88 research outputs found

    Why excluding H2O from metabolic networks?

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    This study provides a novel perspective on the reason for excluding H2O from metabolic networks when complex network theory is used

    The Blind Watchmaker Network: Scale-freeness and Evolution

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    It is suggested that the degree distribution for networks of the cell-metabolism for simple organisms reflects an ubiquitous randomness. This implies that natural selection has exerted no or very little pressure on the network degree distribution during evolution. The corresponding random network, here termed the blind watchmaker network has a power-law degree distribution with an exponent gamma >= 2. It is random with respect to a complete set of network states characterized by a description of which links are attached to a node as well as a time-ordering of these links. No a priory assumption of any growth mechanism or evolution process is made. It is found that the degree distribution of the blind watchmaker network agrees very precisely with that of the metabolic networks. This implies that the evolutionary pathway of the cell-metabolism, when projected onto a metabolic network representation, has remained statistically random with respect to a complete set of network states. This suggests that even a biological system, which due to natural selection has developed an enormous specificity like the cellular metabolism, nevertheless can, at the same time, display well defined characteristics emanating from the ubiquitous inherent random element of Darwinian evolution. The fact that also completely random networks may have scale-free node distributions gives a new perspective on the origin of scale-free networks in general.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Assessing the significance of knockout cascades in metabolic networks

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    Complex networks have been shown to be robust against random structural perturbations, but vulnerable against targeted attacks. Robustness analysis usually simulates the removal of individual or sets of nodes, followed by the assessment of the inflicted damage. For complex metabolic networks, it has been suggested that evolutionary pressure may favor robustness against reaction removal. However, the removal of a reaction and its impact on the network may as well be interpreted as selective regulation of pathway activities, suggesting a tradeoff between the efficiency of regulation and vulnerability. Here, we employ a cascading failure algorithm to simulate the removal of single and pairs of reactions from the metabolic networks of two organisms, and estimate the significance of the results using two different null models: degree preserving and mass-balanced randomization. Our analysis suggests that evolutionary pressure promotes larger cascades of non-viable reactions, and thus favors the ability of efficient metabolic regulation at the expense of robustness

    A statistical mechanics description of environmental variability in metabolic networks

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    Many of the chemical reactions that take place within a living cell are irreversible. Due to evolutionary pressures, the number of allowable reactions within these systems are highly constrained and thus the resulting metabolic networks display considerable asymmetry. In this paper, we explore possible evolutionary factors pertaining to the reduced symmetry observed in these networks, and demonstrate the important role environmental variability plays in shaping their structural organization. Interpreting the returnability index as an equilibrium constant for a reaction network in equilibrium with a hypothetical reference system, enables us to quantify the extent to which a metabolic network is in disequilibrium. Further, by introducing a new directed centrality measure via an extension of the subgraph centrality metric to directed networks, we are able to characterise individual metabolites by their participation within metabolic pathways. To demonstrate these ideas, we study 116 metabolic networks of bacteria. In particular, we find that the equilibrium constant for the metabolic networks decreases significantly in-line with variability in bacterial habitats, supporting the view that environmental variability promotes disequilibrium within these biochemical reaction system

    Functional cartography of complex metabolic networks

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    High-throughput techniques are leading to an explosive growth in the size of biological databases and creating the opportunity to revolutionize our understanding of life and disease. Interpretation of these data remains, however, a major scientific challenge. Here, we propose a methodology that enables us to extract and display information contained in complex networks. Specifically, we demonstrate that one can (i) find functional modules in complex networks, and (ii) classify nodes into universal roles according to their pattern of intra- and inter-module connections. The method thus yields a ``cartographic representation'' of complex networks. Metabolic networks are among the most challenging biological networks and, arguably, the ones with more potential for immediate applicability. We use our method to analyze the metabolic networks of twelve organisms from three different super-kingdoms. We find that, typically, 80% of the nodes are only connected to other nodes within their respective modules, and that nodes with different roles are affected by different evolutionary constraints and pressures. Remarkably, we find that low-degree metabolites that connect different modules are more conserved than hubs whose links are mostly within a single module.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures. Go to http://amaral.northwestern.edu for the PDF file of the reprin

    Returnability in complex directed networks (digraphs)

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    The concept of returnability is proposed for complex directed networks (digraphs). It can be seen as a generalization of the concept of reciprocity. Two measures of the returnability are introduced. We establish closed formulas for the calculation of the returnability measures, which are also related to the digraph spectrum. The two measures are calculated for simple examples of digraphs as well as for real-world complex directed networks and are compared with the reciprocity

    Complex networks theory for analyzing metabolic networks

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    One of the main tasks of post-genomic informatics is to systematically investigate all molecules and their interactions within a living cell so as to understand how these molecules and the interactions between them relate to the function of the organism, while networks are appropriate abstract description of all kinds of interactions. In the past few years, great achievement has been made in developing theory of complex networks for revealing the organizing principles that govern the formation and evolution of various complex biological, technological and social networks. This paper reviews the accomplishments in constructing genome-based metabolic networks and describes how the theory of complex networks is applied to analyze metabolic networks.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure