845 research outputs found

    FPSA: A Full System Stack Solution for Reconfigurable ReRAM-based NN Accelerator Architecture

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    Neural Network (NN) accelerators with emerging ReRAM (resistive random access memory) technologies have been investigated as one of the promising solutions to address the \textit{memory wall} challenge, due to the unique capability of \textit{processing-in-memory} within ReRAM-crossbar-based processing elements (PEs). However, the high efficiency and high density advantages of ReRAM have not been fully utilized due to the huge communication demands among PEs and the overhead of peripheral circuits. In this paper, we propose a full system stack solution, composed of a reconfigurable architecture design, Field Programmable Synapse Array (FPSA) and its software system including neural synthesizer, temporal-to-spatial mapper, and placement & routing. We highly leverage the software system to make the hardware design compact and efficient. To satisfy the high-performance communication demand, we optimize it with a reconfigurable routing architecture and the placement & routing tool. To improve the computational density, we greatly simplify the PE circuit with the spiking schema and then adopt neural synthesizer to enable the high density computation-resources to support different kinds of NN operations. In addition, we provide spiking memory blocks (SMBs) and configurable logic blocks (CLBs) in hardware and leverage the temporal-to-spatial mapper to utilize them to balance the storage and computation requirements of NN. Owing to the end-to-end software system, we can efficiently deploy existing deep neural networks to FPSA. Evaluations show that, compared to one of state-of-the-art ReRAM-based NN accelerators, PRIME, the computational density of FPSA improves by 31x; for representative NNs, its inference performance can achieve up to 1000x speedup.Comment: Accepted by ASPLOS 201

    A CMOS Spiking Neuron for Dense Memristor-Synapse Connectivity for Brain-Inspired Computing

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    Neuromorphic systems that densely integrate CMOS spiking neurons and nano-scale memristor synapses open a new avenue of brain-inspired computing. Existing silicon neurons have molded neural biophysical dynamics but are incompatible with memristor synapses, or used extra training circuitry thus eliminating much of the density advantages gained by using memristors, or were energy inefficient. Here we describe a novel CMOS spiking leaky integrate-and-fire neuron circuit. Building on a reconfigurable architecture with a single opamp, the described neuron accommodates a large number of memristor synapses, and enables online spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) learning with optimized power consumption. Simulation results of an 180nm CMOS design showed 97% power efficiency metric when realizing STDP learning in 10,000 memristor synapses with a nominal 1M{\Omega} memristance, and only 13{\mu}A current consumption when integrating input spikes. Therefore, the described CMOS neuron contributes a generalized building block for large-scale brain-inspired neuromorphic systems.Comment: This is a preprint of an article accepted for publication in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 201

    Experimental study of artificial neural networks using a digital memristor simulator

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a fully digital implementation of a memristor hardware simulator, as the core of an emulator, based on a behavioral model of voltage-controlled threshold-type bipolar memristors. Compared to other analog solutions, the proposed digital design is compact, easily reconfigurable, demonstrates very good matching with the mathematical model on which it is based, and complies with all the required features for memristor emulators. We validated its functionality using Altera Quartus II and ModelSim tools targeting low-cost yet powerful field programmable gate array (FPGA) families. We tested its suitability for complex memristive circuits as well as its synapse functioning in artificial neural networks (ANNs), implementing examples of associative memory and unsupervised learning of spatio-temporal correlations in parallel input streams using a simplified STDP. We provide the full circuit schematics of all our digital circuit designs and comment on the required hardware resources and their scaling trends, thus presenting a design framework for applications based on our hardware simulator.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Compact CMOS Memristor Emulator Circuit and its Applications

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    Conceptual memristors have recently gathered wider interest due to their diverse application in non-von Neumann computing, machine learning, neuromorphic computing, and chaotic circuits. We introduce a compact CMOS circuit that emulates idealized memristor characteristics and can bridge the gap between concepts to chip-scale realization by transcending device challenges. The CMOS memristor circuit embodies a two-terminal variable resistor whose resistance is controlled by the voltage applied across its terminals. The memristor 'state' is held in a capacitor that controls the resistor value. This work presents the design and simulation of the memristor emulation circuit, and applies it to a memcomputing application of maze solving using analog parallelism. Furthermore, the memristor emulator circuit can be designed and fabricated using standard commercial CMOS technologies and opens doors to interesting applications in neuromorphic and machine learning circuits.Comment: Submitted to International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 201
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