234,410 research outputs found

    Human action recognition via skeletal and depth based feature fusion

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    This paper addresses the problem of recognizing human actions captured with depth cameras. Human action recognition is a challenging task as the articulated action data is high dimensional in both spatial and temporal domains. An effective approach to handle this complexity is to divide human body into different body parts according to human skeletal joint positions, and performs recognition based on these part-based feature descriptors. Since different types of features could share some similar hidden structures, and different actions may be well characterized by properties common to all features (sharable structure) and those specific to a feature (specific structure), we propose a joint group sparse regression-based learning method to model each action. Our method can mine the sharable and specific structures among its part-based multiple features meanwhile imposing the importance of these part-based feature structures by joint group sparse regularization, in favor of discriminative part-based feature structure selection. To represent the dynamics and appearance of the human body parts, we employ part-based multiple features extracted from skeleton and depth data respectively. Then, using the group sparse regularization techniques, we have derived an algorithm for mining the key part-based features in the proposed learning framework. The resulting features derived from the learnt weight matrices are more discriminative for multi-task classification. Through extensive experiments on three public datasets, we demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing methods

    On recognizing actions in still images via multiple features

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    We propose a multi-cue based approach for recognizing human actions in still images, where relevant object regions are discovered and utilized in a weakly supervised manner. Our approach does not require any explicitly trained object detector or part/attribute annotation. Instead, a multiple instance learning approach is used over sets of object hypotheses in order to represent objects relevant to the actions. We test our method on the extensive Stanford 40 Actions dataset [1] and achieve significant performance gain compared to the state-of-the-art. Our results show that using multiple object hypotheses within multiple instance learning is effective for human action recognition in still images and such an object representation is suitable for using in conjunction with other visual features. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    Ensembles of Deep Neural Networks for Action Recognition in Still Images

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    Despite the fact that notable improvements have been made recently in the field of feature extraction and classification, human action recognition is still challenging, especially in images, in which, unlike videos, there is no motion. Thus, the methods proposed for recognizing human actions in videos cannot be applied to still images. A big challenge in action recognition in still images is the lack of large enough datasets, which is problematic for training deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) due to the overfitting issue. In this paper, by taking advantage of pre-trained CNNs, we employ the transfer learning technique to tackle the lack of massive labeled action recognition datasets. Furthermore, since the last layer of the CNN has class-specific information, we apply an attention mechanism on the output feature maps of the CNN to extract more discriminative and powerful features for classification of human actions. Moreover, we use eight different pre-trained CNNs in our framework and investigate their performance on Stanford 40 dataset. Finally, we propose using the Ensemble Learning technique to enhance the overall accuracy of action classification by combining the predictions of multiple models. The best setting of our method is able to achieve 93.17%\% accuracy on the Stanford 40 dataset.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, Accepted by ICCKE 201

    Action Recognition Using Particle Flow Fields

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    In recent years, research in human action recognition has advanced on multiple fronts to address various types of actions including simple, isolated actions in staged data (e.g., KTH dataset), complex actions (e.g., Hollywood dataset), and naturally occurring actions in surveillance videos (e.g, VIRAT dataset). Several techniques including those based on gradient, flow, and interest-points, have been developed for their recognition. Most perform very well in standard action recognition datasets, but fail to produce similar results in more complex, large-scale datasets. Action recognition on large categories of unconstrained videos taken from the web is a very challenging problem compared to datasets like KTH (six actions), IXMAS (thirteen actions), and Weizmann (ten actions). Challenges such as camera motion, different viewpoints, huge interclass variations, cluttered background, occlusions, bad illumination conditions, and poor quality of web videos cause the majority of the state-of-the-art action recognition approaches to fail. An increasing number of categories and the inclusion of actions with high confusion also increase the difficulty of the problem. The approach taken to solve this action recognition problem depends primarily on the dataset and the possibility of detecting and tracking the object of interest. In this dissertation, a new method for video representation is proposed and three new approaches to perform action recognition in different scenarios using varying prerequisites are presented. The prerequisites have decreasing levels of difficulty to obtain: 1) Scenario requires human detection and trackiii ing to perform action recognition; 2) Scenario requires background and foreground separation to perform action recognition; and 3) No pre-processing is required for action recognition. First, we propose a new video representation using optical flow and particle advection. The proposed “Particle Flow Field” (PFF) representation has been used to generate motion descriptors and tested in a Bag of Video Words (BoVW) framework on the KTH dataset. We show that particle flow fields has better performance than other low-level video representations, such as 2D-Gradients, 3D-Gradients and optical flow. Second, we analyze the performance of the state-of-the-art technique based on the histogram of oriented 3D-Gradients in spatio temporal volumes, where human detection and tracking are required. We use the proposed particle flow field and show superior results compared to the histogram of oriented 3D-Gradients in spatio temporal volumes. The proposed method, when used for human action recognition, just needs human detection and does not necessarily require human tracking and figure centric bounding boxes. It has been tested on KTH (six actions), Weizmann (ten actions), and IXMAS (thirteen actions, 4 different views) action recognition datasets. Third, we propose using the scene context information obtained from moving and stationary pixels in the key frames, in conjunction with motion descriptors obtained using Bag of Words framework, to solve the action recognition problem on a large (50 actions) dataset with videos from the web. We perform a combination of early and late fusion on multiple features to handle the huge number of categories. We demonstrate that scene context is a very important feature for performing action recognition on huge datasets. iv The proposed method needs separation of moving and stationary pixels, and does not require any kind of video stabilization, person detection, or tracking and pruning of features. Our approach obtains good performance on a huge number of action categories. It has been tested on the UCF50 dataset with 50 action categories, which is an extension of the UCF YouTube Action (UCF11) Dataset containing 11 action categories. We also tested our approach on the KTH and HMDB51 datasets for comparison. Finally, we focus on solving practice problems in representing actions by bag of spatio temporal features (i.e. cuboids), which has proven valuable for action recognition in recent literature. We observed that the visual vocabulary based (bag of video words) method suffers from many drawbacks in practice, such as: (i) It requires an intensive training stage to obtain good performance; (ii) it is sensitive to the vocabulary size; (iii) it is unable to cope with incremental recognition problems; (iv) it is unable to recognize simultaneous multiple actions; (v) it is unable to perform recognition frame by frame. In order to overcome these drawbacks, we propose a framework to index large scale motion features using Sphere/Rectangle-tree (SR-tree) for incremental action detection and recognition. The recognition comprises of the following two steps: 1) recognizing the local features by non-parametric nearest neighbor (NN), and 2) using a simple voting strategy to label the action. It can also provide localization of the action. Since it does not require feature quantization it can efficiently grow the feature-tree by adding features from new training actions or categories. Our method provides an effective way for practical incremental action recognition. Furthermore, it can handle large scale datasets because the SR-tree is a disk-based v data structure. We tested our approach on two publicly available datasets, the KTH dataset and the IXMAS multi-view dataset, and achieved promising results