4,402 research outputs found

    Semantic Embedding Space for Zero-Shot Action Recognition

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    The number of categories for action recognition is growing rapidly. It is thus becoming increasingly hard to collect sufficient training data to learn conventional models for each category. This issue may be ameliorated by the increasingly popular 'zero-shot learning' (ZSL) paradigm. In this framework a mapping is constructed between visual features and a human interpretable semantic description of each category, allowing categories to be recognised in the absence of any training data. Existing ZSL studies focus primarily on image data, and attribute-based semantic representations. In this paper, we address zero-shot recognition in contemporary video action recognition tasks, using semantic word vector space as the common space to embed videos and category labels. This is more challenging because the mapping between the semantic space and space-time features of videos containing complex actions is more complex and harder to learn. We demonstrate that a simple self-training and data augmentation strategy can significantly improve the efficacy of this mapping. Experiments on human action datasets including HMDB51 and UCF101 demonstrate that our approach achieves the state-of-the-art zero-shot action recognition performance.Comment: 5 page

    Spatial-Aware Object Embeddings for Zero-Shot Localization and Classification of Actions

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    We aim for zero-shot localization and classification of human actions in video. Where traditional approaches rely on global attribute or object classification scores for their zero-shot knowledge transfer, our main contribution is a spatial-aware object embedding. To arrive at spatial awareness, we build our embedding on top of freely available actor and object detectors. Relevance of objects is determined in a word embedding space and further enforced with estimated spatial preferences. Besides local object awareness, we also embed global object awareness into our embedding to maximize actor and object interaction. Finally, we exploit the object positions and sizes in the spatial-aware embedding to demonstrate a new spatio-temporal action retrieval scenario with composite queries. Action localization and classification experiments on four contemporary action video datasets support our proposal. Apart from state-of-the-art results in the zero-shot localization and classification settings, our spatial-aware embedding is even competitive with recent supervised action localization alternatives.Comment: ICC

    Multi-Label Zero-Shot Human Action Recognition via Joint Latent Ranking Embedding

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    Human action recognition refers to automatic recognizing human actions from a video clip. In reality, there often exist multiple human actions in a video stream. Such a video stream is often weakly-annotated with a set of relevant human action labels at a global level rather than assigning each label to a specific video episode corresponding to a single action, which leads to a multi-label learning problem. Furthermore, there are many meaningful human actions in reality but it would be extremely difficult to collect/annotate video clips regarding all of various human actions, which leads to a zero-shot learning scenario. To the best of our knowledge, there is no work that has addressed all the above issues together in human action recognition. In this paper, we formulate a real-world human action recognition task as a multi-label zero-shot learning problem and propose a framework to tackle this problem in a holistic way. Our framework holistically tackles the issue of unknown temporal boundaries between different actions for multi-label learning and exploits the side information regarding the semantic relationship between different human actions for knowledge transfer. Consequently, our framework leads to a joint latent ranking embedding for multi-label zero-shot human action recognition. A novel neural architecture of two component models and an alternate learning algorithm are proposed to carry out the joint latent ranking embedding learning. Thus, multi-label zero-shot recognition is done by measuring relatedness scores of action labels to a test video clip in the joint latent visual and semantic embedding spaces. We evaluate our framework with different settings, including a novel data split scheme designed especially for evaluating multi-label zero-shot learning, on two datasets: Breakfast and Charades. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures and 7 tables. Technical report submitted to a journal. More experimental results/references were added and typos were correcte

    Sherlock: Scalable Fact Learning in Images

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    We study scalable and uniform understanding of facts in images. Existing visual recognition systems are typically modeled differently for each fact type such as objects, actions, and interactions. We propose a setting where all these facts can be modeled simultaneously with a capacity to understand unbounded number of facts in a structured way. The training data comes as structured facts in images, including (1) objects (e.g., ),(2)attributes(e.g.,), (2) attributes (e.g., ), (3) actions (e.g., ),and(4)interactions(e.g.,), and (4) interactions (e.g., ). Each fact has a semantic language view (e.g., ) and a visual view (an image with this fact). We show that learning visual facts in a structured way enables not only a uniform but also generalizable visual understanding. We propose and investigate recent and strong approaches from the multiview learning literature and also introduce two learning representation models as potential baselines. We applied the investigated methods on several datasets that we augmented with structured facts and a large scale dataset of more than 202,000 facts and 814,000 images. Our experiments show the advantage of relating facts by the structure by the proposed models compared to the designed baselines on bidirectional fact retrieval.Comment: Jan 7 Updat

