131 research outputs found

    Sorting by reversals, block interchanges, tandem duplications, and deletions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Finding sequences of evolutionary operations that transform one genome into another is a classic problem in comparative genomics. While most of the genome rearrangement algorithms assume that there is exactly one copy of each gene in both genomes, this does not reflect the biological reality very well – most of the studied genomes contain duplicated gene content, which has to be removed before applying those algorithms. However, dealing with unequal gene content is a very challenging task, and only few algorithms allow operations like duplications and deletions. Almost all of these algorithms restrict these operations to have a fixed size.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we present a heuristic algorithm to sort an ancestral genome (with unique gene content) into a genome of a descendant (with arbitrary gene content) by reversals, block interchanges, tandem duplications, and deletions, where tandem duplications and deletions are of arbitrary size.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Experimental results show that our algorithm finds sorting sequences that are close to an optimal sorting sequence when the ancestor and the descendant are closely related. The quality of the results decreases when the genomes get more diverged or the genome size increases. Nevertheless, the calculated distances give a good approximation of the true evolutionary distances.</p

    Principles of genome evolution in the Drosophila melanogaster species group.

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    That closely related species often differ by chromosomal inversions was discovered by Sturtevant and Plunkett in 1926. Our knowledge of how these inversions originate is still very limited, although a prevailing view is that they are facilitated by ectopic recombination events between inverted repetitive sequences. The availability of genome sequences of related species now allows us to study in detail the mechanisms that generate interspecific inversions. We have analyzed the breakpoint regions of the 29 inversions that differentiate the chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster and two closely related species, D. simulans and D. yakuba, and reconstructed the molecular events that underlie their origin. Experimental and computational analysis revealed that the breakpoint regions of 59% of the inversions (17/29) are associated with inverted duplications of genes or other nonrepetitive sequences. In only two cases do we find evidence for inverted repetitive sequences in inversion breakpoints. We propose that the presence of inverted duplications associated with inversion breakpoint regions is the result of staggered breaks, either isochromatid or chromatid, and that this, rather than ectopic exchange between inverted repetitive sequences, is the prevalent mechanism for the generation of inversions in the melanogaster species group. Outgroup analysis also revealed evidence for widespread breakpoint recycling. Lastly, we have found that expression domains in D. melanogaster may be disrupted in D. yakuba, bringing into question their potential adaptive significance

    Gene rearrangement analysis and ancestral order inference from chloroplast genomes with inverted repeat

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    Background Genome evolution is shaped not only by nucleotide substitutions, but also by structural changes including gene and genome duplications, insertions, deletions and gene order rearrangements. The most popular methods for reconstructing phylogeny from genome rearrangements include GRAPPA and MGR. However these methods are limited to cases where equal gene content or few deletions can be assumed. Since conserved duplicated regions are present in many chloroplast genomes, the inference of inverted repeats is needed in chloroplast phylogeny analysis and ancestral genome reconstruction. Results We extend GRAPPA and develop a new method GRAPPA-IR to handle chloroplast genomes. A test of GRAPPA-IR using divergent chloroplast genomes from land plants and green algae recovers the phylogeny congruent with prior studies, while analysis that do not consider IR structure fail to obtain the accepted topology. Our extensive simulation study also confirms that GRAPPA has better accuracy then the existing methods. Conclusions Tests on a biological and simulated dataset show GRAPPA-IR can accurately recover the genome phylogeny as well as ancestral gene orders. Close analysis of the ancestral genome structure suggests that genome rearrangement in chloroplasts is probably limited by inverted repeats with a conserved core region. In addition, the boundaries of inverted repeats are hot spots for gene duplications or deletions. The new GRAPPA-IR is available from http://phylo.cse.sc.ed

    A Methodological Framework for the Reconstruction of Contiguous Regions of Ancestral Genomes and Its Application to Mammalian Genomes

