44 research outputs found

    Identifying opportunities for dynamic circuit specialization

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    This work describes the identification of designs that benefit from a Dynamic Circuit Specialization (DCS) implementation on FPGAs. In DCS, the circuit is specialized for slowly changing inputs, called parameters. For certain applications or cores, a DCS implementation is faster and smaller than the original implementation. However, the best DCS implementation can be hard to identify, as it requires the designer to be familiar with both the design and DCS. In this paper, we present a profiling tool to aid the designer in analyzing the feasibility of a DCS implementation. It automatically provides a functional density estimate for the most interesting DCS implementations

    The density advantage of configurable computing

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    More and more, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are accelerating computing applications. The absolute performance achieved by these configurable machines has been impressive-often one to two orders of magnitude greater than processor-based alternatives. Configurable computing is one of the fastest, most economical ways to solve problems such as RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adelman) decryption, DNA sequence matching, signal processing, emulation, and cryptographic attacks. But questions remain as to why FPGAs have been so much more successful than their microprocessor and DSP counterparts. Do FPGA architectures have inherent advantages? Or are these examples just flukes of technology and market pricing? Will advantages increase, decrease, or remain the same as technology advances? Is there some generalization that accounts for the advantages in these cases? The author attempts to answer these questions and to see how configurable computing fits into the arsenal of structures used to build general, programmable computing platforms

    Reconfigurable Computing for Space

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    A polymorphic hardware platform

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    In the domain of spatial computing, it appears that platforms based on either reconfigurable datapath units or on hybrid microprocessor/logic cell organizations are in the ascendancy as they appear to offer the most efficient means of providing resources across the greatest range of hardware designs. This paper encompasses an initial exploration of an alternative organization. It looks at the effect of using a very fine-grained approach based on a largely undifferentiated logic cell that can be configured to operate as a state element, logic or interconnect - or combinations of all three. A vertical layout style hides the overheads imposed by reconfigurability to an extent where very fine-grained organizations become a viable option. It is demonstrated that the technique can be used to develop building blocks for both synchronous and asynchronous circuits, supporting the development of hybrid architectures such as globally asynchronous, locally synchronous

    Packet Switched vs. Time Multiplexed FPGA Overlay Networks

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    Dedicated, spatially configured FPGA interconnect is efficient for applications that require high throughput connections between processing elements (PEs) but with a limited degree of PE interconnectivity (e.g. wiring up gates and datapaths). Applications which virtualize PEs may require a large number of distinct PE-to-PE connections (e.g. using one PE to simulate 100s of operators, each requiring input data from thousands of other operators), but with each connection having low throughput compared with the PE’s operating cycle time. In these highly interconnected conditions, dedicating spatial interconnect resources for all possible connections is costly and inefficient. Alternatively, we can time share physical network resources by virtualizing interconnect links, either by statically scheduling the sharing of resources prior to runtime or by dynamically negotiating resources at runtime. We explore the tradeoffs (e.g. area, route latency, route quality) between time-multiplexed and packet-switched networks overlayed on top of commodity FPGAs. We demonstrate modular and scalable networks which operate on a Xilinx XC2V6000-4 at 166MHz. For our applications, time-multiplexed, offline scheduling offers up to a 63% performance increase over online, packet-switched scheduling for equivalent topologies. When applying designs to equivalent area, packet-switching is up to 2× faster for small area designs while time-multiplexing is up to 5× faster for larger area designs. When limited to the capacity of a XC2V6000, if all communication is known, time-multiplexed routing outperforms packet-switching; however when the active set of links drops below 40% of the potential links, packet-switched routing can outperform time-multiplexing

    How to efficiently reconfigure tunable lookup tables for dynamic circuit specialization

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    Dynamic Circuit Specialization is used to optimize the implementation of a parameterized application on an FPGA. Instead of implementing the parameters as regular inputs, in the DCS approach these inputs are implemented as constants. When the parameter values change, the design is reoptimized for the new constant values by reconfiguring the FPGA. This allows faster and more resource-efficient implementation but investigations have shown that reconfiguration time is the major limitation for DCS implementation on Xilinx FPGAs. The limitation arises from the use of inefficient reconfiguration methods in conventional DCS implementation. To address this issue, we propose different approaches to reduce the reconfiguration time drastically and improve the reconfiguration speed. In this context, this paper presents the use of custom reconfiguration controllers and custom reconfiguration software drivers, along with placement constraints to shorten the reconfiguration time. Our results show an improvement in the reconfiguration speed by at least a factor 14 by using Xilinx reconfiguration controller along with placement constraints. However, the improvement can go up to a factor 40 with the combination of a custom reconfiguration controller, custom software drivers, and placement constraints. We also observe depreciation in the system’s performance by at least 6% due to placement constraints

    An FPGA architecture with enhanced datapath functionality

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    Identification of dynamic circuit specialization opportunities in RTL code

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    Dynamic Circuit Specialization (DCS) optimizes a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) design by assuming a set of its input signals are constant for a reasonable amount of time, leading to a smaller and faster FPGA circuit. When the signals actually change, a new circuit is loaded into the FPGA through runtime reconfiguration. The signals the design is specialized for are called parameters. For certain designs, parameters can be selected so the DCS implementation is both smaller and faster than the original implementation. However, DCS also introduces an overhead that is difficult for the designer to take into account, making it hard to determine whether a design is improved by DCS or not. This article presents extensive results on a profiling methodology that analyses Register-Transfer Level (RTL) implementations of applications to check if DCS would be beneficial. It proposes to use the functional density as a measure for the area efficiency of an implementation, as this measure contains both the overhead and the gains of a DCS implementation. The first step of the methodology is to analyse the dynamic behaviour of signals in the design, to find good parameter candidates. The overhead of DCS is highly dependent on this dynamic behaviour. A second stage calculates the functional density for each candidate and compares it to the functional density of the original design. The profiling methodology resulted in three implementations of a profiling tool, the DCS-RTL profiler. The execution time, accuracy, and the quality of each implementation is assessed based on data from 10 RTL designs. All designs, except for the two 16-bit adaptable Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters, are analysed in 1 hour or less