    Recent Advances in Transfer Learning for Cross-Dataset Visual Recognition: A Problem-Oriented Perspective

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    This paper takes a problem-oriented perspective and presents a comprehensive review of transfer learning methods, both shallow and deep, for cross-dataset visual recognition. Specifically, it categorises the cross-dataset recognition into seventeen problems based on a set of carefully chosen data and label attributes. Such a problem-oriented taxonomy has allowed us to examine how different transfer learning approaches tackle each problem and how well each problem has been researched to date. The comprehensive problem-oriented review of the advances in transfer learning with respect to the problem has not only revealed the challenges in transfer learning for visual recognition, but also the problems (e.g. eight of the seventeen problems) that have been scarcely studied. This survey not only presents an up-to-date technical review for researchers, but also a systematic approach and a reference for a machine learning practitioner to categorise a real problem and to look up for a possible solution accordingly

    Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning with Structured Knowledge Graphs

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    In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning architecture for multi-label zero-shot learning (ML-ZSL), which is able to predict multiple unseen class labels for each input instance. Inspired by the way humans utilize semantic knowledge between objects of interests, we propose a framework that incorporates knowledge graphs for describing the relationships between multiple labels. Our model learns an information propagation mechanism from the semantic label space, which can be applied to model the interdependencies between seen and unseen class labels. With such investigation of structured knowledge graphs for visual reasoning, we show that our model can be applied for solving multi-label classification and ML-ZSL tasks. Compared to state-of-the-art approaches, comparable or improved performances can be achieved by our method.Comment: CVPR 201

    Universal Prototype Transport for Zero-Shot Action Recognition and Localization

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    This work addresses the problem of recognizing action categories in videos when no training examples are available. The current state-of-the-art enables such a zero-shot recognition by learning universal mappings from videos to a semantic space, either trained on large-scale seen actions or on objects. While effective, we find that universal action and object mappings are biased to specific regions in the semantic space. These biases lead to a fundamental problem: many unseen action categories are simply never inferred during testing. For example on UCF-101, a quarter of the unseen actions are out of reach with a state-of-the-art universal action model. To that end, this paper introduces universal prototype transport for zero-shot action recognition. The main idea is to re-position the semantic prototypes of unseen actions by matching them to the distribution of all test videos. For universal action models, we propose to match distributions through a hyperspherical optimal transport from unseen action prototypes to the set of all projected test videos. The resulting transport couplings in turn determine the target prototype for each unseen action. Rather than directly using the target prototype as final result, we re-position unseen action prototypes along the geodesic spanned by the original and target prototypes as a form of semantic regularization. For universal object models, we outline a variant that defines target prototypes based on an optimal transport between unseen action prototypes and object prototypes. Empirically, we show that universal prototype transport diminishes the biased selection of unseen action prototypes and boosts both universal action and object models for zero-shot classification and spatio-temporal localization

    Robotic Pick-and-Place of Novel Objects in Clutter with Multi-Affordance Grasping and Cross-Domain Image Matching

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    This paper presents a robotic pick-and-place system that is capable of grasping and recognizing both known and novel objects in cluttered environments. The key new feature of the system is that it handles a wide range of object categories without needing any task-specific training data for novel objects. To achieve this, it first uses a category-agnostic affordance prediction algorithm to select and execute among four different grasping primitive behaviors. It then recognizes picked objects with a cross-domain image classification framework that matches observed images to product images. Since product images are readily available for a wide range of objects (e.g., from the web), the system works out-of-the-box for novel objects without requiring any additional training data. Exhaustive experimental results demonstrate that our multi-affordance grasping achieves high success rates for a wide variety of objects in clutter, and our recognition algorithm achieves high accuracy for both known and novel grasped objects. The approach was part of the MIT-Princeton Team system that took 1st place in the stowing task at the 2017 Amazon Robotics Challenge. All code, datasets, and pre-trained models are available online at http://arc.cs.princeton.eduComment: Project webpage: http://arc.cs.princeton.edu Summary video: https://youtu.be/6fG7zwGfIk
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