6 research outputs found


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    [EN] The digital reconstruction of the recently discovered Tuscanic temple of Uni in Marzabotto gave the chance to test the application of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process to the combined fields of Archaeology and Engineering. In addition to the traditional historic and archaeological analysis, a new methodology in Experimental Archaeology is proposed; it proved to be original and innovative in the examination of the buried building, taking advantage of technologies focused on the architectural reliability validated by inferred digital models.Garagnani, S.; Gaucci, A.; Gruška, B. (2016). ARCHAEOBIM: AN INNOVATIVE METHOD FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF AN ETRUSCAN TEMPLE IN MARZABOTTO. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 314-317. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.3539OCS31431

    From the archaeological record to ArchaeoBIM: the case study of the Etruscan temple of Uni in Marzabotto

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    [EN] The digital reconstruction of the recently discovered Tuscanic temple of Uni in Marzabotto gave the chance to test the application of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process to the combined fields of Archaeology and Engineering. In addition to the traditional historic and archaeological analysis, a new methodology in Experimental Archaeology is proposed; it proved to be original and innovative in the examination of the buried building, taking advantage of technologies focused on the architectural reliability validated by inferred digital models. The peculiar aspect of the research involves the elements at the beginning of the process, which consist of foundations or negative archaeological evidences only, supported by the clues and the rules that can be found in the historic and scientific literature. To better define this distinctive working process, the expression ArchaeoBIM was proposed, which highlights the common BIM matrix used for the data management through one or more analytical models, applied to the peculiar aspects of the Archaeological discipline.This work was supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) concerning the “Future in Research” program FIR 2013, under Grant RBFR13X8CN. The authors would like to thank Giuseppe Sassatelli and Elisabetta Govi, respectively former and current director of the University of Bologna excavations in Marzabotto, and the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Emilia-Romagna.Garagnani, S.; Gaucci, A.; Gruška, B. (2016). From the archaeological record to ArchaeoBIM: the case study of the Etruscan temple of Uni in Marzabotto. Virtual Archaeology Review. 7(15):77-86. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2016.5846SWORD7786715Baglione, M.P. (2014). Pyrgi, un santuario nel cuore del Mediterraneo. InF. Gaultier, L. Haumesser, P. Santoro, V. Bellelli, A. Russo Tagliente & R. Cosentino (Eds.)Gli Etruschi e il Mediterraneo. La città di Cerveteri (pp. 204–219). Paris: Somogy Editions d'Art.Baronio, P. (2012). Un architetto per il tempio di Tinaa Marzabotto. Studio dell'antico procedimento geometrico-proporzionale utilizzato nel progetto del tempio urbano della città etrusca di Kainua. Ocnus, 20, 9–32.Böhler, W., & Marbs, A. (2004). 3D scanning and photogrammetry for heritage re-cording: a comparison. In S. Anders Brandt (Ed.), Proceedings of 12th Int. Conf. on Geoinformatics, 7-9 June 2004 (pp. 291–298). Gävle, Sweden.Bonghi Jovino, M. (2012a). Alle origini del processo di strutturazione del tempio etrusco. La presenza del podio. Studi Etruschi, 75, 3–8.Chiesa, F. & Binda, B. (2009). Una possibile ricostruzione dei tetti arcaici. In M. Bonghi Jovino, & F. Chiesa (Eds.), L'Ara della Regina di Tarquinia. Aree sacre. Santuari mediterranei (pp. 65–91). Milano: Cisalpino.Ciaghi, S. (1999). Le terrecotte. In C. Chiaramonte Treré (Ed.), Tarquinia. Scavi sistematici nell'abitato. Campagne 1982-1988. I materiali, 1 (pp. 1–41). Roma: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider.Colonna, G. (Ed.) (1985). Santuari d'Etruria. Milano: Electa.Colonna, G. (1986). Urbanistica e architettura. InG. Pugliese Carratelli (Ed.), Rasenna. Storia e civiltà degli Etruschi (pp. 371–530). Milano: Garzanti Scheiwiller.Colonna, G. (2008). L'officina veiente: Vulca e gli altri maestri di statuaria arcaica in terracotta. In M. Torelli & A.M. Moretti Sgubini (Eds.), Etruschi. Le antiche metropoli del Lazio(pp. 53–63). Milano: Electa.Donati, L. (1994). La casa dell'Impluvium. Architettura etrusca a Roselle. Roma: Giorgio Bretschneider.Eastman, C., Teicholz, P., Sacks, R., & Liston, K. (2008). BIM Handbook. doi:10.1002/9780470261309Fai, S., Duckworth, T., Graham, K., & Wood, N. (2011). Building Information Modelling and the conservation of modern heritage. In The 24rd World Congress of Architecture, Union Internationale des Architectes (UIA), Tokyo, Japan.Garagnani, S. (s. f.). Semantic Representation of Accurate Surveys for the Cultural Heritage. Handbook of Research on Emerging Digital Tools for Architectural Surveying, Modeling, and Representation, 292-310. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8379-2.ch009Gastaldi, P. (Ed.) (1998). Studi su Chiusi arcaica. AnnAStAnt, Quad., 5.Gaucci, A. (2016). Nuovi studi sull'isolato Mansuellidi Marzabotto (RegioIV, Insula1). In G.M. Della Fina (Ed.), Dalla capanna al palazzo. Edilizia abitativa nell'Italia preromana (pp. 243–299).Roma: QuasarGaucci, A., Garagnani, S. & Manferdini, A.M. (2015). Reconstructing the lost reality. Archaeological analysisand transmedial technologies for a perspective of virtual reality in the Etruscancity of Kainua. InG. Guidi, J. C. Torres, R. Scopigno & H. Graf (Eds.),Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Digital Heritage 2015, vol. 2, 21, 1–8.Giuntoli, S. (1997). Materiali edilizi. In G. Camporeale (Ed.), L'abitato etrusco dell'Accesa. Il quartiere B(pp. 27–40). Roma: Giorgio Bretschneider.Govi, E.(in press). La dimensione del sacro nella città di Kainua-Marzabotto. In La città etrusca e il sacro. Santuari e istituzioni politiche (Bologna, 2016)Gozzadini, G. (1865). Di un'antica necropoli a Marzabotto nel Bolognese. Bologna: Fava & Garagnani.Hartley, R., & Zisserman, A. (2004). Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511811685Kensek, K. (2014). Building Information Modeling: BIM in Current and Future Practice. Hoboken: Wiley & Sons.Kymmell, W. (2008). Building Information Modeling: Planning and Managing Construction Projects with 4D CAD and Simulations. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.Lippolis, E. (2005). Nuovi dati sull'acropoli e sulla forma urbana di Marzabotto. In Sassatelli, G., & Govi, E. (Eds.), Culti, forma urbana e artigianato a Marzabotto. Nuove prospettive di ricerca (pp. 139–165). Bologna: Ante quem.Murphy, M., McGovern, E., & Pavia, S. (2013). Historic Building Information Modelling – Adding intelligence to laser and image based surveys of European classical architecture. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 76, 89-102. doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2012.11.006Nieto, J. E., Moyano, J. J., Rico Delgado, F., & Antón García, D. (2016). Management of built heritage via HBIM Project: A case of study of flooring and tiling. Virtual Archaeology Review, 7(14), 1. doi:10.4995/var.2016.4349Pizzirani, C., & Pozzi, A. (2010). Laterizi e materiali da costruzione. InGovi, E.& Sassatelli, G. (Eds.), Marzabotto. La Casa 1 della RegioIV -Insula2 (pp. 285–313). Bologna: Ante quem.Potts, C.R. (2011). The development and architectural significance of earlyEtrusco-Italic podia. Babesch, 86, 41–52.Quattrini, R., Malinverni, E. S., Clini, P., Nespeca, R., & Orlietti, E. (2015). FROM TLS TO HBIM. HIGH QUALITY SEMANTICALLY-AWARE 3D MODELING OF COMPLEX ARCHITECTURE. 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    Design and implementation of an augmented reality application for rock art visualization in Cova dels Cavalls (Spain)

