34 research outputs found

    Hybrid Neural Network Predictive-Wavelet Image Compression System

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    This paper considers a novel image compression technique called hybrid predictive wavelet coding. The new proposed technique combines the properties of predictive coding and discrete wavelet coding. In contrast to JPEG2000, the image data values are pre-processed using predictive coding to remove interpixel redundancy. The error values, which are the difference between the original and the predicted values, are discrete wavelet coding transformed. In this case, a nonlinear neural network predictor is utilised in the predictive coding system. The simulation results indicated that the proposed technique can achieve good compressed images at high decomposition levels in comparison to JPEG2000

    Chaotic Time Series Forecasting Using Higher Order Neural Networks

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    This study presents a novel application and comparison of higher order neural networks (HONNs) to forecast benchmark chaotic time series. Two models of HONNs were implemented, namely functional link neural network (FLNN) and pi-sigma neural network (PSNN). These models were tested on two benchmark time series; the monthly smoothed sunspot numbers and the Mackey-Glass time-delay differential equation time series. The forecasting performance of the HONNs is compared against the performance of different models previously used in the literature such as fuzzy and neural networks models. Simulation results showed that FLNN and PSNN offer good performance compared to many previously used hybrid models

    Dynamic ridge polynomial neural network with Lyapunov function for time series forecasting

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    The ability to model the behaviour of arbitrary dynamic system is one of the most useful properties of recurrent networks. Dynamic ridge polynomial neural network (DRPNN) is a recurrent neural network used for time series forecasting. Despite the potential and capability of the DRPNN, stability problems could occur in the DRPNN due to the existence of the recurrent feedback. Therefore, in this study, a su cient condition based on an approach that uses adaptive learning rate is developed by introducing a Lyapunov function. To compare the performance of the proposed solution with the existing solution, which is derived based on the stability theorem for a feedback network, we used six time series, namely Darwin sea level pressure, monthly smoothed sunspot numbers, Lorenz, Santa Fe laser, daily Euro/Dollar exchange rate and Mackey-Glass time-delay di erential equation. Simulation results proved the stability of the proposed solution and showed an average 21.45% improvement in Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) with respect to the existing solution. Furthermore, the proposed solution is faster than the existing solution. This is due to the fact that the proposed solution solves network size restriction found in the existing solution and takes advantage of the calculated dynamic system variable to check the stability, unlike the existing solution that needs more calculation steps

    A Comprehensive Survey on Pi-Sigma Neural Network for Time Series Prediction

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    Prediction of time series grabs received much attention because of its effect on the vast range of real life applications. This paper presents a survey of time series applications using Higher Order Neural Network (HONN) model. The basic motivation behind using HONN is the ability to expand the input space, to solve complex problems it becomes more efficient and perform high learning abilities of the time series forecasting. Pi-Sigma Neural Network (PSNN) includes indirectly the capabilities of higher order networks using product cells as the output units and less number of weights. The goal of this research is to present the reader awareness about PSNN for time series prediction, to highlight some benefits and challenges using PSNN. Possible fields of PSNN applications in comparison with existing methods are presented and future directions are also explored in advantage with the properties of error feedback and recurrent networks

    Higher order neural networks for financial time series prediction

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    Neural networks have been shown to be a promising tool for forecasting financial times series. Numerous research and applications of neural networks in business have proven their advantage in relation to classical methods that do not include artificial intelligence. What makes this particular use of neural networks so attractive to financial analysts and traders is the fact that governments and companies benefit from it to make decisions on investment and trading. However, when the number of inputs to the model and the number of training examples becomes extremely large, the training procedure for ordinary neural network architectures becomes tremendously slow and unduly tedious. To overcome such time-consuming operations, this research work focuses on using various Higher Order Neural Networks (HONNs) which have a single layer of learnable weights, therefore reducing the networks' complexity. In order to predict the upcoming trends of univariate financial time series signals, three HONNs models; the Pi-Sigma Neural Network, the Functional Link Neural Network, and the Ridge Polynomial Neural Network were used, as well as the Multilayer Perceptron. Furthermore, a novel neural network architecture which comprises of a feedback connection in addition to the feedforward Ridge Polynomial Neural Network was constructed. The proposed network combines the properties of both higher order and recurrent neural networks, and is called Dynamic Ridge Polynomial Neural Network (DRPNN). Extensive simulations covering ten financial time series were performed. The forecasting performance of various feedforward HONNs models, the Multilayer Perceptron and the novel DRPNN was compared. Simulation results indicate that HONNs, particularly the DRPNN in most cases demonstrated advantages in capturing chaotic movement in the financial signals with an improvement in the profit return over other network models. The relative superiority of DRPNN to other networks is not just its ability to attain high profit return, but rather to model the training set with fast learning and convergence. The network offers fast training and shows considerable promise as a forecasting tool. It is concluded that DRPNN do have the capability to forecast the financial markets, and individual investor could benefit from the use of this forecasting

    DOC 2014-09 Proposal for MS in Computer Engineering (MSCPE)

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    Legislative authorit


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    Artificial neural networks have been proposed as useful tools in time series analysis in a variety of applications. They are capable of providing good solutions for a variety of problems, including classification and prediction. However, for time series analysis, it must be taken into account that the variables of data are related to the time dimension and are highly correlated. The main aim of this research work is to investigate and develop efficient dynamic neural networks in order to deal with data analysis issues. This research work proposes a novel dynamic self-organised multilayer neural network based on the immune algorithm for financial time series prediction and biomedical signal classification, combining the properties of both recurrent and self-organised neural networks. The first case study that has been addressed in this thesis is prediction of financial time series. The financial time series signal is in the form of historical prices of different companies. The future prediction of price in financial time series enables businesses to make profits by predicting or simply guessing these prices based on some historical data. However, the financial time series signal exhibits a highly random behaviour, which is non-stationary and nonlinear in nature. Therefore, the prediction of this type of time series is very challenging. In this thesis, a number of experiments have been simulated to evaluate the ability of the designed recurrent neural network to forecast the future value of financial time series. The resulting forecast made by the proposed network shows substantial profits on financial historical signals when compared to the self-organised hidden layer inspired by immune algorithm and multilayer perceptron neural networks. These results suggest that the proposed dynamic neural networks has a better ability to capture the chaotic movement in financial signals. The second case that has been addressed in this thesis is for predicting preterm birth and diagnosing preterm labour. One of the most challenging tasks currently facing the healthcare community is the identification of preterm labour, which has important significances for both healthcare and the economy. Premature birth occurs when the baby is born before completion of the 37-week gestation period. Incomplete understanding of the physiology of the uterus and parturition means that premature labour prediction is a difficult task. The early prediction of preterm births could help to improve prevention, through appropriate medical and lifestyle interventions. One promising method is the use of Electrohysterography. This method records the uterine electrical activity during pregnancy. In this thesis, the proposed dynamic neural network has been used for classifying between term and preterm labour using uterine signals. The results indicated that the proposed network generated improved classification accuracy in comparison to the benchmarked neural network architectures