBI, increased levels of self-reported physical fatigue reflected increased fatigability due to changes in peripheral muscle properties, but not force decline or muscle activation. Additionally, muscle activation was more important to explain the decline in voluntary force (performance fatigability) after mTBI than in control participants
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