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    [EN] Prehistoric rock art paintings, specifically rock-shelters exposed to environmental and anthropogenic factors, are usually faint and severely damaged, being them difficult to identify and understand by visitors. Augmented Reality (AR) supplements reality with virtual information superimposed onto the real world. This sensor-based technology in smartphones/tablets can improve the paintings experience displaying the 2D digital tracings overlapped onto the real scene (rock with faint paintings). This paper presents an AR application (app) developed in Cova dels Cavalls that shows a recreation of a possible original composition full of motifs with descriptive information to improve current guided tour user experiences. This case study aims to evaluate the rock art AR app targeting non-expert visitors as a means of improving rock art knowledge and sensibility of a fragile archaeological UNESCO Work Heritage site. To achieve this, a variety of participants with different backgrounds and interests tested the AR app on site and answered a complete questionnaire about the use of AR mobile apps. Overall, the results showed great acceptance of this AR app, mainly because in addition to adding new information interactively, it helps to identify the rock art motifs, as well as to recognise them quickly, improving their understanding.The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad to the project HAR201459873-R. The authors acknowledge the authorisation of the Conselleria d'Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esports the chance to carry out research at this exceptional archaeological site.Blanco-Pons, S.; Carrión-Ruiz, B.; Lerma, JL.; Villaverde, V. (2019). Design and implementation of an augmented reality application for rock art visualization in Cova dels Cavalls (Spain). Journal of Cultural Heritage. 39:177-185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2019.03.014S1771853

