5 research outputs found

    4-labelings and grid embeddings of plane quadrangulations

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    We show that each quadrangulation on nn vertices has a closed rectangle of influence drawing on the (n2)×(n2)(n-2) \times (n-2) grid. Further, we present a simple algorithm to obtain a straight-line drawing of a quadrangulation on the n2×3n4\Big\lceil\frac{n}{2}\Big\rceil \times \Big\lceil\frac{3n}{4}\Big\rceil grid. This is not optimal but has the advantage over other existing algorithms that it is not needed to add edges to the quadrangulation to make it 44-connected. The algorithm is based on angle labeling and simple face counting in regions analogous to Schnyder's grid embedding for triangulation. This extends previous results on book embeddings for quadrangulations from Felsner, Huemer, Kappes, and Orden (2008). Our approach also yields a representation of a quadrangulation as a pair of rectangulations with a curious property

    Rectangular Layouts and Contact Graphs

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    Contact graphs of isothetic rectangles unify many concepts from applications including VLSI and architectural design, computational geometry, and GIS. Minimizing the area of their corresponding {\em rectangular layouts} is a key problem. We study the area-optimization problem and show that it is NP-hard to find a minimum-area rectangular layout of a given contact graph. We present O(n)-time algorithms that construct O(n2)O(n^2)-area rectangular layouts for general contact graphs and O(nlogn)O(n\log n)-area rectangular layouts for trees. (For trees, this is an O(logn)O(\log n)-approximation algorithm.) We also present an infinite family of graphs (rsp., trees) that require Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) (rsp., Ω(nlogn)\Omega(n\log n)) area. We derive these results by presenting a new characterization of graphs that admit rectangular layouts using the related concept of {\em rectangular duals}. A corollary to our results relates the class of graphs that admit rectangular layouts to {\em rectangle of influence drawings}.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, 55 references, 1 appendi

    Rectangle of Influence Drawings of Graphs without Filled 3-Cycles

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    In this paper, we study rectangle of influence drawings, i. e., drawings of graphs such that for any edge the axis-parallel rectangle defined by the two endpoints of the edge is empty. Specifically, we show that if G is a planar graph without filled 3-cycles, i. e., a planar graph that can be drawn such that the interior of every 3-cycle is empty, then G has a rectangle of influence drawing