472 research outputs found

    Reconstructing Rational Functions with FireFly\texttt{FireFly}

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    We present the open-source C++\texttt{C++} library FireFly\texttt{FireFly} for the reconstruction of multivariate rational functions over finite fields. We discuss the involved algorithms and their implementation. As an application, we use FireFly\texttt{FireFly} in the context of integration-by-parts reductions and compare runtime and memory consumption to a fully algebraic approach with the program Kira\texttt{Kira}.Comment: 46 pages, 3 figures, 6 tables; v2: matches published versio

    Rational Tracer: a Tool for Faster Rational Function Reconstruction

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    Rational Tracer (Ratracer) is a tool to simplify complicated arithmetic expressions using modular arithmetics and rational function reconstruction, with the main idea of separating the construction of expressions (via tracing, i.e. recording the list of operations) and their subsequent evaluation during rational reconstruction. Ratracer can simplify arithmetic expressions (provided as text files), solutions of linear equation systems (specifically targeting Integration-by-Parts (IBP) relations between Feynman integrals), and even more generally: arbitrary sequences of rational operations, defined in C++ using the provided library ratracer.h. Any of these can also be automatically expanded into series prior to reconstruction. This paper describes the usage of Ratracer specifically focusing on IBP reduction, and demonstrates its performance benefits by comparing with Kira+FireFly and Fire6. Specifically, Ratracer achieves a typical ~10x probe time and ~5x overall time speedup over Kira+FireFly, and even higher if only a few terms in ε\varepsilon need to be reconstructed

    Integral Reduction with Kira 2.0 and Finite Field Methods

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    We present the new version 2.0 of the Feynman integral reduction program Kira and describe the new features. The primary new feature is the reconstruction of the final coefficients in integration-by-parts reductions by means of finite field methods with the help of FireFly. This procedure can be parallelized on computer clusters with MPI. Furthermore, the support for user-provided systems of equations has been significantly improved. This mode provides the flexibility to integrate Kira into projects that employ specialized reduction formulas, direct reduction of amplitudes, or to problems involving linear system of equations not limited to relations among standard Feynman integrals. We show examples from state-of-the-art Feynman integral reduction problems and provide benchmarks of the new features, demonstrating significantly reduced main memory usage and improved performance w.r.t. previous versions of Kira

    Balancing act: multivariate rational reconstruction for IBP

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    We address the problem of unambiguous reconstruction of rational functions of many variables. This is particularly relevant for recovery of exact expansion coefficients in integration-by-parts identites (IBPs) based on modular arithmetic. These IBPs are indispensable in modern approaches to evaluation of multiloop Feynman integrals by means of differential equations. Modular arithmetic is far more superior to algebraic implementations when one deals with high-multiplicity situations involving a large number of Lorentz invariants. We introduce a new method based on balanced relations which allows one to achieve the goal of a robust functional restoration with minimal data input. The technique is implemented as a Mathematica package Reconstruction.m in the FIRE6 environment and thus successfully demonstrates a proof of concept.Comment: 15 pages, 10 ancillary files with code, scripts and demo; download code @ https://bitbucket.org/feynmanIntegrals/fire/src/master/FIRE6/mm

    Virtual QCD corrections to gluon-initiated diphoton plus jet production at hadron colliders

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    We present an analytic computation of the gluon-initiated contribution to diphoton plus jet production at hadron colliders up to two loops in QCD. We reconstruct the analytic form of the finite remainders from numerical evaluations over finite fields including all colour contributions. Compact expressions are found using the pentagon function basis. We provide a fast and stable implementation for the colour- and helicity-summed interference between the one-loop and two-loop finite remainders in C++ as part of the NJet library

    Massive form factors at O(as3^3_s)

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    We report on our recent calculation of massive quark form factors using a semi-numerical approach based on series expansions of the master integrals around singular and regular kinematic points and numerical matching. The methods allows to cover the whole kinematic range of negative and positive values of the virtuality ss with at least seven significant digits accuracy

    Massive form factors at O(as3^3_s)

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    We report on our recent calculation of massive quark form factors using a semi-numerical approach based on series expansions of the master integrals around singular and regular kinematic points and numerical matching. The methods allows to cover the whole kinematic range of negative and positive values of the virtuality ss with at least seven significant digits accuracy

    Massive form factors at O(αs3)\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^3)

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    We report on our recent calculation of massive quark form factors using a semi-numerical approach based on series expansions of the master integrals around singular and regular kinematic points and numerical matching. The methods allows to cover the whole kinematic range of negative and positive values of the virtuality ss with at least seven significant digits accuracy.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, contribution to the proceedings of Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory (LL2022), Ettal, German

    The gradient flow formulation of the electroweak Hamiltonian

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