    Reconstructing the Lost Reality. Archaeological Analysis and Transmedial Technologies for a Perspective of Virtual Reality in the Etruscan City of Kainua

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    This paper presents the very first results of a three-year research program concerning the digital reconstruction of an entire Etruscan town, based on a philological analysis of archaeological data. The archaeological site and the adjacent museum will be then provided with suitable systems of perception and discovery of the archaeological reality, fully reconstructed due to innovative Transmedial Technologies based on Virtual Reality and, since this work is still in progress, studied through future digital models based on historic BIM process

    Analysis and Development of Augmented Reality Applications for the Dissemination of Cultural Heritage

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La RA consiste en la superposición de elementos virtuales sobre el entorno real, de manera que el usuario percibe estos elementos como si formaran parte de la realidad que está visualizando. Las aplicaciones de RA en dispositivos móviles permiten visualizar el contenido virtual a través de la cámara del dispositivo. La RA es una herramienta de divulgación muy potente ya que permite añadir a la realidad cualquier tipo de información, desde un simple texto informativo a un modelo 3D interactivo. Tiene infinitas utilidades, puede servir de guía en un museo, puede mostrar la recreación de un monumento destruido, o como en el caso de estudio aquí presentado, ayudar a la interpretación de pinturas rupestres. Esta tesis parte de la idea de que la RA puede mejorar mucho la interpretación del arte rupestre sin alterar ni dañar las pinturas. Puede servir para atraer a un público mayor, dar a conocer la historia de las pinturas rupestres y que al mismo tiempo el visitante tenga una experiencia mucho más enriquecedora. A lo largo de la tesis se ha estudiado en profundidad la técnica de visualización de RA mediante dispositivos móviles. Se han analizado las diferentes librerías de programación mediante casos de estudio en entornos reales y examinado los factores que pueden afectar al reconocimiento de las pinturas. Se ha desarrollado una aplicación de RA aplicada a un caso real de pinturas rupestres y posteriormente ha sido evaluada por un grupo de personas. Finalmente, se ha estudiado el efecto de la luz solar y sus cambios a lo largo del día sobre el reconocimiento de imágenes en entornos al aire libre. Este trabajo proporciona un punto de partida para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de RA aplicadas a la difusión del patrimonio cultural, especialmente centrado en el arte rupestre, un entorno que sufre de unas dificultades añadidas debido a su localización, dificultad de reconocimiento de puntos característicos en las pinturas y los cambios en la luz solar, problemas que se han tratado de resolver a lo largo del estudio. Las principales conclusiones han sido muy favorables, partiendo de librerías de programación disponibles y gratuitas. Se han podido desarrollar un conjunto de aplicaciones de RA en diferentes lugares. Las valoraciones han sido muy positivas, los usuarios que han probado las aplicaciones afirman que la interpretación de las pinturas les resulta más fácil y consiguen entender mejor el propósito de las mismas. El principal inconveniente encontrado es la falta de conocimiento sobre esta técnica y la pérdida de realismo en algunos casos debido a la oclusión, es decir, que los objetos virtuales no se posicionen por detrás de los objetos reales. La buena noticia es que esta tecnología evoluciona muy rápido y durante el desarrollo de la tesis ha habido avances muy grandes, entre ellos, el desarrollo de nuevas librerías de programación desarrolladas por Google y Apple, que proporcionan las herramientas necesarias para crear aplicaciones muy potentes e immersivas, donde el usuario se sentirá parte de los entornos creados.[CA] La RA consisteix en la superposició d'elements virtuals sobre l'entorn real, de manera que l'usuari percep aquests elements com si formaren part de la realitat que està visualitzant. Les aplicacions de RA en dispositius mòbils permeten visualitzar el contingut virtual a través de la cambra del dispositiu. La RA és una eina de divulgació molt potent ja que permet afegir a la realitat qualsevol tipus d'informació, des d'un simple text informatiu a un model 3D interactiu. Té infinites utilitats, pot servir de guia en un museu, pot mostrar la recreació d'un monument destruït, o com en el cas d'estudi ací presentat, ajudar a la interpretació de pintures rupestres. Aquesta tesi parteix de la idea que la RA pot millorar molt la interpretació de l'art rupestre sense alterar ni danyar les pintures. Pot servir per a atraure a un públic major, donar a conéixer la història de les pintures rupestres i que al mateix temps el visitant tinga una experiència molt més enriquidora. Al llarg de la tesi s'ha estudiat en profunditat la tècnica de visualització de RA mitjançant dispositius mòbils. S'han analitzat les diferents llibreries de programació mitjançant casos d'estudi en entorns reals i analitzat els factors que poden afectar el reconeixement de les pintures. S'ha desenvolupat una aplicació de RA aplicada a un cas real de pintures rupestres i posteriorment ha sigut avaluada per un grup de