3 research outputs found

    Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Sequences by Enforcing Time-Consistency

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    We propose a novel approach to reconstructing curvilinear tree structures evolving over time, such as road networks in 2D aerial images or neural structures in 3D microscopy stacks acquired in vivo. To enforce temporal consistency, we simultaneously process all images in a sequence, as opposed to reconstructing structures of interest in each image independently. We formulate the problem as a Quadratic Mixed Integer Program and demonstrate the additional robustness that comes from using all available visual clues at once, instead of working frame by frame. Furthermore, when the linear structures undergo local changes over time, our approach automatically detects them

    Automated Reconstruction of Evolving Curvilinear Tree Structures

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    Curvilinear networks are prevalent in nature and span many different scales, ranging from micron-scale neural structures in the brain to petameter-scale dark-matter arbors binding massive galaxy clusters. Reliably reconstructing them in an automated fashion is of great value in many different scientific domains. However, it remains an open Computer Vision problem. In this thesis we focus on automatically delineating curvilinear tree structures in images of the same object of interest taken at different time instants. Unlike virtually all of the existing methods approaching the task of tree structures delineation we process all the images at once. This is useful in the more ambiguous regions and allows to reason for the tree structure that fits best to all the acquired data. We propose two methods that utilize this principle of temporal consistency to achieve results of higher quality compared to single time instant methods. The first, simpler method starts by building an overcomplete graph representation of the final solution in all time instants while simultaneously obtaining correspondences between image features across time. We then define an objective function with a temporal consistency prior and reconstruct the structures in all images at once by solving a mathematical optimization. The role of the prior is to encourage solutions where for two consecutive time instants corresponding candidate edges are either both retained or both rejected from the final solution. The second multiple time instant method uses the same overcomplete graph principle but handles the temporal consistency in a more robust way. Instead of focusing on the very local consistency of single edges of the overcomplete graph we propose a method for describing topological relationships. This favors solutions whose connectivity is consistent over time. We show that by making the temporal consistency more global we achieve additional robustness to errors in the initial features matching step, which is shared by both the approaches. In the end, this yields superior performance. Furthermore, an added benefit of both our approaches is the ability to automatically detect places where significant changes have occurred over time, which is challenging when considering large amounts of data. We also propose a simple single time instant method for delineating tree structures. It computes a Minimum Spanning Arborescence of an initial overcomplete graph and proceeds to optimally prune spurious branches. This yields results of lower but still competitive quality compared to the mathematical optimization based methods, while keeping low computational complexity. Our methods can applied to both 2D and 3D data. We demonstrate their performance in 3D on microscopy volumes of mouse brain and rat brain. We also test them in 2D on time-lapse images of a growing runner bean and aerial images of a road network

    Learning Approach to Delineation of Curvilinear Structures in 2D and 3D Images

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    Detection of curvilinear structures has long been of interest due to its wide range of applications. Large amounts of imaging data could be readily used in many fields, but it is practically not possible to analyze them manually. Hence, the need for automated delineation approaches. In the recent years Computer Vision witnessed a paradigm shift from mathematical modelling to data-driven methods based on Machine Learning. This led to improvements in performance and robustness of the detection algorithms. Nonetheless, most Machine Learning methods are general-purpose and they do not exploit the specificity of the delineation problem. In this thesis, we present learning methods suited for this task and we apply them to various kinds of microscopic and natural images, proving the general applicability of the presented solutions. First, we introduce a topology loss - a new training loss term, which captures higher-level features of curvilinear networks such as smoothness, connectivity and continuity. This is in contrast to most Deep Learning segmentation methods that do not take into account the geometry of the resulting prediction. In order to compute the new loss term, we extract topology features of prediction and ground-truth using a pre-trained network, whose filters are activated by structures at different scales and orientations. We show that this approach yields better results in terms of conventional segmentation metrics and overall topology of the resulting delineation. Although segmentation of curvilinear structures provides useful information, it is not always sufficient. In many cases, such as neuroscience and cartography, it is crucial to estimate the network connectivity. In order to find the graph representation of the structure depicted in the image, we propose an approach for joint segmentation and connection classification. Apart from pixel probabilities, this approach also returns the likelihood of a proposed path being a part of the reconstructed network. We show that segmentation and path classification are closely related tasks and can benefit from the synergy. The aforementioned methods rely on Machine Learning, which requires significant amounts of annotated ground-truth data to train models. The labelling process often requires expertise, it is costly and tiresome. To alleviate this problem, we introduce an Active Learning method that significantly decreases the time spent on annotating images. It queries the annotator only about the most informative examples, in this case the hypothetical paths belonging to the structure of interest. Contrary to conventional Active Learning methods, our approach exploits local consistency of linear paths to pick the ones that stand out from their neighborhood. Our final contribution is a method suited for both Active Learning and proofreading the result, which often requires more time than the automated delineation itself. It investigates edges of the delineation graph and determines the ones that are especially significant for the global reconstruction by perturbing their weights. Our Active Learning and proofreading strategies are combined with a new efficient formulation of an optimal subgraph computation and reduce the annotation effort by up to 80%