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    The reconstruction of ancestral genome architectures and gene orders from homologies between extant species is a long-standing problem, considered by both cytogeneticists and bioinformaticians. A comparison of the two approaches was recently investigated and discussed in a series of papers, sometimes with diverging points of view regarding the performance of these two approaches. We describe a general methodological framework for reconstructing ancestral genome segments from conserved syntenies in extant genomes. We show that this problem, from a computational point of view, is naturally related to physical mapping of chromosomes and benefits from using combinatorial tools developed in this scope. We develop this framework into a new reconstruction method considering conserved gene clusters with similar gene content, mimicking principles used in most cytogenetic studies, although on a different kind of data. We implement and apply it to datasets of mammalian genomes. We perform intensive theoretical and experimental comparisons with other bioinformatics methods for ancestral genome segments reconstruction. We show that the method that we propose is stable and reliable: it gives convergent results using several kinds of data at different levels of resolution, and all predicted ancestral regions are well supported. The results come eventually very close to cytogenetics studies. It suggests that the comparison of methods for ancestral genome reconstruction should include the algorithmic aspects of the methods as well as the disciplinary differences in data aquisition

    A framework for orthology assignment from gene rearrangement data

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    Abstract. Gene rearrangements have successfully been used in phylogenetic reconstruction and comparative genomics, but usually under the assumption that all genomes have the same gene content and that no gene is duplicated. While these assumptions allow one to work with organellar genomes, they are too restrictive when comparing nuclear genomes. The main challenge is how to deal with gene families, specifically, how to identify orthologs. While searching for orthologies is a common task in computational biology, it is usually done using sequence data. We approach that problem using gene rearrangement data, provide an optimization framework in which to phrase the problem, and present some preliminary theoretical results.

    Parsimony and likelihood reconstruction of human segmental duplications

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    Motivation: Segmental duplications > 1 kb in length with ≥ 90% sequence identity between copies comprise nearly 5% of the human genome. They are frequently found in large, contiguous regions known as duplication blocks that can contain mosaic patterns of thousands of segmental duplications. Reconstructing the evolutionary history of these complex genomic regions is a non-trivial, but important task

    Distance-Based Genome Rearrangement Phylogeny

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    Evolution operates on whole genomes through direct rearrangements of genes, such as inversions, transpositions, and inverted transpositions, as well as through operations, such as duplications, losses, and transfers, that also affect the gene content of the genomes. Because these events are rare relative to nucleotide substitutions, gene order data offer the possibility of resolving ancient branches in the tree of life; the combination of gene order data with sequence data also has the potential to provide more robust phylogenetic reconstructions, since each can elucidate evolution at different time scales. Distance corrections greatly improve the accuracy of phylogeny reconstructions from DNA sequences, enabling distance-based methods to approach the accuracy of the more elaborate methods based on parsimony or likelihood at a fraction of the computational cost. This paper focuses on developing distance correction methods for phylogeny reconstruction from whole genomes. The main question we investigate is how to estimate evolutionary histories from whole genomes with equal gene content, and we present a technique, the empirically derived estimator (EDE), that we have developed for this purpose. We study the use of EDE on whole genomes with identical gene content, and we explore the accuracy of phylogenies inferred using EDE with the neighbor joining and minimum evolution methods under a wide range of model conditions. Our study shows that tree reconstruction under these two methods is much more accurate when based on EDE distances than when based on other distances previously suggested for whole genomes

    Limited Lifespan of Fragile Regions in Mammalian Evolution

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    An important question in genome evolution is whether there exist fragile regions (rearrangement hotspots) where chromosomal rearrangements are happening over and over again. Although nearly all recent studies supported the existence of fragile regions in mammalian genomes, the most comprehensive phylogenomic study of mammals (Ma et al. (2006) Genome Research 16, 1557-1565) raised some doubts about their existence. We demonstrate that fragile regions are subject to a "birth and death" process, implying that fragility has limited evolutionary lifespan. This finding implies that fragile regions migrate to different locations in different mammals, explaining why there exist only a few chromosomal breakpoints shared between different lineages. The birth and death of fragile regions phenomenon reinforces the hypothesis that rearrangements are promoted by matching segmental duplications and suggests putative locations of the currently active fragile regions in the human genome