persones. Finalment, s'ha estudiat l'efecte de la llum solar i els seus canvis al llarg del dia sobre el reconeixement d'imatges en entorns a l'aire lliure. Aquest treball proporciona un punt de partida per al desenvolupament d'aplicacions de RA aplicades a la difusió del patrimoni cultural, especialment centrat en l'art rupestre, un entorn que pateix d'unes dificultats afegides a causa de la seua localització, dificultat de reconeixement de punts característics en les pintures i els canvis en la llum solar, problemes que s'han tractat de resoldre al llarg de l'estudi. Les principals conclusions han sigut molt favorables, partint de llibreries de programació disponibles i gratuïtes. S'han pogut desenvolupar un conjunt d'aplicacions de RA en diferents llocs. Les valoracions han sigut molt positives, els usuaris que han provat les aplicacions afirmen que la interpretació de les pintures els resulta més fàcil i aconsegueixen entendre millor el propòsit d'aquestes. El principal inconvenient trobat és la falta de coneixement sobre aquesta tècnica i la perduda de realisme en alguns casos a causa de l'oclusió, és a dir, que els objectes virtuals no es posicionen per darrere dels objectes reals. La bona notícia és que aquesta tecnologia evoluciona molt ràpid i durant el desenvolupament de la tesi hi ha hagut avanços molt grans, entre ells, el desenvolupament de noves llibreries de programació per Google i Apple, que proporcionen les eines necessàries per a crear aplicacions molt potents i immersives, on l'usuari se sentirà part dels entorns creats.[EN] AR consists of superimposing virtual elements on the real environment, so that the user perceives these elements as if they were part of the reality they are looking at. AR applications on smartphones allow virtual content to be visualised through the device's camera. AR is a very powerful tool for dissemination as it allows any type of information to be added to reality, from a simple informative text to an interactive 3D model. It can be used as a guide in a museum, it can show the recreation of a destroyed monument, or, as in the case study presented here, it can help in the interpretation of cave paintings. This thesis is based on the idea that AR can greatly enhance the interpretation of rock art without affecting or damaging the paintings. It can be used to attract a wider audience, to introduce the history of the rock art paintings and at the same time provide the visitor with a much more enriching experience. Throughout the thesis, the technique of AR visualisation using mobile devices has been studied in-depth. The different programming libraries have been analysed by means of case studies in real environments as well as the factors that can affect the paintings recognition. An AR application applied to a real case of rock art paintings has been developed and subsequently evaluated by a group of people. Finally, the effect of sunlight and its changes throughout the day on image recognition in outdoor environments has been studied. This work provides a starting point for the AR applications development applied to the dissemination of cultural heritage, especially focused on rock art, an environment that suffers from additional difficulties due to its location, the difficulty of characteristic points recognition and changes in sunlight, problems that have been tried to solve throughout the study. The main outcomes have been very favourable, using freely available programming libraries, and it has been possible to develop a set of AR applications in different places. The evaluations have been very positive, with users who have tested the applications confirming that the interpretation of the paintings is easier for them and they can better understand the purpose of the paintings. The major drawback is the lack of knowledge about this technique and the loss of realism in some cases due to occlusion, i.e. the virtual objects are not positioned behind the real objects. The good news is that this technology is evolving very fast and during the development of the thesis there have been great advances, among them, the development of new programming libraries developed by Google and Apple, which provide the necessary tools to create very powerful and immersive applications, where the user will feel part of the virtual environments created.Blanco Pons, S. (2021). Analysis and Development of Augmented Reality Applications for the Dissemination of Cultural Heritage [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/178895TESISCompendi

    8th. International congress on archaeology computer graphica. Cultural heritage and innovation

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    El lema del Congreso es: 'Documentación 3D avanzada, modelado y reconstrucción de objetos patrimoniales, monumentos y sitios.Invitamos a investigadores, profesores, arqueólogos, arquitectos, ingenieros, historiadores de arte... que se ocupan del patrimonio cultural desde la arqueología, la informática gráfica y la geomática, a compartir conocimientos y experiencias en el campo de la Arqueología Virtual. La participación de investigadores y empresas de prestigio será muy apreciada. Se ha preparado un atractivo e interesante programa para participantes y visitantes.Lerma García, JL. (2016). 8th. International congress on archaeology computer graphica. Cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/73708EDITORIA